Santiago Ram

My vision of the Devil

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 This monday, I saw the devil. It was a maze of Infinite Lies, EVIL. It was like a video game maze, imaginary but inescapable. You turned this way and there was a wall. There, another. Faster. There. Walls everywhere but INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED to keep you trapped. Cunning. Smart. I saw a trickster, a moment later, manipulating a web of infinite LIES, intelligence again to deceive you. But there was a chief to this trap. He was proud. He had demons, like claws or tentacles. But they were infinite and I KNEW they were Lies. Sex, money, power - TRICKS. If this trick doesn’t work, this other. But I saw Christ. He had solved the Maze. He had resisted all tricks. But this web of lies is so intricate, so perverse, it is FUCKING EVERYWHERE. That is the devil, a big proud Liar. Just thinking about it gives me chills.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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Excellent. You're moving in the right direction, but if its okay I have some refinements to suggest.

8 hours ago, Santiago Ram said:

 This monday, I saw the devil. It was a maze of Infinite Lies, EVIL. It was like a video game maze, imaginary but inescapable. You turned this way and there was a wall. There, another. Faster. There. Walls everywhere but INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED to keep you trapped. Cunning. Smart. I saw a trickster, a moment later, manipulating a web of infinite LIES, intelligence again to deceive you. But there was a chief to this trap. He was proud. He had demons, like claws or tentacles. But they were infinite and I KNEW they were Lies. Sex, money, power - TRICKS. If this trick doesn’t work, this other. But I saw Christ. He had solved the Maze. He had resisted all tricks. But this web of lies is so intricate, so perverse, it is FUCKING EVERYWHERE. That is the devil, a big proud Liar. Just thinking about it gives me chills.

The nature of evil is that it is designed to try and convince you it doesn't exist, which is why you see some of the most evil people in spirituality, self-deluded in ideas like 'non-duality' which only provide a microcosm of the macrocosm of the truth of the nature of 'evil' vs 'good'.

If you change 'casino' to 'devil' and 'poker machines' as 'free-for-all' with 'no consequences', you'll now understand why believing that 'evil' doesn't 'exist' is so... addictive.

I think that analogy will really help people more easily make the connection between how common ignorance and common deniability of evil go hand in hand as not merely a psychological bias, but upwards of an entirely independent consciousness state that non-figuratively blocks consciousness from being able to make the simplest of distinctions between good and evil. Because accuracy requires so much subtlety between emotion, thought and the modelling of the multiplicity of empathic to sovereign realities, most people fail with either a smile of deception or a cry of fear they cannot see becomes their own demise, however short-lived.

There's nothing wrong with 'sex', 'money' or 'power' intrinsically, the problem is that the authentic true way of doing them in alignment with the universe is far more difficult, requiring greater contemplation, awareness, modelling, emotional and social intelligence. And a sense a humour along the way as you side-step all the skeletons that have failed, including alternate versions of yourself that represent possible different life paths you could have taken had you had either more or less awareness, with the former, being the best kept secret by the ego, it neither enjoys confronting the 'better' it could have been nor untangling itself from the deceptions wrapped up in too much regret; it hates the simplicity and will call it archaic but it also hates the complexity of the extra objectivity that's required in that subjectivity and will call it over-intellectualism. People are neither responsible nor blameless, and its difficult to traverse that reality for most, something of which, they are responsible and blameless for again.

Discrimination of perception in the balance of not just awareness but possessing the sensory spectrum that's not only in touch with feeling, emotion and its origins but a cognitive spectrum that can model experience to abstraction in the divide between world and self is integral when it comes to traversing this journey alone or in few numbers. In greater numbers, people at the very least have protective bubbles, however because often these bubbles form divided against one another, we have often have 'good against evil' with the opposing side always being the one that's trying to tear down the flag of an aligned universe with the home team. 

