
Any actors here?

1 post in this topic

I am considering becoming a professional actor. I just did an audition and I am planning on doing more. From the acting I did in my little theatre group I can tell there are things I like about it: like the strong emotional and creative expression, the unfilteredness, the psychological component of grasping the role and so on ... and some things I dont like - like having troubles recovering emotionally from playing and that you are constantly lying to yourself - which in a certain way is almost more of a true thing because without acting you are still always lying to yourself but believe that you aren't - in acting you know that you pretend. But thats an issue I still need to figure out. 

So if any actors are on this forum please share your story. How it is as a career and maybe tell if and how you deal with the issues I described. 

Edited by Jannes

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