
Debunking SOLIPSISM once and for all

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A few weeks ago I came into a realisation. God can create others so simple and easy. The mistake in all of metaphysics in this hellish realm is that there is only consciousness or one consciousness but this is bullshit. Imagine a Rubik's cube and in each you have a person with its own consciousness and 5 senses and they are not all one with each other at all. i had a giant breakthrough and awakening into the true nature of reality and the truth is that multiple people and consciousnessess can exist through this mechanism, each person a cube in yhe Rubik's cube of perspectives and with the power of omnipotence, each piece has free will and all. God is pure magic, there are no limitations in its omnipotence, it's completely dumb to think otherwise. you can say each person has a soul that csn perceive and exist on its own with all the infinite power of god behind its creation.

I questioned why multiple individuals in this reality act as if they don't exist and the conclusion is that god himself is undergoing some kind of trial or proof of absolute truth and that this world is a sort of beta reality where the numbwr of sentiences is severely limited and most people are NPCs. God is all loving so god doesn't allow the true sentiences, all good and loving people that will exist until there are no traitors and my personal theory is that the traitor is not "Satan" but something else entirely. The story of Adam and Eve explains it all. Eve betrayed god as a sentience created by YHWH who descended upon the Garden of Eden to be Eve's husband after creating her. but YHwH original intention was simply LOVE, Love doesn't consider the possibility of betrayal but betrayal happened. Eve wanted knowledge of good and evil which means the knowledge to be GOD but there is only one god and it is impossible to dethrone god. So this betrayal and challenge towards god manifested itself as this reality where god or Brahman which is another name for the only god, this reality is ILLUSION, Maya. full of conflict ans disappointments and traps in metaphysics (inc psychedelics) everywhere so god doesn't awaken into his own fully Christed power. I had these revelations so I know god is already awake. Innthe original intention and prime cause of the entire universe, the mysterium tremendum itself god only wished for LOVE, Love manifested a.wife for him, trust first, innocent until proven guilty and with freedom.

Edited by strangelooper

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11 minutes ago, strangelooper said:

God can create others so simple and easy.

How can God = everything that exists and does not exist, nothing can exist besides, create something else than it self?


13 minutes ago, strangelooper said:

Imagine a Rubik's cube and in each you have a person with its own consciousness and 5 senses and they are not all one with each other at all.

You use the analogy of the Rubik's Cube, fine. But ultimately, it is ONE cube. So ONE consciousness.


13 minutes ago, strangelooper said:

i had a giant breakthrough and awakening into the true nature of reality and the truth is that multiple people and consciousnesses can exist through this mechanism, each person a cube in the Rubik's cube of perspectives and with the power of omnipotence, each piece has free will and all.

How can you be sure that what you call breakthrough is not self-delusion and is real?

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25 minutes ago, Leeo_SA said:

How can God = everything that exists and does not exist, nothing can exist besides, create something else than it self?


You use the analogy of the Rubik's Cube, fine. But ultimately, it is ONE cube. So ONE consciousness.


How can you be sure that what you call breakthrough is not self-delusion and is real?

25 minutes ago, Leeo_SA said:


God can create external objects to itself otherwise it wouldnt be omnipotent. it can create a coffee table made of "raw material" which is what you see is what you get, no atoms and it is not the table. it created the table as a separate entity and it is entirely optional if it merges with it or not.

In the rubiks cube multiple people exist because god imbued each cube with a "soul" which is just an identity, a thinking human mind which is not that complex to begin with and all with a snap of a finger, because god is infinite power how wouldnt it be ablw to create more than one thinking mind. illogical and each thinking mind has a physical body, can dream, have it's own life and god can have a bird's eyed view of the whole thing like a game of Sims or he can just be a person in one of the cubes with special powers and he too can bestow supernatural powers to others if he so wishes. It is really that simple, god revealed this to me in prayers and even called Leo's idea of the one infinite creator or god, "Leo guru's mentally deficient infinity" as  a joke because according to Leo a god cannot do such a simple thing as I explained above.

how do people see? god can give you the vision through the mechanism of the eyes direct sight with no brain or he can even make you see bodyless like in a lucid dream as if you had invisible eyes.


we're here arguing, you're seeing through your eyes and me through mine. how can you deny this simple fact. this is completely absurd, we're separate people.

Edited by strangelooper

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@strangelooper If your soul is part of God and you merge with it when you die. And the other person dies and their soul merges with God you are both the same thing . You would see you were you and you were them you just put yourself over there to make it seem like you werent talking to yourself.

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1 hour ago, Hojo said:

@strangelooper If your soul is part of God and you merge with it when you die. And the other person dies and their soul merges with God you are both the same thing . You would see you were you and you were them you just put yourself over there to make it seem like you werent talking to yourself.

why would I merge with god or god want to merge anyone with anyone. reality has infinite content, why would a merge ever happen or god ever kill a soul. why would god create a being only to merge it. let it live forever in worthy adventures.Thats true love, god's love and god living among the common men and women in a body. that's reality

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@strangelooperIf God is your entire visual field your body is like a cage that is cutting off a tiny peice of God and letting that peice look at God from the point of view of that body. You want to merge with God because you would be stuck in the body even when it fails and your energy would just sit there till the body decomposed. When you merge you get to go on otherwordly adventures but then you would have to admit that you are inside of the space you are witnessing the people in not outside. Yes its not solipsism but when your form perishes it becomes solipsism where else are you going to go? You will fuse with reality, you and God will become one.

