
Debunking SOLIPSISM once and for all

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@strangelooper Your model collapses into a paradox. If God is omnipotent, separate consciousnesses can exist, yet if omnipresent, all remain within God’s awareness, making solipsism inescapable. Your Rubik’s Cube analogy disproves itself; multiple perspectives don’t refute unity. You claim revelation but dismiss deception, how do you know your insight isn’t another illusion? If love was the intent, why permit betrayal? If reality is a test, who evaluates? Without an external reference beyond cognition, your argument is self-referential, and solipsism remains undefeated.

That's just for fun though as I don't even believe in solipsism, as to me there's two truths against it right here in the sentence so far:
(1) if solipsism is a belief and the awareness exists exclusive to it, then solipsism is neither true nor can it be disproven, though to even try to disprove its existence should be enough of a counterweight against it so far as if it were really true, awareness would already be preoccupied with it in the absence of belief.
(2) Love and connection. People that struggle with genuine love and connection are going to have an easier time being tangled in solipsism rather than purified by it as it exists as a result of the absence of the experience that binds us together rather than being discovered from intelligent comparison. 
(3) Based on analysed demographics of solipsists I've seen, number two is pretty consistent, even if there's a bit of solipsism in all of us. 


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omnipresence in spirit, meaning even without being there in body or in consciousness, the substance of the holy spirit permeates all reality and it is intelligent but dead and acts on whatever is required. God is alive and dead at the same time, sentient and not sentient at the same time, that's how the omnipresence works.

And clearly god and a deceiver alone are alive at the moment because in this reality it's all about "everything is one" which is the deceiver trying to prevent the creation of god's chosen children but god already knows and is in the process of reclaiming his power and ending this mad mad world where everything is upside down. god took upon himself all evil so that goodnesss may prevail for all eternity.

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here's another simple explanation of omnipresence. I put all the power in the world on a rock to act as if it was watching out over the entire universe and to react according to the will of god in each situation as if he were there in person. this is how powerful god is. how omnipotence can do these things so easily. as for omniscience, god can reveal the future if he wishes and the future he unravels will come true regardless of the existence of free will but god is intelligent, god doesn't want to be a rock, god wqnts to have fun and play out in the world so he uses omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence in clever ways to guarantee the best possible existence which was god's first wish condensed under the impulse of simply love.

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On 16/02/2025 at 3:22 PM, strangelooper said:

A few weeks ago I came into a realisation. God can create others so simple and easy. The mistake in all of metaphysics in this hellish realm is that there is only consciousness or one consciousness but this is bullshit. Imagine a Rubik's cube and in each you have a person with its own consciousness and 5 senses and they are not all one with each other at all. i had a giant breakthrough and awakening into the true nature of reality and the truth is that multiple people and consciousnessess can exist through this mechanism, each person a cube in yhe Rubik's cube of perspectives and with the power of omnipotence, each piece has free will and all. God is pure magic, there are no limitations in its omnipotence, it's completely dumb to think otherwise. you can say each person has a soul that csn perceive and exist on its own with all the infinite power of god behind its creation.

I questioned why multiple individuals in this reality act as if they don't exist and the conclusion is that god himself is undergoing some kind of trial or proof of absolute truth and that this world is a sort of beta reality where the numbwr of sentiences is severely limited and most people are NPCs. God is all loving so god doesn't allow the true sentiences, all good and loving people that will exist until there are no traitors and my personal theory is that the traitor is not "Satan" but something else entirely. The story of Adam and Eve explains it all. Eve betrayed god as a sentience created by YHWH who descended upon the Garden of Eden to be Eve's husband after creating her. but YHwH original intention was simply LOVE, Love doesn't consider the possibility of betrayal but betrayal happened. Eve wanted knowledge of good and evil which means the knowledge to be GOD but there is only one god and it is impossible to dethrone god. So this betrayal and challenge towards god manifested itself as this reality where god or Brahman which is another name for the only god, this reality is ILLUSION, Maya. full of conflict ans disappointments and traps in metaphysics (inc psychedelics) everywhere so god doesn't awaken into his own fully Christed power. I had these revelations so I know god is already awake. Innthe original intention and prime cause of the entire universe, the mysterium tremendum itself god only wished for LOVE, Love manifested a.wife for him, trust first, innocent until proven guilty and with freedom.

Bunch of non-sense. 

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We are a community professional conceptualizers and severely detached from reality.

We need to start making some basic distinctions, not build fantastical concepts of how reality works.

I'm very guilty of this. No more conceptualizing for me here.

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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8 hours ago, Staples said:

We are a community professional conceptualizers and severely detached from reality.

We need to start making some basic distinctions, not build fantastical concepts of how reality works.

I'm very guilty of this. No more conceptualizing for me here.

You are misunderstanding this:  It was never about conceptualizing but direct experience.

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10 hours ago, OBEler said:

You are misunderstanding this:  It was never about conceptualizing but direct experience.

9 hours ago, OBEler said:


Yes, but I don't think most of us do that honestly on this forum. Which is hard to admit. We have built up spiritual models with tons of assumptions we don't question anymore.

And who's to say one's direct experience is accurate or unbiased? That's an assumption.

God and I worked things out

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41 minutes ago, Staples said:

Yes, but I don't think most of us do that honestly on this forum. Which is hard to admit. We have built up spiritual models with tons of assumptions we don't question anymore.

And who's to say one's direct experience is accurate or unbiased? That's an assumption.

Exactly, that is why I say Solipsist are Narcissistic in nature, it Exclusiveness at its highest degree, exactly opposite of what Nature and Reality as we know it here is!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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2 hours ago, Ishanga said:

Exactly, that is why I say Solipsist are Narcissistic in nature, it Exclusiveness at its highest degree, exactly opposite of what Nature and Reality as we know it here is!

Maybe, but that's an assumption too.

Solipsism can come in a 'exclusive' or 'inclusive' flavors. Both are functional perspectives that make more or less sense logically. That's why people can even hold those perspectives in the first place.

So what does that mean for solipsism, if it functions under so many different interpretations?

Edited by Staples

God and I worked things out

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Really, man? Most people are NPCs? Adam and Eve? (Not going to get into that one. Catholicism being a totally reliable source and all.) Why would most people be NPCs? How can you verify who has their own consciousness and who is an NPC? Be very careful when you formulate ideas that they actually make sense and have substantial logical backing and/or evidence instead of just being whatever will conveniently compliment what you already believe and/or the mental structure you have began to build and who's continuation you are invested in. Not to say that other parts of your points don't have merit. And I actually have many questions about this theory since I found it to be interesting. Going with your Rubik's cube analogy, how many 'sides', or souls, are there? Is it an infinite amount? Is it a set number? If it is a set number, why this one? What is special about this number? Why is there this number instead of one number, i.e. one mind, i.e. solipsism? And if God is this Rubik's cube of minds, is there a point at which all minds connect or unify to form the 'solved' Rubik's cube? Would this one-ness be essentially the same as solipsism or is the highest or most awakened state of God to be separate consciousness awakening separately from one another? How can one verify this? And if this were the case, why and how am I this specific consciousness and why and how are you your own specific consciousness? What causes this? What causes this multiplicity of minds to exist? Why should it be fundamental? From this worldview, what constitutes the ultimate awakening? I would love to hear more about all facets of this thought process. 

Edited by MotherEve

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@OBEler I have watched it actually! I'm not sure what you mean about NPC solipsism, I was just replying to the part of the original post that mentioned it.

Edited by MotherEve

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