
🚨 A Dictatorial Coup Is Taking Place Within The United States Right Now 🚨

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The American system needs an upheaval. In any fair and functional country, Trump would have been sentenced and imprisoned for his Jan 6th insurrection.

Felons can't vote, but they can run for president?

I think a war or total economic collapse are required for the average lazy, spineless American to maybe pull their head out of their ass and for more strict checks and balances to be implemented. 

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1 hour ago, Frylock said:

Felons can't vote, but they can run for president?

This is actually more complex of an issue than it seems.

If, for example, we passed a law that felons cannot run for office, then it could easily be weaponized by a corrupt government to keep good people from getting elected. This is exactly what happened in Russia. Putin uses such a law to keep all his best political opponents out of the elections, like Nivalny, by slapping them with phony felony charges. For another example, consider Lula in Brazil who was imprisons on phony charges and blocked from running in elections.

But of course in a healthy system felons should not be allowed to run for high office. Just note that such a system is not so easy to create and sustain because corruption will creep in and abuse any mechanical rules.

Edited by Leo Gura

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I suggest that they don't understand this. They feel the threat, but they are in such deep denial that they honestly think they will win the battle. Which is why they fight it so hard.

Take Jordan Peterson, for example. I'm sure he believes that he will defeat the Wokes/Greens. He probably feels he well on the way to achieving that goal.

Think of Osama Bin Laden or Hitler or Putin or the Confederate South. These people honestly think that their worldview will win in the end.

It's an elaborate self-deception.

I agree that they don't think they will lose, what I mean by the understanding is that there is an intuitive grasp that progress eventually will undermine their world view and what is common to them, which is true. It threatens their identity, which is why they react against it so harshly.

This is what a lot of progressives don't understand about bigotry and conservatism in general, it is rooted in identity. There is actually an easy way to avoid the backlash by celebrating those aspects of past worldviews that are positive.

For example, with a Christian, you can focus on elevating good aspects of Christianity, like ideas around love and compassion, forgiveness, understanding sin in the context of a failure, not evil. Things like honesty and truthfulness. Maybe some of the traditions you can celebrate and even integrate it into your progressive culture. But this is not possibly at lower stages like orange and green because their identities  tend to evolve through a rejection of past elements, which often can be an unhealthy progression. A typical example is a teenager who resist the oppressive norms of stage blue by being reactionary and specifically negating those values. Being rude, being uncivilized, being anarchical, maybe even being a satanist in the extreme.

Stage green has been engaging in this type of thing a lot, rejecting white culture, institutions like the police and so forth as a way to create an identity that rejects the flaws in those things. The problem with that approach is that you lose contact to those things, which will make it impossible to allow those things to progress themselves. If you reject the police, it will grow more and more corrupt. You have to love the police to be able to improve it, you have to see the potential in it.

In a similar manner, even if it is difficult, one has to identify the potential in the lower stages and amplify those. When speak to Christians, appeal to the modern ideal of Christ, the ideals of compassion, humility, loving thy neighbour and so forth. Things that such individuals can relate to and that are positive.


The ideal way of societal progress is to maintain an identity that collectively evolves. A lot of friction occurs because of the split in identity that occurs as people abandon the common culture and attempt to create a counter-culture. Although the counter-cultures can integrate into the main culture, as long as there is not too much friction.


But given the time of social media, in which hostility is amplified to the maximal degree, that the only thing that is amplified are the differences in identities to cause as much engagement as possible through cultural war, this basically becomes impossible. And this is not a trivial thing, this is actually an existential problem that we have to solve. It's a more pressing issue than Climate change, and really any other issue, because every other issue becomes impossible to solve as long as this problem is present.


You can see this everywhere now, that stages identify themselves through the rejection and opposition of the other stages. As soon as this happens, evolution through the evolving of individuals becomes significantly hampered. Previously, stage orange perceived stage green as cringe and airy fairy, but because of the radical the rejection of stage orange by green, it grew into viewing stage green as a genuine threat "they want to take my freedom away". When the conservatives look at rock-n-roll and realize "Oh they just want to have fun and be free", they might reluctantly tolerate it. But if they start thinking "Oh, rock-n-roll wants to destroy Christianity!", that's when things start locking up.

Edited by Scholar

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Shapiro and Peterson are just charlatans out to make money.


You people fail to realize there's a lot of people outside of your subculture, WAY outside, many people that never go to a city, few of them see any social programs other than roads. These people see their communities decaying while progressives rail for free college, welfare for migrants, higher prices(environmental stuff),and reparations, they just want a job, which is the idea behind tarrifs.

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2 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Selfishness always wins in the short-term.

Not always. Sometimes. Selfishness can also blow up in your face very quickly, like a cheap firecracker.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Scholar said:

I agree that they don't think they will lose, what I mean by the understanding is that there is an intuitive grasp that progress eventually will undermine their world view

I suggest that they don't even recognize progress as progress.

Do you think JP or Musk think wokeness is progress? No. Their worldview is so twisted they see progress as evil.

Civil Rights is evil, not progress, in the mind of an old-school conservative.

The Taliban does not see feminism or gay marriage as progress. Neither does MAGA.

