
I thought meditation would train my mind

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I thought disciplined meditation would train my mind to be quiet, but I’ve found there is no such thing as that. On this level, the brain truly is just an appearance in the dream world.

What seems to determine the focus or lack thereof of my mind has more to do with which ancestor or entity I’ve had in my aura lately, and how many stressors are appearing in my 3D reality.

But over the past year I’ve had experiences of meditating on nonduality for 4 hours, then getting up and seeming to fall right back into a thought form of agitation. Similarly I’ve gone without meditation and reached very calm clear states of mind after a run or an orgasm.

It frustrates me that there seems to be no progressive way to train and discipline my mind, it’s just one more appearance in the dream world, of which my control over is only illusory.

Anyone else have this experience, oh fellow appearances in the dream world?

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I went to a 10 day meditation retreat last summer, and it didn’t really seem to do anything but train my ability to sit. I saw a lot of dots and colors though.

But as for quieting the mind, there seems to be a whole ecosystem of my personal thought forms, plus ancestors, entities, and guides all constantly dropping thoughts into my awareness.

There is actually a massive amount of activity on this level going on all around me all the time, constant signs and synchronicities to the point that im kinda bored of the whole thing. They all seem to want me to live some storyline or another.

My ancestors are constantly advocating for their chosen religions regardless of how long I’ve been rejecting them. I get articles on my social medias about Islam and Christianity constantly, because that’s what my extended family and ancestors practiced, even though I walked away from Islam decades ago.

At this point I can silence my mind in under a minute, and can reach deep silence reliably in maybe 20 mins or so. But I thought meditation would help silence this constant cacophony and it kinda makes me laugh that so much of what I thought was a distracted or dopamine-addled mind was really just the effects of these perspectives that seem to be around me whether I want them to be or not…

Anyone else?

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Have to keep at it. Mind is stubborn and wants to run life on your behalf. Meditation takes back control but everything in life will tell you not to do it and just go with the crowd. Meditation is the cheat code. You have to be serious and make it a life priority. Best to meditate before the world around you has arisen from bed, like 5am or earlier. For many years I slept at 7pm and sat at 3am and it paid off.

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Resistance to emotions and experiences is a part of the problem. Keep meditating and allow yourself to express these energies, give them some space, don't instinctively see them as something to get rid of.

Now, you don't have to necessarily start lashing out at people or making rash decisions based on every emotional impulse, but simply allow emotions the benefit of the doubt and the starting assumption of openness.

Meditating a lot like you do makes you very aware of your emotions. You see more of them, their causes and consequences, and you might have a strong desire to get rid of them because of that, but you might be setting your sights a bit too high and being a bit too harsh on yourself, at least for now.

So allow yourself some emotions, allow yourself some emotional control, and keep meditating, and you might see things get a lot better quite quickly.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Push the energy in your brain to the frontal cortex and keep it there. Notice anything that is behind the frontal cortex and ignore it. Keep dark part of reality inside of you what it is there is no one in thetr. You dont need to sit you can move around and keep doing it. You can accomplish goals and meditate at the same time. If sitting sucks go for a long walk and practice the method while walking. Just keep 'yourself' flat against the screen of life.

Edited by Hojo

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Btw, I’m more of a newbie when it comes to meditation, but vispassana may help. Frank yang has some good videos on YouTube about it.

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@thedoorsareopen What type of meditation have you been doing? Not all types of meditations are expected to bring tranquility


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Started with nonduality, meditating on I Am. Have done a lot of heart chakra meditation. I learned Vipassana at the retreat I went to. Working my way thru the Gateway Tapes and have experimented with Carlos Casteneda’s techniques. Pranayama, energy work, a lot of chakra work, plus mantras. Starting to work with the Violet Flame and the spiritual rays now.

Edited by thedoorsareopen

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2 hours ago, thedoorsareopen said:

Started with nonduality, meditating on I Am. Have done a lot of heart chakra meditation. I learned Vipassana at the retreat I went to. Working my way thru the Gateway Tapes and have experimented with Carlos Casteneda’s techniques. Pranayama, energy work, a lot of chakra work, plus mantras. Starting to work with the Violet Flame and the spiritual rays now.

I’m seeing, apart from the mantra work, a lack of concentration meditation practice.

So I’d ask how much mantra meditation you are doing?

Concentration meditation is the normal way in which practitioners find tranquility via meditation imo. Anything which involved you putting sole focus on one object = concentration meditation ie staring at a candle for 20 mins.

I’d recommend starting to try and experiment with forming a concentration practice.

Can also try non directive practices like do nothing meditation 


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