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How do I create a vision ?

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What is meaningful to me, what inspires me? What I would bleed for ? 

Well I don't know anymore what I am ready to bleed for, I'm stuck deep into wage slavery and I can't get out now.. 

As of now having a vision is my vision.. 

I remember around 10 years ago I was so passionate about life and had discovered actualized on you tube, I was so passionate about the possibility to change myself and create the best possibility for myself. 

But now I'm stuck in a rut, doing things that don't excite me. I don't even see personal development videos or learn new things from books anymore. All my motivation is dried up, the corporate slave state is my new normal. 

My best excuse was that I had to earn money for a living and can do my passion as my side hussle and eventually my passion becomes my career... but now its 10 years of me working as a wage slave, the side hussle remained in the side only..I earn a decent amount to survive in India but that is the best achievement.. that I worked for 10 years and earn a average amount to survive..

Watching jfk we will go to the moon speech in hope of having a vision for myself soon and fast.

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Here's my advice - let yourself dream. I mean when you are relaxed this evening, take some time to let your mind imagine a future scenario. Imagine it vividly - hear the sounds, feel the feelings, smell the smells. Think how amazing it will be. This is conscious visualization, and can be very powerful in creating a new future. You need to also believe that you can manifest it.

Then when you have your vision, create a vision board, then work every day towards achieving it. After all, what is the point of life unless you are working towards something?

Just do ONE thing every day to improve your situation and move towards your new life. It's gonna be so good!


Edited by TruthFreedom

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What can I let go of today to make myself more free?

I can enjoy everything but I need nothing.

All preferences are bondage.

Every day I am more free.

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@Elton homie

Check out the book: psycho cybernetics 

It goes into depth on how to program your mind using visualisation/visioning.

Also here's my notes on the first half of the book.

This book also has insights into the short comings of modern therapeutic methods (constant regurgitation of the past). It introduces a new concept: recognising the appropriate time to actively forget past failures .

When finding purpose ask yourself: "what is a job *I would* pay to do." 






Edited by Aaron p

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I’d say sit down for a while and really contemplate what it is that you want. Also don’t have pressure on yourself to be passionate, being less passionate (which I have been lately) is another way of living, it might be a more relaxed mindset and approach to life, nothing wrong with that. Doesn’t mean you have to settle for mediocrity you could still pursue something beyond mediocrity without having a burning desire for it, at least having some interest, that’s what I do as I struggle with feeling that strong passion too. So you could take upon something without feeling that strong passion, to at least be moving in a more desirable direction in life. Sometimes we might fear that we are getting too old to succeed in life or if we’re not passionate enough we won’t have enough motivation to succeed but that’s to me just unnecessary suffering for the most parts and could come partly from ideals from society about what’s the ideal life etc. So deconstruct those too if you have them, so that you can find for yourself what you truly want regardless of what feels like a hindrance and what society says.


It seems to me some brains are more visionary than others. Doesn’t mean you can’t be if you don’t have this type of personality but I’ve always had a vivid imagination naturally and some I’ve talked to just don’t seem to naturally. You might have a desire for  something you feel would boost your ego, you could try to identify that. Like maybe you have some idea of some self image of being a certain way that seems cool to you. Like maybe being rich. That could be a part of your vision and doesn’t have to be dismissed as just ego stuff

Edited by Sugarcoat

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On 23/02/2025 at 0:10 PM, Elton said:

What is meaningful to me, what inspires me? What I would bleed for ? 

Well I don't know anymore what I am ready to bleed for, I'm stuck deep into wage slavery and I can't get out now.. 

As of now having a vision is my vision.. 

I remember around 10 years ago I was so passionate about life and had discovered actualized on you tube, I was so passionate about the possibility to change myself and create the best possibility for myself. 

But now I'm stuck in a rut, doing things that don't excite me. I don't even see personal development videos or learn new things from books anymore. All my motivation is dried up, the corporate slave state is my new normal. 

My best excuse was that I had to earn money for a living and can do my passion as my side hussle and eventually my passion becomes my career... but now its 10 years of me working as a wage slave, the side hussle remained in the side only..I earn a decent amount to survive in India but that is the best achievement.. that I worked for 10 years and earn a average amount to survive..

Watching jfk we will go to the moon speech in hope of having a vision for myself soon and fast.

@Elton your mind is creating mini visions in every moment, you've just forgotten and or never been taught the process as to how it does this.

So what we're going to do is simply peel back the most important onion layers in which it does this so that you can begin to take advantage of this self-revealing process that's been opening up reality for you in every moment of your existence since the beginning of your life.

Our first step is in simply understanding how symbol leads to meaning. Right now your brain is doing a wonderful job at converting letters to imagination to computation that steers your self-awareness into literally its next moment of self-creation. 

1. Imagine a dog playing.

- What breed of dog did you imagine?

- Did it make any sounds?

- What was it doing?

Now repeat the same process for a "song", "bird", "building" and "beach".

This process is teaching you the ease by which you create little visions already, that it was never actually very difficult and that the complexity lays more in the emotional rather than the intellectual blocks. 

2. Examine the emotional responses you've up to reading so far.

- Did those emotional responses create visions? 

