
🚨 A Dictatorial Coup Is Taking Place Within The United States Right Now 🚨

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Putin's system is corrupt, but what is the alternative?

The alternative is simple: Western liberalism.

It exists for good reason. Because it works.

This whole problem could have been avoided if Putin just stopped thinking he's too cool for school.

Putin is resisting the inevitable: Liberalism will come to Russia sooner or later. Russia will not invent some unique superior system. That is foolishness.

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 minutes ago, Ero said:

Maybe read some history first. Read about Holodomor, NKVD deportations, Great Red Terror. What respect can you have for a country that has starved to death millions of you, sent 500,000 of you to camps in Siberia, murdered 80% of your intellectuals and elites? Unless you have lost family members cuz of the Russians, don’t talk to me about respect. 

I know all that, So the solution is hatred for past affronts. Russia also thinks that Ukraine helped Hitler in the cruelest and bloodiest invasion in history. So then? Well, war. And the American vultures flying around to get their part. 

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8 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I know all that, So the solution is hatred for past affronts. Russia also thinks that Ukraine helped Hitler in the cruelest and bloodiest invasion in history. So then? Well, war. And the American vultures flying around to get their part. 

This is an exceptionally biased strawman. Crimea/Donbas were engineered after Ukraine finalised a EU free trade agreement in 2013. Russian puppet Yanukovych rejected the overwhelming majority of the parliament. Protesters against it were shot by snipers. All of this because Ukraine wanted a future. You are on the wrong side of history. Period.

Edited by Ero

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

The alternative is simple: Western liberalism.

It exists for good reason. Because it works.

In Russia? Tell that to the Chechens. It's like trying to impose democracy in Arab countries. Things need an evolutionary process, not bombings to help. Russia is trying to maintain itself as a nation and find its way. Russia is not just any piece of shit, it is a country with history, and a history of great hardship and suffering, which has produced some geniuses. I think that Russia should be respected more. Maybe I'm wrong but seems that Russia since Gorbachev has had a more or less humble and conciliatory attitude towards the West and the response has been hostility. 

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5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

In Russia? Tell that to the Chechens. I

I don't mean forcing it on them. I mean Russians wising up and open their minds to Western liberalism as good for them.

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8 minutes ago, Ero said:

Protesters against it were shot by snipers

It seems very possible that this was the work of those who wanted that yanukovich fell. It's a typical CIA plan. Why would Yanukovich kill 100 people, to be condemned by the whole world? That coup d'état happened with American support.

7 minutes ago, Ero said:

All of this because Ukraine wanted a future.

The future that they have now. They have been cheated by US like puppets

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't mean forcing it on them. I mean Russians wising up and open their minds to Western liberalism as good for them.

I think that they want that, but this is a process, and I don't think that Putin is against this, perhaps after Putin, Russia is ready for a real democracy. Putin has united Russia and restored its sense of nationhood. Russia was on the brink of collapse and balkanization, and that moment has passed. It could not be handled with a soft hand, nor could opportunists be allowed to access to the power. A solid political system had to be established, and then democracy could come.

Anyway, I have not so deep knowledge, maybe I'm wrong, but what is sure is that the thing in Ukraine is a shit provoked to put pressure on russia. think what a son of a bitch you have to be to try to create conflict and instability in a huge country that is fighting for its permanence as a nation and is on the verge of disintegration. that is being a mortal enemy. why? 

Anyway, thanks for the conversation, sleeping time

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Just now, Breakingthewall said:

I don't think that Putin is against this

You gotta be joking.

That's what this whole war is about.

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1 minute ago, Breakingthewall said:

think what a son of a bitch you have to be to try to create conflict and instability in a huge country that is fighting for its permanence as a nation and is on the verge of disintegration. that is being a mortal enemy.

The fucking irony in this statement. 

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

He is seriously biased and not objective.

There is a ton ofindie news about Ukraine that is good and not anti-Ukraine. You are in a self-created echochamber.

Leo you literally shared with us on your forum "Judge Napolitano" channel which included people like Jeffery Sachs and Mearsheimer, praising it and now you tell us they are biased and bad?

Who do you consider objective on this matter?

And regarding Ukraine fighting the war, I notice it is usually people that are not fighting that want the war to continue.

If people were so in favor of the war they would not try to escape the country or live in their house out of fear of being snatched from the street and put against their will to the front.

