Santiago Ram

Leo's Unfair Depiction of Christianity

19 posts in this topic

I worked as a Staff in a Narcotics Anonymous drug rehab center. There, I followed the Gospels almost literally. There I saw God completely sober.

In a place filled with yells, slaps and discipline, anger in all
its forms - I used to start the morning meetings with the following statement: God, whenever
I become angry, allow me to be Kind. And whenever I get angrier, allow me to be Kinder. So
be it.
One tired day, I laid in my bed and I saw the Kingdom of Heaven. It was an infinite white and
blue geometrical tapestry filled with figures I knew where angels. Peace was everywhere. It
was Perfect. Every piece fit together with every other. But above all, it was white, and it was
Infinite. God was there, a hierchichy stood up as some figures were above all others. But this
white tapestry explored itself. It was breath taking. ‘El Cielo’, I knew. Heaven. This I
understood. It was the happiest day of my life.
But then one word, this enigmatic word popped into my field of consciousness: “El Conflicto.”
The Conflict. Something that could disrupt this tapestry in its entirety. It could make one
shape fight with other and then other and then reality would confuse itself and violence
would rise. But peace stood up, and I can’t make sense of this word yet - conflict.
What is conflict?
One day, I was hanging up the patients laundry clothes in the upper cieling. I saw the whole
town and the cross of the main church, I saw the horizon and then… GOD. Consciousness.
Everywhere. It is ME. It was like when you look into a wall and you concentrate on the space
between you and the wall. Pure empty space, extending to Infinity. This I am.
Honesty. God is INFINITE HONESTY. There is not one lie in God. Absolutely
congruent. ONE. This was amazing. I understood immediately that death was not the end.
That I was Dead then, but I was God, and I was Glad. This lasted about 10 minutes.
INFINITE HONESTY. Hmmm. This, appeared as the main attribute of God.

This was all without psychedelics.


So Leo, it IS possible to achieve enlightenment with the Gospels.

All the shit you say about Christianity is simply not true.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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Wait a hot minute. You just said God is you?

We're gonna have to tie you to the wheel for that one.

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Just now, Santiago Ram said:

@The Crocodile I'm talking about the Gospels not about the Church or Christianity's tradition.

You explicitly said Christianity. Leo is not wrong about Christianity. The way The Devil creates falsehoods is by giving too much importance to partial truths, such as "Christianity is bad" or "Christianity is good".

I'm also interested if you actually saw the geometry or if it was just a daydream, or even an ordinary sleeping dream.

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No, no, no.

It was not a daydream, I've had enough of those and I know how to differentiate them from enlightenment experiences.

Also, you're right, should've said the Gospels. But Leo on a Blog post specifically mentioned the Bible.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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1 minute ago, Santiago Ram said:

the Bible.

The Bible has a lot of shit in it, even the Gospels.

You had a totally ordinary hypnopompic experience and interpreted it through a religious angle to get attention from people on an internet forum.

You could actually upgrade your consciousness to have such "enlightenment" experience all the time, although by that point you wouldn't frame it through a human lens like enlightenment, with your eyes open, walking around in the daytime. The inner light you saw can be developed through trataka and gazing in a dark room. The beings you would have seen are not angels, they are beings from the vital world and can take on a vast number of forms such as angels and demons according to the beliefs and expectations and vital/mental tendencies of the person.

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@The Crocodile No, I'm only sharing my experience. Of which I had more in the clinic, which I might later share.

I'm not enlightened nor do I pretend to be.

I only followed the Gospels and after a certain time I got those two significant experiences (the most significant of my life).

This is what I lived. I'm not interested in lying. But, why would it impress you that a Holy Book could have such power? What makes the Gospels different from the Vedas or the Gita?

Again, I'm only sharing my experience.

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And I know I'm an anomaly. I followed Leo's work for years before even reading the Gospels or helping in the NA clinic.

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17 minutes ago, Santiago Ram said:

This is what I lived. I'm not interested in lying. But, why would it impress you that a Holy Book could have such power? What makes the Gospels different from the Vedas or the Gita?

You basically are enlightened. Enlightenment is not that much. As in 99%+ of Christians are beneath you, and you've had experiences most writers of the Bible didn't have.

The story of Jesus is basically about unconditionally enduring suffering to help other people, which is profound in its own way, but doesn't hold up to the more spiritually accurate and advanced understanding of The Absolute found in the Vedas.

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Why are you saying the Bible did it when millions of people read the Bible and see nothing.

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@Hojo well, I preached the Gospel daily during the morning meetings. Not your ordinary preacher but non-dual interpretations of how to treat each other. Then I started to have these experiences and visions.

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@HojoAlso, there are some key points that made this possible:

  1. The clinic was an extreme place of anger where I taught self-denial and service.
  2. The clinic was like a monastery: no outside communication.
  3. I had previous understanding of non-duality.
  4. I was in a position of authority and responsibility for saving the lives of others. (I saw three people die there).
  5. I read the Gospel daily and tried to follow it the best I could.

I only share this because Christs story and example can help you become God-realized (or at least see God, as in my case).

But Leo doesn't say this 

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@Santiago Ram God rewards seekers not people who read the bible. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with modern Christianity besides being used as a mascot. I dont think Leo has anything against the bible but Christianity as a whole organization. It didnt happen to you because you did all the things in the bible it did cause you tried to see God. Christians have no idea what they are talking about 99 percent of the time, its a blind faith 0 seeking sheep gathering system. I never read the bible I see God, you dont need the bible its about the person. It contains good information but not needed.

Edited by Hojo

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Take a look at A Course in Miracles. It's a recent communication by the Holy Begotten Son. If that's a big ask, read The Disappearance of the Universe. Now the whole bible makes perfect sense to me. The god of the bible is the ego's god who proclaims sin, suffering, separation real. Unfortunately the gospel Jesus couldn't speak the whole truth or he would have been stoned on day one. He told the inner circle the truth and that's best preserved in the gospel of thomas.


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@Santiago Ram Leo isn't religious but he has a dialectic, a terminology very inspired by Christianity

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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I think Christianity is amazing. Not the radical weapon loving evangelists.

But christianity as you can see in the Series of The Chosen.

When you read the corinthian letters.

And let alone a place where you live together with the kindest angels and archangels that are so pure you have never experienced that on earth.

I mean we always say we are god And this is god but I am sure  that after death when everything goes smooth for you, you will live with angels and archangels and there is no evil and you will know that you didn't even know the slightws bit while on earth tripping on psychedelics

Surely god is so infinite we cannot understand anything of it and Tell ourselves that we know better.


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