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What is absolute goodness?

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Can someone explain to me what absolute goodness is? From 53:26 of Leo's "The Many Facets Of Awakening" video?

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6 hours ago, ActualizedJohn said:

From 53:26 of Leo's "The Many Facets Of Awakening" video


I AM reborn

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Good is knowing what's false and what's true

and letting go of the former and living for the latter.

The false is the material and the true is the spiritual.

Thus when you see people, to see badness is false and to see goodness is true.

Choose as you please.


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Karma yoga. Everything you do in life say to yourself this is for God. 

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One of the ways I've been able to grasp how everything is good with the capital g and that bad does not exist is through the analogy of the fathers son. 

This analogy exemplifies true unconditional and universal love and goodness. 

It's quite a simple one basically the father sees his son and his filled with joy at his sons very existence. The son could be kind and virtuous or cruel and evil. Even If the son was evil and committed terrible atrocities (while the father would intellectually disagree with his sons behavior) there will always be a deep root in the father that is filled with joy because no matter what evil or good the son does, the father loves the son unconditionally simply because he exists. Everything and anything the son does is good from the fathers perspective because anything that qualifies as the sons existence is what fills him with joy deep in the center of his core. With a true loving father this core is truly unconditional which is very extreme in fact it's so extreme that it's actually not. It's just total. It's full. if his son committed genocide he would probably verbally condemn his son's actions but this will change nothing about the core of the fathers heart. Any and all manifestations of the son's existence is good [to him] in this way. 

The same could be said of existence. Yes there are terrible atrocities and much suffering that are terrible and there is unspeakable pain in existence. But the very fact that it is existence is like the sons existence... Even its failure is good because failure is still a form of existence and the very existence of the universe in all forms is good. 


Edited by Aaron p

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