
They are giving Luigi the death penalty

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Consider that in practice, when you are soft on crime,

The previous regime was soft period.  Its not just one thing.  They were soft.  Now...I know I didn't ask for the polar opposite..but that's what you are going to get from the majoriry of the people that don't want softness.   They want the polar opposite. What would be nice is somewhere in between. 

Edited by Inliytened1


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5 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

The previous regime was soft period.  Its not just one thing.  They were soft.  Now...I know I didn't ask for the polar opposite..but that's what you are going to get from the majoriry of the people that don't want softness.   They want the polar opposite. What would be nice is somewhere in between. 

Yes. That vibe of softness is a serious problem for lefties which they would rather not face.

It's almost like the next liberal president needs to kick a dog just to prove he's not soft. I'm joking, but there is some truth in it.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

But there is a case to be made that assassination of important people like CEOs of public companies is legitamately a greater crime and harm to society than killing a nobody in a fit of rage. CEOs have a higher responsibility for serving shareholders and making companies function. It's fun to hate on CEOs, but most CEOs are just doing their job and keeping companies deliver goods and services to people who need them.

That’s a justification of class discrimination. Wealthy and powerful already have so many advantages we shouldn’t also accept their lives being considered more important by what should be public institutions that are one of the only equalizing forces in society.

Accepting this opens up a host of other issues in how the government works and distributes resources. Plus Luigi can then argue the ceo was actually causing more damage than an average guy by denying insurance claims.


Edited by Raze

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2 minutes ago, Raze said:

That’s a justification of class discrimination.

It's more than discrimimation, it's the basis of class!

A point lefties miss.

Edited by Leo Gura

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If the trump assassin succeeded that would be an example of non-softness from the left.

Same for the CEO killing.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Frankly, it might appease some of these fascistic trends we see across Europe.

I think really wise politics requires that we throw some red meat to the right-wing base to keep them from going ape-shit.

You have to manage the vibes so that things don't feel too lax, otherwise the crowd will scapegoat the progressives. It's just how politics works. It's not fair or true, but voters are zombies.

You think the right wing is increasing in Europe because people are unconscious and have authoritarian fetishes? Give me a fucking break. You seriously think 10, 20, up to 30 and 40% of the population is like that?

Or could it be because the news media loves to gaslight people. And even introducing a basic topic like immigration, with any amount of nuance leads to accusations of racism, because the topic is taboo?

Could it be that these so called far right parties are somehow addressing issues that a large portion of the population has concerns over, and that other parties (secretly agree with) refuse to address whatsoever, because they want to look politically correct?

How about you wokies and centrists grow some balls, and bother to address these concerns? Actually bother to address them. Why is it some people feel concerned about immigration? Why is it some people feel concerned about big government? There might indeed be some truth in the notion that immigrants will take lower wages, and that harms the free market. Maybe there is some truth to the idea the government overtaxes and overspends. Is it all far right bigoted conspiracy, or could there be some legitimate concern somewhere? Or maybe just act like the average CNN reporter and call anyone on the right a racist.

EDIT: as someone who is living in Europe, and deals with common problems as certain countries (Germany, UK, ect) I tell you no one gives a fuck about capital punishment. So even entertaining the idea of "Oh let's introduce capital punishment just to appeal the 50% bigoted masses" wouldn't even work in concept. People here have actual problems and don't care about outdated ideas like that.

Edited by SwiftQuill

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2 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

You seriously think 10, 20, up to 30 and 40% of the population is like that?



CNN reporter and call anyone on the right a racist.

The right thinks everyone they don't like is just sitting around watching CNN. Nobody watches CNN.

Europe could import the entire Middle East and would be none the worse for it. Stop being a pussy.

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@The Crocodile maybe instead of talking crap about right wingers with your wokie friends, actually bother talk to someone on the right. A normie on the right. A business owner. Or a minimum wage worker. Actually bother listening to their struggles in life. If you are intellectually honest and do that work, you will see these estimates are way off.

But if you're a wokie who loves demonising a large portion of the population for disagreeing with them, you can insist on calling them bigots.

When people insist on saying things like "40% of our population are fascists!" that's the type of attitude that ends the dialogue.

You, and most in this forum, perceive an excessive amount of ill intent and evil on the right. As opposed to just humans engaging in survival.

(and you perceive little to no evil and ill intent on the left, conveniently enough)

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14 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

I tell you no one gives a fuck about capital punishment.