- Did they create fears you imagined?

- Did they create inspirations you imagined?

Now I want you to think back to five previous times in which emotion or imagination has led to one another either in the form of fear or on the other side of the spectrum towards inspiration where for both, they have translated into some form of action from a vision you had to commit to that action which either influenced or was influenced by emotion.

Here are some prompts to get your memory jogging:

- Go back to when you were ten years old

- Go back to your earliest memories of school

- Go back to your earliest memories of playing sport 

3. Examine how memory influences the visions and the emotions that generate and subsequently either lead more to fear or inspiration in the visions that either block inspirational ones or further an inspirational path for yourself. 

- Now you have a toolkit between imagination, emotions and memory and the beginnings of understanding how their interactions influences the ease, quality and degrees of your visions that lead to and or from your actions. Which leads us to the fourth and second last area we're going to be focusing on today.

4. Notice how actions change your emotional, imaginative and states of memory that in return alter your states of consciousness. 

- Lift your arm up the air slowly, do you notice the subtle changes in your emotional, mental and how you changed the way you remembered the moment that just past prior to your lifting of your arm compared to a previous five seconds ago? There you go, now you understand already. 


5. Now the same for awareness

- Just as your emotional, mental and remembered states of consciousness altered, did you also notice that what came with this triad was also a direct relationship to a change in your awareness and in return how your awareness changed the triad? There you go. 

- Now try lifting your opposite arm slowly, then at different speeds including too with other limbs and watch the pattern repeat in a different way. Now try just consciously shifting your eyes attention from side to side, up and down and then comparing eyes closed with eyes shut.

- Now close your eyes, sit in a calm spot and simply wait until either your emotions, imagination, memory, subtle actions or awareness lead to the creation of a vision in your mind that influence your motivation in one direction as opposed to another. When this occurs, pay really close attention to how its creation was led by and leads to a change in the rest of these interrelating categories. Great job.

- Now you're going to do the same task but instead I want you to focus on what you would imagine your day would be like tomorrow across 5 different scenarios.

a. you're an astronaut

b. you're homeless

c. you're donald trump

d. you're a formula one racing car driver

e. you're a typical high school student

> Notice how with ease you're able to imagine what their day would independently be like and compare this with the unease with imagining how your day would be like, what are the differing qualities here across the 5 previously mentioned categories of emotions, imagination, memory, actions (including just the imagined actions of independently being those individual people) and awareness? By understanding the subtle differences, you solve your own problem with respect to why you find it hard to manage the same state of consciousness when it comes to being yourself, even though in reality, it should be far easier to being able to do it for yourself as its something you've literally been trying to do for the entirety of your life, right? Wrong, it seems that way however there's a little counterintuitive lesson here that with a little practice, we can leverage towards being able to optimise our lives day to day with the same kind of ease it is for you to imagine a typical day for each of these people, and that is. The freedom of consciousness state creation is limited beyond that of rigid roles we define ourselves, its the liberty we're given as sentient creatures. Because we have the ability to experience one state of consciousness that's completely different from another, we're also able to experience alternate identities that are contrary to one another. This is our freedom of choice, which is great right? Yes and no. Because if we don't understand this, we struggle to use it to our advantage because then we wonder why our consciousness is running blank or we're struggling to find an existential path that we look around the world which we're told is easy to do when in reality, our consciousness is just simply waiting for us to align these five categories in an effortless not hard strung way. This is the other difficulty as well, because we're taught that it requires so much effort to have a vision and motivate ourselves, we subconsciously quite often are determined to make it difficult for our consciousness to do something which is actually quite simple and natural for it to do. By changing this belief and upgrading it with this new understanding that for this desired ease we simply must have a quite effortless alignment between these five by gently nursing them towards whatever direction we want to go in, well now you understand your full free will here now don't you? For everything else, it'll simply be a matter of practice. Many people find this same destination naturally from a young age in lucky ways because it gets properly modelled to them, millions of others however get opposing understandings modelled to them which lead to them resonating with the very same difficulty you're having that then normalizes the difficulty including too the translation of it being something that's actually quite easy to do.

Let me know if you have any questions, I am sure though that with a few gentle pushes, practicing 10 minutes a day, in just one week you'll be well on your way not only working through any psychological blocks with ease but going beyond into territory that leads to the mastery of this process @Elton.

Thank you for asking this question, by having the courage to present it you've now led to me answering something that will also help many others. Good on you for having the desire to explore the unknown. 



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Having a vision is only a means to an end. The crux of it is somehow building up a strong positive emotion in yourself that will propel you forward. A vision is just a good story that gets your emotions going, if there isn't a vision that does that for you, then you'll need to try other things.

Another way is finding your Zone of Genius, basically, all the things you're good at. The reason for doing that is because there are already positive emotions attached to the things you're good at. Concentrating your efforts around those things focuses your time into positive emotions. I could be wrong but that is essentially what Leo's Life Purpose course taps into. 

Other things you can do is to research. Learning new things can open up avenues that excite you. If you're a people person, then collective activities may inspire you instead. 

So rather than focusing narrowly on having "vision", you should be focusing on "what produces strong positive emotion within me?" and that will carry you forward.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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