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When should I get married ?

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9 hours ago, Someone here said:

Notice I said intimacy not sex .I've had sex few times .but the girls just fuck you and leave you . I want romance not just some intercourse . 


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On 22/02/2025 at 10:37 PM, Twentyfirst said:

You don't get married to have a woman lol. Sex is free nowadays and you can access it without marriage 

No sir . I explicitly said I want a deep relationship beyond just getting pussy . I fucked a few girls and had phone sex with prostitutes. It doesn't do it for me anymore. Plus I feel like it's immoral .

On 22/02/2025 at 10:37 PM, Twentyfirst said:

It's mostly for kids

Don't have kids out of wedlock

I don't want kids . I'm a an antinatalist 

Edited by Someone here

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22 hours ago, Xonas Pitfall said:

I think the reason there was some "outrage" is because of how you worded it. It didn't really come across as, "I feel like I found a really good partner to build my life with. I like who she is, what she stands for, and I think we'd be great long-term because we balance each other out." Instead, it sounded more like you just want to get married to feel soothed, less lonely, and less tired.

That said, to answer your question - it's best to think of this as a long-term partnership, almost like a business partnership, rather than just a relationship. Ask yourself:

  1. Where are you two heading? Do you have a shared vision for the future?
  2. Do you truly understand what she needs from you and what you need from her?
  3. Can you both provide those needs for each other consistently? In a manner that doesn't exhaust either of you?
  4. Are you comfortable sharing expenses, bank accounts, structuring your life together, and making financial decisions as a team?
  5. Can you envision having children with her if that's something you want? Does she want kids? Are you aligned on parenting values and responsibilities?
  6. If she got sick or lost her looks, would you stand by her, support her, and help her through it - or would you feel tempted to cheat?
  7. Can you see yourself still feeling attraction and love for her as you both age? What would make either of you cheat, and how can you safeguard against that?
  8. How do you both handle conflict? Do you communicate well and resolve issues in a healthy way?
  9. What are her core values, and do they align with yours? Do you respect her worldview, decision-making, and approach to life?
  10. Have you discussed how you will set up your household - division of labor, roles, expectations, and responsibilities?
  11. Are you both willing to adapt, accommodate, and work through challenges as a team?

Have an open, deep discussion with her about both of your life goals, how you want to build your future together, and what you both need to maintain love and commitment over the years. If most things align well and you're both willing to put in the effort, then marriage makes sense. If not, don't rush into it. This is one of the biggest decisions of your life - take the time to truly think it through. Otherwise, divorce can be a very painful experience.

Good luck!

Thank you for this comment. great questions but unfortunately I have no answer to most of them now . But you opened my eyes to the true dimensions of marriage. Its no mere immature boy having fun with immature girl .it's a huge risk and responsibility. I will contemplate your questions and answer later .

Edited by Someone here

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21 hours ago, Jannes said:


Because "they " are sluts.  I'm not saying all women are sluts..I'm saying a girl who sleeps with a guy and that's it they don't ever see each other anymore are sluts. I don't want to bang sluts or snif Coc ..I want love and romance. A permanent relationship. True love if this doesn't sound cringe. 

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19 hours ago, Someone here said:

No sir . I explicitly said I want a deep relationship beyond just getting pussy . I fucked a few girls and had phone sex with prostitutes. It doesn't do it for me anymore. Plus I feel like it's immoral .

I don't want kids . I'm a an antinatalist 

I know I was responding to the other guy about what he said

I am on the same page as you with everything. Except being anti natalist. But you do you

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I think a marriage commitment can open up intimacy, not that most marriages do, but committing to someone for life could be very meaningful for intimacy for a mature couple.

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15 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

I know I was responding to the other guy about what he said

I am on the same page as you with everything. Except being anti natalist. But you do you


Is it ethical to bring a human being into this confusing confused existence without their permission? 

You can answer or ignore no problem. But that's just to explain my antinatalist stance .

I would ejaculate outside the vagina or have her take anti-pregnancy pills.

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:


Is it ethical to bring a human being into this confusing confused existence without their permission? 

You can answer or ignore no problem. But that's just to explain my antinatalist stance .

I would ejaculate outside the vagina or have her take anti-pregnancy pills.

At that point all 8 billion of us should kill ourselves

I am the opposite. If someone can have 20 children they should. Especially if they can pass down a good way of life rather than creating more zombies for the matrix 

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On 2/23/2025 at 3:01 PM, Someone here said:

Because "they " are sluts.  I'm not saying all women are sluts..I'm saying a girl who sleeps with a guy and that's it they don't ever see each other anymore are sluts. I don't want to bang sluts or snif Coc ..I want love and romance. A permanent relationship. True love if this doesn't sound cringe. 

