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Φ yd eurt h = true by definition

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Meaning is just what we feel is the approximate, orthogonal relationship at that time—as one of our prominent jobs revolves around the preserving of strings of words that we are micro managing. If those strings of words happen to overlay or trigger a strange little voice (a confirmation on their connection), then it is only through happenstance that we find some inherent meaning. But other than that, there isnt some magical meaning that exists alongside words or phrases themselves (we're in a text context atm)

There’s an implicit (and constant) “bringing-to-mind” -mechanism (through whatever means), that is building up a kind of memory-stream (memories are is quite liquid and fragile) what keeps them going… Memory helps you stay fixated on this reality. That VERY important to know and its something you could extend/or continue the trend of thinking on...

Truth is a very different notion from *meaning*. Truth is different from both fact as well as meaning. Something can be meaningful to you, but in fact, it may not mean what you think it means. It could be factual in some regard, and at the same time that fact could be untrue, either to you or to someone else. Truth = anything that is true. Therefore, your whole life’s purpose is to be able to say “what is true”, for you. When you can prove that one thing on Earth is true, you’re journey will be complete (completing the journey of whats true, will complete the journey of whats true)

"But what will happen when my life is complete, And what happens when I stop remembering?…"

Its actually paradoxically to say that anyone could ever stop remembering. Its the same as asking “doesnt there need to be nothing, before there can be everything?” — At which point you realize that, “No thing IS a Something”. At which point, you realize, theres no such thing as nothing!… At which point you think, “does that mean that everything has existed ALL the time?” And this kind of self-inquiry can go on, and on, and on, and on…

Insert a 1/4 arc, and finish line 🏁

^What was the point of that kavaquavaris?/ : Ive no idea, Enjoy.
Episode suggestion—a two hour rifling through realizations one would/should have, from beginning to end.

Edited by kavaris

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