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I am the Abyss

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When I was in Highschool, I had a dream in which I met Jesus Christ. This being a dream means that all of this happening is me, so Jesus was me. I walked with Jesus through heaven until we came to a black abyss. Jesus told me that the abyss had within it unimaginable suffering. The suffering was so great that it would make me feel as though God had forsaken me when in fact he has not. Believing it would transform me for the better, I jumped into the abyss and embraced unimaginable suffering. Sometimes I make artwork inspired by this dream. I am including some of this art in my book about self love. Here is one of the pictures I was analyzing.

I started writing about what the symbolism depicted in this picture was. It included a combination of psychological and spiritual symbols. I asked an AI how it would interpret this art and it suggested that there was a lot of similarities to Carl Jung. This is when I started reading about various concepts by Jung, and it recontextualized many of my deeply held beliefs about who I was. This reframing of my inner struggles and who I was may not be the God realization Leo talks about, but it does help with self love.

Rather than seeing the abyss as a prison full of relentless suffering, I came to see the abyss as the unconscious. By attempting to escape from or defeat the monsters in it, I entrench myself in suffering. This creates a shadow and psychological wounds. Ultimately I am the abyss and all things in it. Jung also distinguishes between the ego and the self. When I tried to identify a sense of self, I usually identified with my present consciousness. This does not include the unconscious which included things which I was conflicted with. I think I have found a way to disidentify with the ego in a way that helps me love myself more. I just expanded how I define myself. It seems minor, but it is actually helpful.

In addition to the abyss there is also a chaotic sea and a storm which represents what Jung called The Night Sea Journey. As the unconscious becomes conscious there is a chaotic period in which present structures within consciousness are dissolved so new ones can be built. At the end of the journey a more integrated self is discovered in the light which embraces the shadow rather than fights it.

What do you think of this artwork and the symbolism behind it?

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I get a 404 error when trying view the photo. "The requested URL was not found on this server."

Maybe try changing sharing settings.

Words can't describe You.

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That is amazing. Once I had a dream of Jesus, The Holy Spirit and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar saying:


Since the beggining, this has always been an imaginary therapy.

The deepest dream in my life.

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14 minutes ago, trenton said:

When I was in Highschool, I had a dream in which I met Jesus Christ. This being a dream means that all of this happening is me, so Jesus was me. I walked with Jesus through heaven until we came to a black abyss. Jesus told me that the abyss had within it unimaginable suffering. The suffering was so great that it would make me feel as though God had forsaken me when in fact he has not. Believing it would transform me for the better, I jumped into the abyss and embraced unimaginable suffering. Sometimes I make artwork inspired by this dream. I am including some of this art in my book about self love. Here is one of the pictures I was analyzing.

I started writing about what the symbolism depicted in this picture was. It included a combination of psychological and spiritual symbols. I asked an AI how it would interpret this art and it suggested that there was a lot of similarities to Carl Jung. This is when I started reading about various concepts by Jung, and it recontextualized many of my deeply held beliefs about who I was. This reframing of my inner struggles and who I was may not be the God realization Leo talks about, but it does help with self love.

Rather than seeing the abyss as a prison full of relentless suffering, I came to see the abyss as the unconscious. By attempting to escape from or defeat the monsters in it, I entrench myself in suffering. This creates a shadow and psychological wounds. Ultimately I am the abyss and all things in it. Jung also distinguishes between the ego and the self. When I tried to identify a sense of self, I usually identified with my present consciousness. This does not include the unconscious which included things which I was conflicted with. I think I have found a way to disidentify with the ego in a way that helps me love myself more. I just expanded how I define myself. It seems minor, but it is actually helpful.

In addition to the abyss there is also a chaotic sea and a storm which represents what Jung called The Night Sea Journey. As the unconscious becomes conscious there is a chaotic period in which present structures within consciousness are dissolved so new ones can be built. At the end of the journey a more integrated self is discovered in the light which embraces the shadow rather than fights it.

What do you think of this artwork and the symbolism behind it?

I think jumping into the abyss is Faith. I really apreciate Faith, not as an irrational idea for Stage Blue Fundamentalists, but something more subtle, a dive into the Unknown, which later leads to a greater sense of Insight and Awakening.

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@Santiago Ram Sadhguru says when one jumps into the abyss he must have absolute faith in something or be absolutely insane. I think dying is just going insane.

Edited by Hojo

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10 hours ago, Sincerity said:

I get a 404 error when trying view the photo. "The requested URL was not found on this server."

That's just the abyss.

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