
🚨 A Dictatorial Coup Is Taking Place Within The United States Right Now 🚨

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41 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Listen this guy

@Breakingthewall I have listened to that Sachs' speech. You need to pin-point exact arguments you want to discuss. It's not clear at all in what context you are replying with that video to my comment.


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13 minutes ago, Girzo said:

@Breakingthewall I have listened to that Sachs' speech. You need to pin-point exact arguments you want to discuss. It's not clear at all in what context you are replying with that video to my comment.


I told you that the population in Crimea, 70% Russian, etc etc

And you hadn't time to listen now 😅

I put the video because id like that people listen and comment, because it's from someone who knows deeply 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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29 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Russia is involved in a regional conflict over Crimea and the Dombass, which are populated by Russians, who are being harassed by the Ukrainians, and NATO,

1) You have no idea where Putin will stop if you give him no pushback. Guys like him are not known for their humble aims.

2) It's more than regional conflict. Putin's goal was to overthrow the legitimate government of Ukraine and occupy the whole country. He just failed at it.

3) The notion that Russians are harassed by Ukrainians is gaslighting. Putin was funding that harassment to justify his greed for land.

4) Putin says that he does not consider Ukraine a nation.

I am not saying the answer to this war is clear-cut. But this framing that the evil US establishment empire is feeding this war for corrupt reasons is wrong. That's not what is happening.

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I told you that the population in Crimea, 70% Russian, etc etc

That gives you a right to break previous international agreements and do a military invasion? There are reasons why Russia gave up Crimea to Ukraine when breaking up CCCP. You tell people to not be lazy, but you don't take your own medicine, because I bet you can't name a single reason why did Crimea end up within Ukrainian borders in the first place. Also using such arguments for Donbass is even worse, because minority Russsian is not even a majority, and even if you are of Russian ethnicity that doesn't mean you automatically want to live wihtin Russia's border.

You want a deeper answer then string togehter a proper argument. Etc is lazy and not an argument, I still am not sure what is your argument exactly and why are posting Sachs again and again. I like his books, but what does his talk have to do with the fact that Russia is the agressor. The whole reason for the war is "How dare you my slave be pro-European?" The NATO expansion line of thought is an interesting idea when you first hear it, but in the end it's an over-intelectualized approach, as there are way more down to earth explanations for the start of war.

Edited by Girzo

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's more than regional conflict. Putin's goal was to overthrow the legitimate government of Ukraine and occupy the whole country. He just failed at it.

There was a government, then a coup d’état happened.  before the coup there were protests, the euro maidan, in which the USA was heavily involved. about 100 people were killed by sniper fire, it was very strange. it seems that afterwards the ukrainian police chief in charge of the demonstration found a job in a large american company. after the coup d’état the new ruler elevated stephan bandera, who was in charge of the jewish holocaust in ukraine, to the status of national hero, and after that the donbass war began.

7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The notion that Russians are harassed by Ukrainians is gaslighting. Putin was funding that harassment to justify his greed for land

They had been bombed during 8 years by the Azov battalion, 15 thousand deaths in both sides. This is the Azov 


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If any of you actually stopped consuming brain dead propaganda you might have realised that what Russia is doing in Ukraine falls squarely under the definition of “ethnic cleansing”/ genocide. If you are a Putin apologists I want you to really think how concerns of “national security “ can really justify the kidnapping of tens of thousands of children and the forceful destruction of Ukrainian culture and identity. Check yourself.


Chaos, Entropy, Order

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6 minutes ago, Girzo said:

There are reasons why Russia gave up Crimea to Ukraine when breaking up CCCP. You tell people to not be lazy, but you don't take your own medicine, because I bet you can't name a single reason why did Crimea end up within Ukrainian borders in the first place.

Because krushev wanted to join the destiny of Russia and Ukraine. Seems that he achieved it. 

7 minutes ago, Girzo said:

The whole reason for the war is "How dare you my slave be pro-European?" The NATO expansion line of thought is an interesting idea when you first hear it, but in the end it's an over-intelectualized approach, as there are way more down to earth explanations for the start of war.

Do you think it is necessary to put 5 virus research laboratories near the Russian border and to give weapons to a government that is openly hostile to Russia, that wants to ban the Russian language and the Orthodox religion, and then to have them join NATO and thus give them the possibility of housing atomic weapons?

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@Breakingthewall I've heard the history of the region. You don't need to repeat it. None of that justifies violation of international law and treaties which Russia itself committed to for respecting Ukrainian borders.

Just because there's some local fighting going on does not mean you get to disregard and expunge an entire nation.

Edited by Leo Gura

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Breakingthewall I've heard the history of the region. You don't need to repeat it. None of that justified violation of international law and treaties which Russia itself committed to for respecting Ukrainian borders.

Maybe, but it's just a regional conflict, not a megalomaniac dictator who wants to conquer the world and must be stopped at any cost, including the destruction of the world. It's just the Dombass, and the responsibility of the conflict is not clear at all. 

Imagine that china get hysterical by the bombing in Gaza because they can't stand such evilness and they start pushing there with all their power. Maybe It wouldn't be just because the horrible evilness against the Palestinian? 

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

5 virus research laboratories

Those labs aren't secret bioweapons labs.

