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Is God real, (I’m Enlightened)

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I see reality as consciousness, reality fundamentally being pure infinity, being/nonbeing, I recognize self in other - the dynamic evolving recursive interplay of this expression. I see/experience this. 

Physical space is a concept, only here only now. 

I see this and yet I wonder if the universe is only probing itself through the brain or other recursive systems. God as traditionally imagined is largely the subconscious. I can’t see the universe as being infinitely intelligent as I am not infinitely intelligent, the intelligence of the universe is in the stuff itself decentralized. God is all knowing yet knows nothing of himself. Could the mammal taking DMT literally be the highest intelligence in the system, if not where is god processing on a higher level all the time? A static infinitely intelligent overseer? 

sorry if ideas seem contradictory

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On 2/26/2025 at 3:00 AM, Deadline said:

 if not where is god processing on a higher level all the time? A static infinitely intelligent overseer? 



It's Infinite.  Meaning impossible and possible are something it holds.   So it doesn't need a mechanism, or space, or time.  That's God.  It's mind blowing.  But it doesn't need anything behind the scenes.  It's not bound by any laws.  Not by physics.  It put physics in place. Consciousness can dumb itself down while also still creating a dream on the fly.  So it can make this highly intelligent dream and not be aware of how it is doing it.  There are no limitations to Consciousness so yes it can do that.  

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Thank you for your reply, sorry for the inconciceness  

How is it that I only experience this when my brain is maximally active during deep meditation or psychedelics 

The creation of maya is by the brain no different from a comera with a microphone all within consciousness whatever experience is there is experienced we are just complex cameras 

“Physics” is emergent from consciousness, is conciseness, is part of infinity 

I guess it’s just hard to reconcile theese worldviews 

Is conciousness  “dumbing itself down”?

When we are in satori are we connecting to an existing high consciousness or are we nodes of it itself 

I’m not ruling it out it’s just hard to see outside of satori and I’m cautious, I probably just need to have more enlightenment experiences about this query 

For instance the intelligence imbued in a flower is the flower itself, epistemically being just is

I get that when you’re on higher states you dissolve the illusion of separation that YOU are the flower, the distinction between a neuron a brain a civilizational processing is arbitrary, yet the whole is nothing else than the parts, God could not see himself without an eyeball 

And yet a rock in less intelligent than a brain (from a perspective) and a camel is farther removed from the recognition of this process, a mirror realizing it is a mirror, there is no single observer, there is only observing, “decentralized” 

Ultimately my question is weather there is a meta perspective from which the universe is observing everything at once, which in a way it is, and in a way it’s not, it’s limited to itself, a bit only has access to wether it’s 1 or 0 a whole processor has access to all the ones and 0’s, but it needs a mechanism.

a single, centralized awareness processing all perspectives simultaneously—probably not.

a self-organizing, decentralized intelligence that “knows itself” through all things—then yes, that’s what existence is.

God would be 1 reality is 2 (yes Ultimately 1  and 2 are the same thing) but it makes a difference, it would mean there is no God no external God, no divine intelligence watching over that we are connecting to in a sense 

no “infinitely intelligent overseer” because intelligence is already infused in every aspect of existence, as the very fabric of reality

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Reality cannot have a purpose because then that purpose would be above reality. God cannot want something because then wanting something would be above reality.

reality is unfathomable, and it arises inevitably. What we call God is the infinite being, and the infinite being is our essence and that of everything that exists, but the way in which things arise does not obey a will, but appears because it can. This means that it must be absolutely synchronized with everything that exists, to the infinite power. We call this perfection and god, since the non-synchronous simply cannot appear, it is an unmanifest possibility.

The manifest is perfect since it is syncronized in infinite dimensions down to the smallest detail. God is an infinite fractal in which everything fits perfectly, which moves like a kaleidoscope creating possible forms in which the slightest movement has a butterfly effect that expands to infinity. It is not intelligence, it is the only possibility, and infinite intelligence is its consequence.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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It is what you see from the perspective of the mind, that mind that has not been liberated yet, the ego mindset. Because reality is not what you describe. Reality is compared to play, when you where a kid, dreaming, not flashy but yet full of joy, only that is reality. The flashy things are hallucinations from ego-conscciousness among human kind, only that. There is more to it, like, stop looking into your eyeballs water, you will only see liquid and bouncy spectrums of light and can lead to hallucination per example. 

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On 2/27/2025 at 11:35 PM, Deadline said:

@Inliytened1 Thank you for your reply, sorry for the inconciceness  

How is it that I only experience this when my brain is maximally active during deep meditation or psychedelics 

The creation of maya is by the brain no different from a comera with a microphone all within consciousness whatever experience is there is experienced we are just complex cameras 

“Physics” is emergent from consciousness, is conciseness, is part of infinity 

I guess it’s just hard to reconcile theese worldviews 

Is conciousness  “dumbing itself down”?

When we are in satori are we connecting to an existing high consciousness or are we nodes of it itself 

I’m not ruling it out it’s just hard to see outside of satori and I’m cautious, I probably just need to have more enlightenment experiences about this query 

For instance the intelligence imbued in a flower is the flower itself, epistemically being just is

I get that when you’re on higher states you dissolve the illusion of separation that YOU are the flower, the distinction between a neuron a brain a civilizational processing is arbitrary, yet the whole is nothing else than the parts, God could not see himself without an eyeball 

And yet a rock in less intelligent than a brain (from a perspective) and a camel is farther removed from the recognition of this process, a mirror realizing it is a mirror, there is no single observer, there is only observing, “decentralized” 

Ultimately my question is weather there is a meta perspective from which the universe is observing everything at once, which in a way it is, and in a way it’s not, it’s limited to itself, a bit only has access to wether it’s 1 or 0 a whole processor has access to all the ones and 0’s, but it needs a mechanism.

a single, centralized awareness processing all perspectives simultaneously—probably not.

a self-organizing, decentralized intelligence that “knows itself” through all things—then yes, that’s what existence is.

God would be 1 reality is 2 (yes Ultimately 1  and 2 are the same thing) but it makes a difference, it would mean there is no God no external God, no divine intelligence watching over that we are connecting to in a sense 

no “infinitely intelligent overseer” because intelligence is already infused in every aspect of existence, as the very fabric of reality

Feee yourself of mechanisms and you will realize Infinity.  The Meta perspective is you right now.  You just have to realize it.  You are holding all of reality right now.  Not you as the ego but you as Awareness or Existence itself.  When the ego dissolves there will be that meta perspective you are imagining.   But it doesn't need to exist behind the scenes somewhere because it IS you.  Time and space are imagined.  It IS you now.  The realization of this is enlightenment.  But beware it will kill you 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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