That's a conditioned and learnt belief. There's no reason behind that that makes any sense whatsoever. What is a slut. Someone who has sex once with someone. That's the definition you gave. A person who has sex 100× with the same person can never be a slut? Think about your beliefs a bit more before you adopt them from society. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 hours ago, Someone here said:

I would ejaculate outside the vagina

Wtf... Ever heard of a condom?

8 hours ago, Someone here said:

or have her take anti-pregnancy pills.

Have her take anti-pregnancy pills? Do you know how that can take affect a woman's hormones? It's not something you HAVE a woman do, it's the woman's decision...

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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@Someone here What you want is a dream with out the downsides. Its fine if you want that kind of woman, in your country its probably the norm, but it will come with alot of downsides until you wish you were alone. And after a few decades you will be alone.

A real woman like that will cost you 100% of your money.

Its all a trade. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

That's a conditioned and learnt belief. There's no reason behind that that makes any sense whatsoever. What is a slut. Someone who has sex once with someone. That's the definition you gave. A person who has sex 100× with the same person can never be a slut? Think about your beliefs a bit more before you adopt them from society. 

Well a girl who sleeps with a lot of guys for no reason is a red flag, because it means she has a tendency to not prioritize balanced and long-term relationships and/or to self-destructive, dangerous behavior, and to have little self-love in general.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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5 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

At that point all 8 billion of us should kill ourselves

I am the opposite. If someone can have 20 children they should. Especially if they can pass down a good way of life rather than creating more zombies for the matrix 

Why bother being born when you gonna die anyways ? And what's between birth and death are just life being a bitch to you ?

I'm not being nihilistic.. I'm being realistic.  Life will seem rosey and beautiful when you are young but in the end its gonna fuck you in the ass . Read some Buddhism. 

And how exactly to raise kids to be "outside the matrix" ? I as the potential father  don't believe or subscribe to any belief systems.  When my child asks me "dad ,where did I come from ?". What the hell am i supposed to tell him/her ? Should I just tell them well God created us ? Or be blunt and honest with him/her "well I have no fucking idea "?

3 hours ago, integral said:

@Someone here What you want is a dream with out the downsides. Its fine if you want that kind of woman, in your country its probably the norm, but it will come with alot of downsides until you wish you were alone. And after a few decades you will be alone.

A real woman like that will cost you 100% of your money.

Its all a trade. 

A woman like who?  And what does my country have to do with it ? Isn't it the norm in most of the world that the woman takes care of the kids and the housework while the man pays the bills and works to raise a family ?

I'm not getting AT ALL the fuss you guys are making . Just point out what was off mark in my so called "dream woman ". So I'm not supposed to get a blowjob  from my wife ? Or a massage?  If she wants a massage I can massage her's  transactional..I can lick her Puss-Puss too if that's what's gonna turn her on. 


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@Princess Arabia once again you are deviating from the main topic and swimming around in circles about a bunch of nonsense.  Who gives a shit what defines a slut.  A woman that is slutty is just a slut . Please stick to the topic and spare me your pointless endless off topic musings. 

@Sincerity love you too.

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21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

once again you are deviating from the main topic and swimming around in circles about a bunch of nonsense.  Who gives a shit what defines a slut.  A woman that is slutty is just a slut . Please stick to the topic and spare me your pointless endless off topic musings. 

you are the one who deviated from the topic and started talking about this. You only call her out becuase she asked you an uncomfortable question.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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3 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Well a girl who sleeps with a lot of guys for no reason is a red flag, because it means she has a tendency to not prioritize balanced and long-term relationships and/or to self-destructive, dangerous behavior, and to have little self-love in general.

Translation: I am too smart to engage in regular slut shaming so I will come up with a bunch of sophisticated, but bullshit reasons to cover it up. 

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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3 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Translation: I am too smart to engage in regular slut shaming so I will come up with a bunch of sophisticated, but bullshit reasons to cover it up. 

You are too emotional and I trigger fear in you, by projection on women.

Of course everything is relative; A woman can be a virgin and not be suitable, a woman like Princess Arabia can have been an escort girl and at the same time be intelligent, talk about philosophy and spirituality, know how to cook and be a woman full of quality; Many men if not most will turn a blind eye to what she has been able to do if she is suitable enough for their requirements now.

Reality is stiff but flexible, chill.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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2 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

You are too emotional and I trigger fear in you, by projection on women.


From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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11 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

you are the one who deviated from the topic and started talking about this. You only call her out becuase she asked you an uncomfortable question.

I was talking to @Jannes he asked me a question why do girls leave you after you sleep with them and I replied to him . The post wasn't even directed  towards her . Plus as far as I know she said im out yet she can't help herself but stick her nose in a post that wasn't even directed towards her and restart her smartassery over and over again .

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@Someone here well, then just tell her that you don't like her patricipating in your threads. Why talk about derailing when clearly this thread is already all over the place.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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