
Am I agnostic?

7 posts in this topic

Hey everyone,


I’ve been deeply reflecting on my beliefs, and I’ve reached a point where I’m questioning where I truly stand in terms of religion. I was born into Islam and raised with its teachings, but over time, my views have evolved, and now I feel like I’m lingering on the edge of something else—maybe agnosticism, maybe something else entirely.


Here’s where I currently stand:


I believe that God is consciousness itself rather than an external entity.


I reject the idea of a physical heaven and hell. To me, they exist within consciousness rather than as literal places.


I struggle with the fear-based aspects of Islamic teachings, such as punishment in the grave, and find it hard to accept them.


I don’t believe in the strict rules of modesty imposed on women and think that true evolution would mean men evolving rather than women covering up.


I acknowledge that Islam brought structure to a barbaric time, but I question whether its rules should be applied rigidly today.

I DO NOT believe in any form of punishment or torture or fear based shit. Its find to guide the barbaric masses with that mindset but I doesn't work for me now. 



With all of this in mind, I’m confused about what to call myself. If I were truly Muslim in the orthodox sense, I feel like I should have rejected these thoughts outright—but I didn’t. That realization alone made me feel like I’ve already outgrown the traditional definition of Islam. I've recently found myself deeply reaonating with atheist and agnostic friends etc..I’ve been diving into spirituality and epistemology, trying to make sense of it all, but I feel like I need clearer direction.


So my questions are:


1. Given what I believe, what would you label my stance? Am I still within the realm of Islam, or am I something else entirely?



2. What resources would you recommend to help me navigate this exploration? I’m open to books, lectures, or any philosophical frameworks that could help me get clearer on my path.




I appreciate any insight or recommendations you can give. Thanks!

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Just go to athiesm and start there. We can't tell you what you are based on a few paragraphs. If you think everything is God and everything has conciousness then you maybe are pantheistic. 

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Just be aware that Allah and Islam are not the same thing. 

Allah is the destination, islam is the vehicle. Just because the vehicle is missing a wheel or two doesn't mean the destination isn't real. 

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@Bjorn K Holmstrom yk I live in a country where I could literally be burned alive if I even remotely confess my beliefs. But its comforting to know that labels aren't necessary...I have to admit tho they sound cool hahah

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With what you've written I would say you're an agnostic yes.

That would be your stance you just don't know and are not sure about anything yet other than your ignorance.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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