Many people even make it this far in their observations, but like I said, end with a self-deceiving smile that only takes them so far perhaps believing themselves to have 'transcended' and above others even though they're still living the humble lives we're all living just from different vantage points, our role in living out our lives as 'human' remains the same. There is no 'superior source' wit  h 'god', there is just greater alignment, where 'alignment' becomes the only reliable vantage point in 'defining' what 'god' is', being the natural order of the universe that follows the best of patterns in the balance of order over chaos, and that's in every omission of a utilitarian nature, but not without utilitarian cause. As organ (heart, brain, gut) to experience is the fundamental alignment. Thus it isn't theory of the universe that autocorrects and aligns our nature more than it is the same simplicity we share among all of us in organ to energy, that may take different 'physical outcomes' as long as it is arising from the same 'intentionality' from enough quality energetic vantage points that binds us together. People with a less developed sensory perception on their energetic experience but are more cognitively focused often look at outcomes more than they do what makes those outcomes incidental, so they cannot develop a coherent theory of responsibility because missing integral pieces they cannot even self-perceive in themselves; satanism in its traditional self-representation is typical of this, in fact this omission is how they distinguish themselves from religion and they do it by comparing themselves with the extremes of religion rather than its balanced views, another trick of the devil of their own making. And that's the biggest trick of all to unravel, the devil comes through the individual, it's not external, which is what makes it such a hard deception to break the crest to and why therefore many people need religions even at their very naive ends, because at least it provides them rituals which generally do grant them greater levels of safety; prayer, principles, a god for a centre of focus, etc. Because 'devil' comes through them, so too then does 'god', most have no idea that both are their own natures though, they're just activating their nervous system in alignment with higher or lower consciousness. Religion becomes about 'winning the inner competition' against the aspects of themselves they haven't yet bridged enough awareness to integrate, thus 'religion' becomes a necessary stage of consciousness that without, we would fall into endless chaos as ignorance reigns, inclusive of all the pitfalls of false cognitive superiority, as we as a species have not yet developed our sentience beyond a consciousness threshold in which there's the awareness to integrate those disparate realities. A darkened heart, an angered gut, however simple it sounds has direct impacts on the heights of complexity of a consciousness, religion provides healthy and unhealthy crossroads for people that haven't developed their intelligence to the level that make the emotional and greater energetic needs self-organising.

Religion provides an externalised feedback point by which consciousness is able to self-measure its full apparatus against a cognitive model of reality that comes in complete form, however 'incomplete' either its true parameters or the teaching of those and subsequent interpretations; there are no 'engineering' classes on religion unfortunately, there are just ironically, political sermons. In order to truly reach an accurate self-measure though weighed against the universe, consciousness must be able to self-order its own patterns of being and become its own internal authority. However not only is society predicated on externalising self-feedback and creating status hierarchies in the ordering of those with perceived authority in doing so as a self-reinforcing loop on that externalisation. Its very rise in consciousness in being able to do so is predicated on an opposite pattern while at the same time, our growing reinforced false individuality that cloaks itself as a subsequent false true sovereignty in the west for example, creates a narcissism that works in the exact opposite direction. Thereby making traditional religion in today's modern age not only a stepping stone onto something more advanced that requires higher self-awareness to achieve but also an ironic necessary 'evil' and pivotal goodness for personal development that the rationalists need and that the overly indoctrinated religious must become more rationally above in order to truly grow.

