
Coaching someone addicted to ketamine

24 posts in this topic

I recently I started coaching someone who uses ketamine daily, he is already getting treated professionally, we have had three sessions so far and part of me just wants to suspend the sessions as I see is out of my area of expertise, plus it has been a very challenging experience for me so far. I mostly work with women in group and one-on-one settings but recently many men are reaching out, after years of working with women I've noticed men are way too different, a whole new species lol different motivations, values etc. Women tend to be more vulnerable and open and it's easier to understand the root cause, the core of issue and their whys, now men.. they put so much effort in maintaining their image, they pretend to be someone else so most of the session is just me trying to see through the "fake image" to get to the core, any tips on working with men? I dont intend to change my focus, I do love working with women, but I would like to be of service to the men too. 

Thank you for reading! 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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@MsNobody maybe tell them directly what's the problem. That you feel that they are wearing a mask and you can see that. And that they can be authentic with you.

Addicts are very difficult people.


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@OBEler I don't know if that would be the best approach, most addictions come from a lack of connection and self love. Exposing it would just make him feel more shame which would make things worse. Or maybe Im just thinking with a woman's mind. Its a delicate situation, really sad. I think we all can relate with self destructive patterns, it's so normalized in society nowadays. 

5 hours ago, OBEler said:

@MsNobody maybe tell them directly what's the problem. That you feel that they are wearing a mask and you can see that. And that they can be authentic with you.

Addicts are very difficult people.


And also we are all addicts lol it's just that some of us have good addictions. 

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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12 hours ago, MsNobody said:

part of me just wants to suspend the sessions as I see is out of my area of expertise

I think think you are correct to be cautious there. Maybe there is no need to terminate the client relationship straight away but as a practitioner, it is important to be aware of your own scope of practice and , even more importantly, what is beyond your scope of practice and beyond your training.

The last thing you want to do is to offer advice that your insurance does not cover and that you were never trained for. You could make yourself liable if the client comes to harm and should the evidence point to your advice that contributed to it, or where you should have involved an addiction treatment professional and didn't, you could lose a license and be liable for a prosecution - this is a worst case scenario of course and one that most practitioners never experience. But it is always a good idea to err on the side of caution if unsure. 

Addictions in particular can be tricky and it is best to check with your governing body organisation how to approach such client. To give you a personal example, I am trained as a nutritional therapist and can work in a variety of chronic health conditions but there are certain types of clients I cannot legally work with without additional training. So it is always important to be aware of what those limitations are and refer where referral is needed. If unsure, you could tell the client that certain things are outside of your scope to discuss and then consider referring them to a certified medical/psychiatric professional. There is no harm in the same client being treated/supported by multiple health professionals. I've previously worked alongside medical doctors and psychiatric professionals and it gave me an extra level of confidence knowing that I wasn't operating outside of my scope of practice. 

Alternatively there might be an option to have them sign a waiver that strips you of liability but its not something I've ever done and this is where you'd need a professional legal advice to do correctly. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@MsNobody yes we are all addicts but these addicts are special. They are not human anymore.They have a fucked up rotten mindset. They are professional liars. Don't fall into them they know how to trick you.

Addicts have no self worth. And they project that on others. They have fake confidence, fake empassion. In truth they are full of self hate and are emotional numb because of all the drug use. Yes they are like creatures operating at animal level but play being human as best as they can. They are good at that similar to a psychopath and it's necessary to survive so you can't blame them to put a mask on.

This addiction robs their humanness and soul. It's self medication otherwise they would hardly be functional at all or probably not alive anymore.

Yes If you confront them with putting a mask on they probably can be just more falling into self hate. I don't know what you can do. Their root cause must be fixed otherwise addicts go after beating one addiction to the next substitution whatever that means.

Edited by OBEler

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I received coaching certification in the addiction and transformation space with an emphasis on psychedelic prep and integration.

Send me a DM if you want to talk shop.

Edited by halfknots

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If I were you I would set up a screening process for this so that you can weed out clientes that need help with issues that are outside your domain of expertise. This both to protect you and your clients well-being. 

I belive these two questions are worth pondering.

Where is the line? How can I effectivly communicate what I can and what I cannot help my clients with?

As far as this client goes, you can't and should not try to treat the clients addiction and if your client wants your help, it need to be in the context of what you can offer - which is coaching, not therapy. 