Ukraine reminds me of Germany in early 1945 where they were desperate for men and would do anything.

A truly motivated country has the recruitment stations lined with men, no need to snatch from the street.

I support Ukraine but I feel like that war needs to end asap for their own good.

Better loose 20% of your land than all your youth which does not even want to fight.

Edited by Karmadhi

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11 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Leo you literally shared with us on your forum "Judge Napolitano" channel which included people like Jeffery Sachs and Mearsheimer, praising it and now you tell us they are biased and bad?

Yes, I did. Their perspective is good to hear. But you should not be listening only to them for your news on Ukraine, Gaza, etc. That channel became a massive echochamber since I shared it. They always tow the same one-sided line with no fresh or alternative perspective. It's the same 3 fucking guys who are all closedminded to other ways of looking at.

Vlad Vexler is much more reasonable.

But again, no one guy or channel should be your sole source. Listen to guys who are pro and anti to get a mix of views.

Edited by Leo Gura

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, I did. Their perspective is good to hear. But you should not be listening onlt to them for your news on Ukraine, Gaza, etc. The channel became a massive echochamber since I shared it. They always tow the same one-sided line with no fresh or alternative perspective. It's the same 3 fucking guys how are all very closedminded to other ways of looking at.

It depends on the guest I think. Some are indeed very biased but some although slightly biased are still respected scholars and famous in their line.

Jeffery Sachs and John Mearsheimer have good analysis on the Gaza conflict to me. I have not noticed much bias on that personally.

When it comes to Ukraine I do notice bias but still within reason. 

Especially with Mearsheimer. With Sachs I see more bias when it comes to Ukraine war.

Keep in mind the pro Ukranians are biased too as well.

They are in denial about how corrupt Ukraine is for example or that many people do not want to fight the war and are forced against their will.

What is ironic is that Ukraine stepped up their corruption fighting only when the war started and the world started calling them corrupt.

From what I researched there was little to no difference between Yanakovic and Timoshenko.

Both were corrupt oligarchs.

Only difference is that Yanakovic was pro Russian and Timoshenko was Pro Western.

If you see the corruption index of Ukraine between 2014-2020 it was not much better than Russia.

What helped Ukraine when it comes to corruption and oligarchy was the start of their EU process in 2022 after the war, not kicking out Yanakovic.

I think Ukraine is on the right path to become a democratic liberal not corrupt democracy and join the EU eventually but I think it was Russia invading it which kickstarted the whole process in full force. Because people now hate Russia so much and want to become the opposite of Russia. Quite ironic in a way.

And i do listen to many channels and sources anyway.


Edited by Karmadhi

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19 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Jeffery Sachs and John Mearsheimer have good

They are good to hear a few times, but not endlessly like on that channel. They have become a broken record.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They are good to hear a few times, but not endlessly like on that channel. They have become a broken record.

Ah, so now your views on their opinions on the matter have evolved lately. 

How surprising is it that Mearsheimer has been both commending Trump for "genuinely wanting to broker" a peace deal with Russia and saying that Zelensky failed to protect his country, will probably be forced to step down, and has damaged his legacy?

Edited by Hardkill

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They are good to hear a few times, but not endlessly like on that channel. They have become a broken record.

That’s because they need to emphasize specific points as they are trying to pierce the mainstream messaging bubble 

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I respect Mearsheimer but that doesn't mean I agree with him. He makes some good points but you should not adopt his view wholesale. It's just one facet to consider.

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I think Mearsheimer is too biased for wanting to maintain his theories. And Sachs is too biased for not wanting to criticize foreign governments to maintain his connections there.

I preferred Chomsky but he is probably not coming back.

Edited by Raze

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We have a dedicated Russia/Ukraine thread. Please move any Ukraine discussion there. This thread is about US Trumpist threat.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't mean forcing it on them. I mean Russians wising up and open their minds to Western liberalism as good for them.

Liberalism is on the downfall in the west, so I doubt that will happen in Russia.

Funny how in the earlier days of mass internet adoption, it had an effect of democratizing and illuminating people, like the Arab spring, but as the years went on the internet turned into the worst reactionary, epistemologically rotten propaganda machine that we have ever seen.

Hate to say it but WW3 is probably the only thing that will put the devils back in their holes again for a little while.

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Liberalism ain't going anywhere. It's just obscured by noisy fools.

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