In witnessing the devil as an infinite maze of cunning deceptions arising from within Santiago, you've confronted a universal truth. That evil thrives by ensnaring our minds in layers of lies that masquerade as power or pleasure to mask the absence of the power and pleasure in 'love in universe' and 'universe in love' they haven't learned how to integrate to a higher consciousness level. Symbolically to literally, Christ’s victory over this labyrinth wasn’t blind faith but fierce discernment, a capacity to pierce every illusion, from sexual temptation to worldly ambition, and see the manipulator behind them. This starts by simply learning to understand the workings of communication between the areas of our own universe and the cells of information that bind them together to perceive the realities of the universe and through its illusions. Religion can be a crucial scaffold for those unready to navigate lower states of consciousness alone but genuine sovereignty demands a vigilant self-inquiry that neither denies evil nor cowers before it and instead acknowledges it as an integral to their self-vocabulary at increasingly higher levels. Shadow work for example, another case study whereby one can analyse the justification of evil through a misinterpretation of their own psyche by simplistically categorising those acknowledge evil as therefore those that 'deny their own shadow'. In fact at its healthiest end as we're learning together in this comment, its by its full confrontation and integration of consciousness to higher-states, a 'compression' of energy that in its restriction grows the full force of freedom in light, hence why 'darker' is connected with lower states of consciousness and 'lighter' higher states as well as both being self-reinforcement loops because when you're 'darker' the self-deceptions that grow from them feed on one another in the same way that the desire for clarity on the nervous system on the opposite end continually seeks to 'self-clarify', another reason why religion is both pivotal and just a stepping stone. Without religion, if you're at a level of basic philosophical advancement whereby you recognise the connection between values of integrity, nervous system functioning and physical action you'll be able to appreciate how integrating the value centric nature of religion like empathy, reason and humility can teach you to take the good in helping you to discern the greater good along your path without judging what remains an integral piece that at the same time, requires the same discernment in its ridicule as it does in its acknowledgement if the people on both and many sides of the equation, are able to be helped towards the self-ordering of their own inner light.

@Santiago Ram and others that have found the path or nearing, albeit less trained at this stage I hope my own improvisation here I did a few years back inspires you along which I have graduated from since:



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@LethoThank you Very much for taking the time to write such a nuanced and accurate feedback of my experience. I can see you have a gifted mind and I'll read you multiple times to fully grasp what you've said. However, there are a few remarks I would like to point out.


  • Evil is exactly like a satanic Casino and I've seen that before.
  • All mimetic systems of worldly authority fail because when consciousness delegates its own authority to others it gets trapped in external deception which it then internalizes.
  • The same system of projecting authority into others creates the ambition of power and prestige which is responsible for evil. When Christ solved the maze, it is because he resisted the greatest trick: external validation of authority and power.

Those are some key points my mind took away from your brilliant description. I will read you multiple times and let you know which other takeaways I can grasp. 

Edited by Santiago Ram

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The same system of projecting authority into others creates the ambition of power and prestige which is responsible for evil.

That is why Christ is the original Scapegoat, as He unveils the evil of the power externalization mechanism. When consiousness becomes aware of its Absolute Authority, it gets tired of all power games and instead becomes interested in serving the marginalized at all costs. 

Edited by Santiago Ram

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6 hours ago, Santiago Ram said:

@LethoThank you Very much for taking the time to write such a nuanced and accurate feedback of my experience. I can see you have a gifted mind and I'll read you multiple times to fully grasp what you've said. However, there are a few remarks I would like to point out.


  • Evil is exactly like a satanic Casino and I've seen that before.
  • All mimetic systems of worldly authority fail because when consciousness delegates its own authority to others it gets trapped in external deception which it then internalizes.
  • The same system of projecting authority into others creates the ambition of power and prestige which is responsible for evil. When Christ solved the maze, it is because he resisted the greatest trick: external validation of authority and power.

Those are some key points my mind took away from your brilliant description. I will read you multiple times and let you know which other takeaways I can grasp. 

@Santiago Ram You’ve grasped the core truth, evil ensnares through deception, not force. The casino doesn’t trap; it convinces you there’s no trap. This ties directly to another discussion with another user below, who denies evil’s reality, unknowingly mirroring its greatest trick, making itself invisible. Christ’s triumph wasn’t resistance, it was absolute discernment. Looking forward to your further insights.

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My vision of the Devil:


He's a sexy motherfucker. Damn...

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The Devil is something good (it has to do with Nature). What you saw is Agent Smith, the collective ego consciousness in the universe. 

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