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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Refer him to someone who is experienced in addiction and just coach him on what you have experience with 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@MsNobody I have the opposite problem. I’ve taught men my whole life, I could never teach a woman. One criticism and she will start crying. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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On 21/02/2025 at 3:45 PM, OBEler said:

@MsNobody yes we are all addicts but these addicts are special. They are not human anymore.They have a fucked up rotten mindset. They are professional liars. Don't fall into them they know how to trick you.

Addicts have no self worth. And they project that on others. They have fake confidence, fake empassion. In truth they are full of self hate and are emotional numb because of all the drug use. Yes they are like creatures operating at animal level but play being human as best as they can. They are good at that similar to a psychopath and it's necessary to survive so you can't blame them to put a mask on.

This addiction robs their humanness and soul. It's self medication otherwise they would hardly be functional at all or probably not alive anymore.

Yes If you confront them with putting a mask on they probably can be just more falling into self hate. I don't know what you can do. Their root cause must be fixed otherwise addicts go after beating one addiction to the next substitution whatever that means.

wow, what a harsh way to generalize a huge amount of people. Most of what you are saying here is simply false and does not accurately represent all of the addicted population that is not literally shooting heroine in the gutters, addiction is much more complex and varied psychologically

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@molosku yeah could be a bit too harsh. Yes you should not generalize addicts. There are just some heroin addicts who have similar character traits in my opinion because they are always under pressure to get the next hit otherwise they will be punished by withdrawal symptoms. It's the pressure what makes them so harsh. 

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On 21/02/2025 at 9:07 AM, MsNobody said:

I recently I started coaching someone who uses ketamine daily, he is already getting treated professionally, we have had three sessions so far and part of me just wants to suspend the sessions as I see is out of my area of expertise, plus it has been a very challenging experience for me so far. I mostly work with women in group and one-on-one settings but recently many men are reaching out, after years of working with women I've noticed men are way too different, a whole new species lol different motivations, values etc. Women tend to be more vulnerable and open and it's easier to understand the root cause, the core of issue and their whys, now men.. they put so much effort in maintaining their image, they pretend to be someone else so most of the session is just me trying to see through the "fake image" to get to the core, any tips on working with men? I dont intend to change my focus, I do love working with women, but I would like to be of service to the men too. 

Thank you for reading! 

@MsNobody It’s great that you’re reflecting deeply on this experience rather than forcing a rigid approach. Coaching someone with addiction is a completely different terrain than personal development work with non-addicted individuals because addiction fundamentally rewires perception, self-trust, and emotional regulation. You’re not just coaching a person, you’re coaching a nervous system that has been hijacked by a cycle of escape.

Men, as you pointed out, often operate with a facade of control and resistance to vulnerability, but addiction makes this even more complicated. Many addicted individuals (not all, but many) develop hyper-adaptive personas to protect themselves, not because they’re "lying" in a malicious sense, but because addiction conditions them to operate through survival-based strategies: charm, deflection, withdrawal, or manipulation, depending on the person. These are not signs of a "rotten" mindset but rather evidence of a fractured self-connection.

If you choose to continue working with this client, the key is building trust through resonance, not confrontation. If you call out their "mask" directly, it may trigger shame and resistance. Instead, mirror their deeper truth beneath it, when you sense inauthenticity, reflect back a safe interpretation of what might be happening underneath. For example: "I notice there’s a lot of strength in how you present yourself, but I also sense there’s something underneath that’s hard to bring forward. We don’t have to force anything, but I want you to know this space is open for whatever feels real for you in the moment." This keeps their defenses down while planting the seed for deeper honesty over time.

That said, @Michael569 is absolutely right, know your limits. Coaching and therapy are different skill sets, and addiction is a volatile subject where ethical boundaries are crucial. If you feel out of depth, there is no shame in referring out while maintaining a support role within your expertise. You don’t have to be the "fixer" but you can be the bridge.

Most importantly don’t absorb the emotional weight of this alone. Addiction has an energetic gravity, it can pull helpers into a dynamic of overextension or frustration. Keep your center, keep your scope clear, and engage only from a place of sustainable balance.

