
Another alcohol thread

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You might remember that I started a thread about my struggles with alcohol, and I just want to update you with my current situation.

I am now 8 days sober, and this is because of a technique which I learned from the book 'Rational Recovery'. If anyone else is struggling with alcohol, I would highly recommend and suggest that you read what I am about to describe, because it really works. I have tried everything from AA to other groups, paying for courses, plus half a dozen other books on the subject. But this is a game changer, so I want to share so that maybe someone else can benefit.

The technique is called 'Addictive Voice Recognition Technique', or AVRT for short. It only involves a few simple steps, and if you follow them you are guaranteed to be free from your addiction.

They go like this:

1. Make a decision to never drink alcohol EVER AGAIN.

2. Say to yourself (and mean it) "I will never drink alcohol ever again, and I will never change my mind"

3. Watch your thoughts for any doubts that what you said in Step 2 is not true. Your mind will automatically tell you that you will fail. It will say things like "you've tried so many times before, and always relapsed, you're bound to do it again" notice that this is not "you" making this statement....this is the 'Addictive Voice'. And all that needs to happen is for you to recognise it and disregard it! 

This technique completely separates "you", i.e. the one who made the decision to never drink again, and the "addiction", which constantly urges you to consume the substance.

And all you need to do is remain vigilant and watch your thoughts for the addictive voice, which is bound to resurface, and continue to dismiss it.

I hope this helps someone. 🙂

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This is schizophrenia, now you know how common it is. Also known as a demon. Dont correct the demon but yes disregard and move on. Correcting is schizophrenic behaviour. Try to notice how many times throughout the day you are correcting demons. If its done with alcohol its probably done with many other things. This goes beyond addiction its part of every activity you do but good advice.

Its very intelligent to be able to notice this. A big part of spirituality at least for me has been focusing on every single thing that comes to my mind and analyzing it and I see I have it and its part of everything I do. Its from being traumatized as a child. Its like ego but its fighting itself.

Edited by Hojo

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