
symmetry vs asymmetry

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i did a search on the forum for symmetry asymmetry, as i wouldnt wana post somethin thats already been expressed. Suffice a to saying that it doesnt; not as a title atleast.


Anyway i thought about what the next motif or like, new piece of the fringe/fray that we trying to... or can start workin' towards — either describing or feeling ourselves — in regards to like, what im feeling as being (at the very least) an inflection point in the objective (though totally random in as much as I can wade into the randomness)

And that is — this idea of like a very symmetrical (though asymmetric too) reality that exists, both in the distance, and at the very present moment, that which we are disregarding because it appears to use like, e.g. I put my hand up to my face, I look down at my feet, I walk into the kitchen, I go to the fridge, etc, etc...

That whole sequence is a repetition, not to mention that from a closed-eye perspective there are those things happening that require, for this repetition to be or you could say something about the illusion of time and how it only serves to shape itself in the moment—But lets not get too caught up in the details. For now lets just call that a kindve *felt* repetition.

The asymmetric symmetry is what im talking about, where there are interesting things happening in those fractal leaves at the edge, feeling wise or closed-eye (obviously its not an *edge*, if yous ever seen fractals, it sortve transcends "traditional edges") that appear/dont appear the same/similar, in as much as they look or feel like another event or motion in motion. Anyway.

Everything is motion. So we have to go on this sortve deconstruction of motion and reality itself, and that isnt easy to do. If you arent experiencing it, then its definitely another layer of difficulty that youd be contending w/

Motion (also texture) or the light that illuminates is like, a kindve happenstance notion, but its still significant and we depend on some underlying tenet. On LSD those tenets are very much like.. gone, cause I remember feelin' like reality was breaking, and that it all depended on a sequence of lies thereafter (also, the texture of everything felt weird and scratchy, like it had a fuzzy factor I wasnt terribly... thrilled about)

i like this idea of like, a perfect symmetry, even though to us, that is a kind of imagination—like i think that term symmetry would likely bring up sacred geometry stuff online. I guess theres nothing wrong w/ that, its just like, iuno. Boo.

I feel like, a better sacred geometry can just be communicated like, what are all the things on LSD/Mushrooms that we can rifle through: Cascade, Elliptical, 333... And if i just had to point to one as being a representative, id say theyare all kindve geometrically similar, but a fixed circle atleast represents a kind of homeworld center point. You have to put aside alot of them jokers and satyrs or whatever them like... iuno im picturing some greek mythology half-man trickster thing or something... If you put them away, then thats what is the most relevant. Its just them there visual delights and strawberry shortcakes dancing all around it making a mockery of it.


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Posted (edited)

I wanna bring this point home, because i thought atleast a few of yous would understand the significance of differences, and thus, answering the question of 'how to govern the center, the internel, the "external where?", etc.'...

And what better way to view that as a kind of texture that you are looking at, wherein i mean, the "the act of looking" is a kind of flavor, a visual taste-test you engage in, and the language of this reinterpretation has to be understood or else we're gonna be tasting some things that are automatically associated with the bad thing (as if a such thing could exist... but we fail to understand consciousness)

As a reality, creation extends farther than the eye in this case, and so we have to penetrate a more correct direction, choosing to choose... choosing "this is this, this is that", and the natural inclination — to tell a story, mystical figures and failures, mermaids (that you overcome through a tangent story of mystical triumphs and Ai, and trumps) which is made up of a finite amount of things, and facing that direction is quite painful. Its okay if its just like a Layer 2-below of the iceburg, but if it the water rises above the iceburg then theres a problem. This is of course a language that stems from geometry and texture, a language that is like an anti-language, a weird sortve centrifugal and centripedal, full-circle effect.

(re read the first post cause that had a clearer vantage point of what i was initially tryina say)

Edited by kavaris

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