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2 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's just the Dombass

That's not true.

There's good evidence Putin wants Moldova too.

At the least he wants all of Ukraine and Moldova. Beyond that, I'm not too worried, but we also shouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt.

I am not saying Putin will invade Poland. But he already wants too much.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Nemra said:

Those labs aren't secret bioweapons labs.

Yes, I know that Victoria Nuland said that US build them near the military bases but with the idea of helping the Ukrainians to fight against the epidemics. Sounds a joke 

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

That's not true.

There's good evidence Putin wants Moldova too.

At the least he wants all of Ukraine and Moldova. Beyond that, I'm not too worried, but we also shouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt.

I am not saying Putin will invade Poland. But he already wants too much.

Why the Americans have the need to influence Ukraine so aggressively? Because they love Ukrainians for some reason? The result is this shit. Leave the Russians their zone of influence, stop screwing around and monopolizing power, have respect for other powers. But no, the Americans are the only ones who have the power. Well, it seems not. This is all a power game, don't you see? Nobody cares about the Ukrainians, it's a duel of strength that the US has started to nullify Russia. The US needs to nullify everyone, only they have power, nobody else.

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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Leave the Russians their zone of influence, stop screwing around and monopolizing power, have respect for other powers.

You are advocating for Russian colonialism. Ukrainians, as all other Eastern European countries who have experienced it first-hand, do not want Putin’s oligarcho-militarized dictatorship. As sovereign nations, we have the right for self-determination. Ukrainians are willing to kill for it, and so are we. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Why the Americans have the need to influence Ukraine so aggressively? Because they love Ukrainians for some reason? The result is this shit. Leave the Russians their zone of influence, stop screwing around and monopolizing power, have respect for other powers. But no, the Americans are the only ones who have the power. Well, it seems not. This is all a power game, don't you see? Nobody cares about the Ukrainians, it's a duel of strength that the US has started to nullify Russia. The US needs to nullify everyone, only they have power, nobody else.

This sounds nice in theory, but in practice what you're saying is, let Putin turn Ukraine into a corrupt repressive mafia puppet state more backwards than Russia for the next 50 years.

Don't forget why Americans have so much power. It's because the American system is superior to all the other systems that have been tried aside from Scandinavia. And Putin ain't Scandinavia.

Don't hate on America so much that you overlook the obvious superiority of the American system relative to its alternatives.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

This sounds nice in theory, but in practice what you're saying is, let Putin turn Ukraine is a corrupt mafia puppet state more backwards than Russia for 50 years.

Do you think that the US got involved in Ukraine to help them or to put pressure on Russia? The result is not very good for Ukraine, now Ukraine is hell. Before it was a puppet state? That seems to be the case. Then there was a coup, but the people who came to power were totally anti-Russian. Do you think they had reasons to be? Maybe they did, but if you feed that hostility and make it grow, Russia can do two things: let itself be humiliated by its little brother, and thus admit that it is powerless, or impose its power. The problem with admitting powerlessness is that first Ukraine spits in your face and then everyone else does, and in the end what the US wants happens: a Balkanized Russia, plundered resources. The attitude of Russia is desire of survival, not expansionism 

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12 minutes ago, Ero said:

You are advocating for Russian colonialism. Ukrainians, as all other Eastern European countries who have experienced it first-hand, do not want Putin’s oligarcho-militarized dictatorship. As sovereign nations, we have the right for self-determination. Ukrainians are willing to kill for it, and so are we. 

Ukraine just had to show respect for Russia. Not to insist on Crimea. Not to ban Russian language. If there is separatism, negotiate, not to bomb. Don't join NATO. Don't be a puppet but neither an enemy. Don't follow the game of the US. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The attitude of Russia is desire of survival

No one is threatening Russia's survival. Putin is just paranoid of his own corrupt system collapsing.

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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Ukraine just had to show respect for Russia. Not to insist on Crimea. Not to ban Russian language. If there is separatism, negotiate, not to bomb. Don't join NATO. Don't be a puppet but neither an enemy. Don't follow the game of the US. 

Maybe read some history first. Read about Holodomor, NKVD deportations, Great Red Terror. What respect can you have for a country that has starved to death millions of you, sent 500,000 of you to camps in Siberia, murdered 80% of your intellectuals and elites? Unless you have lost family members cuz of the Russians, don’t talk to me about respect. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No one is threatening Russia's survival. Putin is just paranoid of his own corrupt system collapsing.

Putin's system is corrupt, but what is the alternative? Russia is extremely complicated and can collapse. We have a country that is so complicated and instead of helping it, we judge it as corrupt and worse than us and we corner it and try to weaken it. It's a son of a bitch's attitude, don't you think? What would happen if Russia collapses? Russia has very poor areas, it would be chaos. War, hunger, misery .

Should it have another system that is less corrupt? It's easy to say. Putin wanted to join NATO, he wanted to be a partner, and he is treated as an enemy, he is judged and harassed. Why? For one reason only, because of greed for power. Never sharing power, always nullifying others. 

How should Russia be? A democracy like Switzerland? It would be ideal, but for now if you take Putin away, there is a mafia and chaos. That's Russia. Should it not exist? Or should it be balkanized? Russia is older than the US, a little respect. At the end Russia has had to earn that respect by force

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