You’re already navigating this thoughtfully, you'll find the intuition that'll guide you towards the best learning path for wisdom here. It's not a standard catch and shoot situation, you're going to have to hold the ball from a point guard position and simulate possible negative defensive and attack formations before they happen and sensitively move forward as an empathic leader. Take your time, diligently, they'll appreciate the extra space you need and if they don't, that's your very quick exit strategy that you should take given its new territory.

Edited by Letho

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@MsNobody Just ask him questions that make him more conscious of his self-destructive behaviors.

Coaching is about asking powerful questions that bring consciousness to unconscious mental activity. This is the same regardless of gender.

Hone up your questioning skill.

You can ask him: What is it you need from me as your coach? He will tell you his masculine needs. Then try to serve those masculine needs and values.

Try to start every coaching session by asking what your client needs from you. This keeps sessions on track. Don't try to guess what your client needs.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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From my experience asking questions is often not very effective for giving your clients results. Many times their thinking is so away from the path of the solutions they're looking for that I mostly do 25% asking questions 25% listening and 50% just lecturing and giving them the insights or context they're missing and would take them ages to reach by their own thinking even with me guiding their minds.

You can ask the right questions as much as you want but sometimes people just will not have insightful answers.

If you're an expert in what you do, ask questions to gather the raw answers they need to hear

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@MsNobody Some questions you could ask:

  • Do you believe you have lost the battle with Ketamine?
  • Do you believe in awakening or having a spiritual experience sober? Would that make the effort worthwile?
  • How have you hurt others?
  • Who have you hurt?
  • How can you repair the damage? Will doing that eliminate the damage or create more?
  • Are you willing to meditate, do self-inquiry or service to others?
  • Once you have achieved time sober, are you willing to lead others and share your message?

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On 20/2/2025 at 7:07 PM, MsNobody said:

I recently I started coaching someone who uses ketamine daily, he is already getting treated professionally, we have had three sessions so far and part of me just wants to suspend the sessions as I see is out of my area of expertise, plus it has been a very challenging experience for me so far. I mostly work with women in group and one-on-one settings but recently many men are reaching out, after years of working with women I've noticed men are way too different, a whole new species lol different motivations, values etc. Women tend to be more vulnerable and open and it's easier to understand the root cause, the core of issue and their whys, now men.. they put so much effort in maintaining their image, they pretend to be someone else so most of the session is just me trying to see through the "fake image" to get to the core, any tips on working with men? I dont intend to change my focus, I do love working with women, but I would like to be of service to the men too. 

Thank you for reading! 

Also you could ask:

  • Are you willing to stop hurting others? How will that benefit you?
  • What makes you lose your temper? How will you react in these situations?

See, the point of these moral questions is to start having more meaningful relationships and feel better, sometimes it is just loneliness and toxic, angering relationships which lead people to abuse

The 4 recommendations:

  1. Do not visit places where you abused
  2. Cut ties with the friendships with whom you used.
  3. Do not have a romantic or sexual relationship for a year (yup, pretty hard but important, not of my invention btw)
  4. Believe in a Higher Power
Edited by Santiago Ram

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I have 2 years of sobriety and I worked a  year as staff in an NA clinic, I am willing to offer any help you need

Edited by Santiago Ram

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On 21/2/2025 at 7:45 AM, OBEler said:

@MsNobody yes we are all addicts but these addicts are special. They are not human anymore.They have a fucked up rotten mindset. They are professional liars. Don't fall into them they know how to trick you.

Addicts have no self worth. And they project that on others. They have fake confidence, fake empassion. In truth they are full of self hate and are emotional numb because of all the drug use. Yes they are like creatures operating at animal level but play being human as best as they can. They are good at that similar to a psychopath and it's necessary to survive so you can't blame them to put a mask on.

This addiction robs their humanness and soul. It's self medication otherwise they would hardly be functional at all or probably not alive anymore.

Yes If you confront them with putting a mask on they probably can be just more falling into self hate. I don't know what you can do. Their root cause must be fixed otherwise addicts go after beating one addiction to the next substitution whatever that means.

@OBElerThat's harsh. Yes, we are full of Hurt, and have Hurted others quite a bit but that doesnt make us non-human. Many people do recover.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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The point is to improve human connection. The people who recover are those with more meaningful connections. That is the point of Amends. I've seen this work. 

People who are angry and resented usually relapse.

Edited by Santiago Ram

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