It was never about substance, it was about vibes.

So yeah, chainsawing a puppy in half on stage might appease them, stupid as it sounds.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It was never about substance, it was about vibes.

So yeah, chainsawing a puppy in half on stage might appease them, stupid as it sounds.

I guarantee it wouldn't. If you seriously believe that, you lack the ability to put yourself in others' shoes. It's a complete mockery of empathy, and laziness to inspect other perspectives.

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6 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

I guarantee it wouldn't. If you seriously believe that, you lack the ability to put yourself in others' shoes. It's a complete mockery of empathy, and laziness to inspect other perspectives.

I am not too serious but the point is vibes matter.

I am not going to bend over backwards to empathize with right-wing reactionary perspective when they don't give a damn about any perspective but their own. 

Don't ask for empathy when you give none.

Edited by Leo Gura

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24 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

If the trump assassin succeeded that would be an example of non-softness from the left.

Same for the CEO killing.

This was a rogue leftist not the democratic party.  Be hard within the confines of the law.  When I say soft I mean Biden and his corrupt cohorts


Edited by Inliytened1


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10 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

When people insist on saying things like "40% of our population are fascists!" that's the type of attitude that ends the dialogue.

Yes, that's literally how fascism works. If you think a large amount of people can't be fascist then fascism has never existed and never will.

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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Be hard within the confines of the law.

Well since Biden had presidential immunity he could have killed trump and have it be within the confines of the law.

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20 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

notion that immigrants will take lower wages

There could be depending on what is happening in your country.

In Canada there was a lot of incentives in place to hire overseas over locals, and the government easily fall for businesses making these kinds of "threats" that if they didn't have access to foreign workers, their businesses would stop existing, so then even your so-called "progressive" government appeases to these demands from time to time.

And so the collective also has culpability because they generally want things to be "low cost for me". So if the masses don't want to pay for local/living wages then that's what you end up getting.

22 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

the government overtaxes and overspends.

There're degrees of corruption. There are corruption at large in this world, it's not so easy to just get rid of it, it has to come from each individual deciding for less corruption.

So every government/country exist in relation to another government/country, you can't change too fast all at once (generally). 

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1 minute ago, The Crocodile said:

Well since Biden had presidential immunity he could have killed trump and have it be within the confines of the law.

You have a sick mind 😀


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19 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

@The Crocodile maybe instead of talking crap about right wingers with your wokie friends, actually bother talk to someone on the right. A normie on the right. A business owner. Or a minimum wage worker. Actually bother listening to their struggles in life. If you are intellectually honest and do that work, you will see these estimates are way off.

But if you're a wokie who loves demonising a large portion of the population for disagreeing with them, you can insist on calling them bigots.

When people insist on saying things like "40% of our population are fascists!" that's the type of attitude that ends the dialogue.

You, and most in this forum, perceive an excessive amount of ill intent and evil on the right. As opposed to just humans engaging in survival.

(and you perceive little to no evil and ill intent on the left, conveniently enough)

What's your thoughts on what Musk is doing right now with the government?  Do you think the shake up is bad?  What about Trump "cuddling up to Putin" when it comes to foreign affairs?  


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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

What's your thoughts on what Musk is doing right now with the government?  Do you think the shake up is bad?  What about Trump "cuddling up to Putin" when it comes to foreign affairs?  

1- I'm not an American. I don't follow American politics closely. I know very little about the DOGE situation. I've heard mixed things on the topic. I'm not a die hard Musk fan and I won't defend him for his political actions if that's what you're expecting.

2- My perspective on Trump is that he is a con man. And he's probably buddies with Putin.

Did my answer scratch your "gotcha" attempt?

Someone should rename this subforum to "Low Consciousness Resources". I think it would be more appropriate. More accurate.

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12 minutes ago, SwiftQuill said:

1- I'm not an American. I don't follow American politics closely.

Then maybe you should keep quiet about asking people on the left to question the right to see what their views are when you have no say in the matter.  So yes, it scratches my itch.


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Just now, Inliytened1 said:

Then maybe you should keep quiet about asking people on the left to question the right to see what their views are when you have no say in the matter.  So yes, it scratches my itch.

What does that have to do with anything? Leftism doesn't only exist in the US.

And people here, who are not European, like Leo, do seem extremely confident about European politics. So I assume your comment applies to them as well?

Guys don't bother talking about European politics if you're not from Europe. Thanks.

Sample #57111503 of the genetic fallacy.

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