So there is an interesting relativity to what progress means to people. People disagree about what counts as progress. For example, is Soviet Communism progress? Is cutting off your penis progress? Is 50%+ taxation progress? Is hiring people to meet racial quotas progress? Is free heroin at your local pharmacy progress? It outsourcing jobs to China progress?

Who decides what progress means?

Edited by Leo Gura

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I think Trump will try something when it’s time for the next election. He will either try to call the elections off and put JD in as a fake president while he rules de facto or he will try to twist things so radically and make up some reason to stay in. And it will cause some crisis because the entire system is grid locked and rotted. Jan 6th basically proves the entire Republican base thinks he’s above the law and can do anything. He will try something again most likely. 

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Understanding deep truths about the nature of reality and self deception is the ultimate guardrail against epistemic corruption-which is the central cause of the masses being influenced by the toxicity of social media, click bait, rage bait.

My mind is starting to make a connection between Understanding (or lack thereof) and all the toxic shit going down in our political landscape. Then again, it took many hours of consciousness work and emotional labor/suffering to take just the first step.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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@Scholar You're posts on this thread have helped my understanding of the current political situation, here in the us, a lot. Thank you.

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As turbulent as things have been so far, I don’t see how he can keep his reign if he continues at this pace. I lack political knowledge but does this pace seem sustainable? If he pisses too many people off, breaks ties with all our allies, and weakens our position too much, wouldn’t he eventually lose support? What are some potential scenarios that could ruin him? I just don’t see how he keeps it up at this pace. 

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8 minutes ago, Joshe said:

As turbulent as things have been so far, I don’t see how he can keep his reign if he continues at this pace. I lack political knowledge but does this pace seem sustainable? If he pisses too many people off, breaks ties with all our allies, and weakens our position too much, wouldn’t he eventually lose support? What are some potential scenarios that could ruin him? I just don’t see how he keeps it up at this pace. 

It would require widespread backlash against Republicans, massive peaceful protests, actual mobilization by a competent group of people (Democrats, you still there? Hello?) that can adequately reach the average American.

As it stands, even with these dipshits gutting American institutions and wiping their asses with the constitution, the president has a 45% approval rating. There's simply too many millions of Americans that agree with this authoritarian regime and upending democracy. Certainly not a majority, but also not enough for them to make any significant changes in their current takeover.

Only an economic catastrophe could really get enough people to start caring, but even then, who's to say they'll even blame the right people.

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36 minutes ago, Joshe said:

As turbulent as things have been so far, I don’t see how he can keep his reign if he continues at this pace. I lack political knowledge but does this pace seem sustainable? If he pisses too many people off, breaks ties with all our allies, and weakens our position too much, wouldn’t he eventually lose support? What are some potential scenarios that could ruin him? I just don’t see how he keeps it up at this pace. 

The only realistic way out of this mess is a rude awakening. Either a market crash or some kind of geopolitical disaster like a war. Something ugly and nasty.

People need to feel the consequences of the corruption and incompetence on their wallet or as some personal inconvenience. People won't awaken through logic or argument but through pain. We have exhausted all the reasonable options at this point, so only pain remains.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's unclear how this all ends.

Saying they are "playing with fire" doesn't cut it. More like they are playing with a nuclear bomb.

War or other forms of violence may be coming soon.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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There are special elections this year, and midterms next year, if voters come out against Republicans then sitting Republicans will openly oppose him.

This initial shitstorm is fizzling out right now, there's little more for him to do except campaign on his 'achievements' and reverse a bunch of his stupidity.

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Well, truth be told I think if Donald Trump seriously tries to take for example, Canada, which is ideologically very different from him, he might well get assassinated. These people are actually very dumb, they have no foresight. 

Trying to force masses of people against their wishes to do something is bound to lead to violence and chaos.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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3 minutes ago, puporing said:

Well, truth be told I think if Donald Trump seriously tries to take for example, Canada, which is ideologically very different from him, he might well get assassinated. These people are actually very dumb, they have no foresight. 

Trying to force masses of people against their wishes to do something is bound to lead to violence and chaos.

A president doesn't have the ability to takeover Canada, military leaders are very intelligent and they're required an act of congress for anything like that.

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3 minutes ago, Elliott said:

A president doesn't have the ability to takeover Canada, military leaders are very intelligent and they're required an act of congress for anything like that.

That's good there's still checks and balances in place. I am just contemplating for a scenario where "it does somehow happen" and if he continues down this rhetoric in general.

Just because of the sheer anger that many Canadians will feel about this, it would result in a lot of violence including multiple assassination attempts.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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I'm quite confident this will lead to global blockchain direct democracy so I'm not too worried about this. It's interesting to see our current system stress tested to its limit though. Just mark my words that 2030s will lead to the biggest shift in governance that mankind has ever experience and will basically inevitably lead in decentralized ownership and nationalization of AI technology. The US military cannot stand up to AI; it's a whole paradigm shift in our reality. 

Grateful to be alive to witness it, god bless. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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serious question, at what point do you think it makes sense to leave america, if at all, hoping to get opinions. I don't want to over-react, but I don't want to under-react either. I considered this as a possibility up until today, while today I feel this may be a potential reality. Im an ordinary american citizen questioning a good life in america over the coming years because of this. Do you think life will generally be the same on an individual level, or does it get a bit worse? somewhat worse? or really bad

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