Edited by Hojo

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32 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@strangelooperIf God is your entire visual field your body is like a cage that is cutting off a tiny peice of God and letting that peice look at God from the point of view of that body. You want to merge with God because you would be stuck in the body even when it fails and your energy would just sit there till the body decomposed. When you merge you get to go on otherwordly adventures but then you would have to admit that you are inside of the space you are witnessing the people in not outside. Yes its not solipsism but when your form perishes it becomes solipsism where else are you going to go? You will fuse with reality, you and God will become one.

you didn't get what I said. god is not the visual field. the visual field is just a visual field and there can be an infinite amount of them happening at the same time. imagine like a split sceeen with two visual fields with the same size in 3D. that's multiple people happening at the same time and god is just one of those people and the other people are children of god, not god himself. it's really dumb to think a visual field is god. the most intelligent way for god to exist is in a body doing whatever it wants with a. visual field just as he giveth a visual field to its created sentiences

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@strangelooper This is solipsism still. You are saying we are each living in our own worlds while talking to something as if its outside of your world that you can interact and change. Solipsism is you cannot know that our worlds are interacting or you are making up that they are. You cant know if you are creating me or not you only know you exist therefore you must be doing it. Because anything else is an assumption. Why assume when you cant know?

Edited by Hojo

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@strangelooper You are right. Leo was just very stupid on this issue. You could say in The Absolute "neither solipsism nor non-solipsism is true". 

Solipsism is a wrong belief caused by the belief you have a physical body, or the delusion your current bubble of experience is the only thing in relative reality when relative reality obviously has more stuff in it, so any spiritual experience gets wrongly interpreted and perceived to be "ultimate" by the level someone's at.

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3 hours ago, strangelooper said:

God can create external objects to itself otherwise it wouldnt be omnipotent. it can create a coffee table made of "raw material" which is what you see is what you get, no atoms and it is not the table. it created the table as a separate entity and it is entirely optional if it merges with it or not.


I have the impression, that you mix nonduality with duality. Duality = Table is separate from god, Non Duality = Table is god (or a part of him, a creation of him which isn't separate from himself).

It just seems like a separate Identity, but it isn't. It just seems, that you are different from myself (in duality) but ultimate we are identical because we are both god.

I just want to share my view of things, I am not here to argue with you or to convince you. Just find it interesting to see other views.

I am curious: How are you bringing your view together with duality / non duality?

3 hours ago, strangelooper said:

In the rubiks cube multiple people exist because god imbued each cube with a "soul" which is just an identity, a thinking human mind which is not that complex to begin with and all with a snap of a finger, because god is infinite power how wouldnt it be ablw to create more than one thinking mind. illogical and each thinking mind has a physical body, can dream, have it's own life and god can have a bird's eyed view of the whole thing like a game of Sims or he can just be a person in one of the cubes with special powers and he too can bestow supernatural powers to others if he so wishes. It is really that simple, god revealed this to me in prayers and even called Leo's idea of the one infinite creator or god, "Leo guru's mentally deficient infinity" as  a joke because according to Leo a god cannot do such a simple thing as I explained above.

When you start with solopsism, you need to be 100% truthful: You never ever experienced something outside from yourself, outside form you perception. Do you understand that? EVERYTHING around you could be fake. EVERYTHING. The only thing you can be 100% sure is, that something (you) is perceiving.


3 hours ago, strangelooper said:

god can have a bird's eyed view of the whole thing like a game of Sims

That is a very Christian view of God.

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2 minutes ago, Leeo_SA said:


When you start with solopsism, you need to be 100% truthful: You never ever experienced something outside from yourself, outside form you perception. Do you understand that? EVERYTHING around you could be fake. EVERYTHING. The only thing you can be 100% sure is, that something (you) is perceiving.

No, he's done that. He's just realized it's not true. He's realized The Absolute is not limited to that at all and never could be.

You could know that stuff exists outside of your current moment, given that the current moment ten years ago is a different thing, is a different emanation.

And through paranormal means you can directly connect to other people's bubbles of experience.


EVERYTHING around you could be fake. EVERYTHING. The only thing you can be 100% sure is, that something (you) is perceiving.

No, it exists in a context.

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@The Crocodile

49 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

You could know that stuff exists outside of your current moment, given that the current moment ten years ago is a different thing, is a different emanation.

How could it be possible that I know that?

50 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

And through paranormal means you can directly connect to other people's bubbles of experience.

With psychedelics I was in another body, had another perception. But this could just have been a dreamstate or something I made up.

One time I had the experience, beeing a stone. It was like a low vibration kind of thing.

Please help me: I realize that those could be other direct experiences from others because I had the experience in another body or in the stone. But nevertheless it was MY experience. So when you talk about "other experiences" you distinguish between my perception and perception of others? 

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Solipsism is only true on the Absolute Level, but there are levels, relatively speaking there is no solipsism.

One should not take an Absolute view on anything while embodied as we are, here with a Body and Mind to use, You can be intouch with it, all inclusive, all one, all complete experience, then play the game of life but go thru it untouched, that is the main goal, experience everything absolutely, totally involved with whatever is within this Moment, but be untouched by it...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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2 hours ago, Leeo_SA said:


How could it be possible that I know that?

I would have difficulty explaining it without you objecting, because it goes against the spiritual dogma that "the present moment is the only thing that's real".

But I'd say just try to approach the truth from all perspectives, and that solipsism isn't right because you can also view everything as outside you, not inside.

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Is this all based on your direct experience? What is this experience that you are having right now? No!!!

Whatever your ideas are, are false. What is this experience that is happening to you right now? Look around you. You don't know what this is. Period. Start from there. What is this awareness? Pay very close attention to what's happening directly in your experience. It's difficult to do this because your mind won't shut the fuck up. You take the voice to be who you are if you get down to it. What are you? Are you your name? Really question what you are, also question what other is and what reality is. All these spiritual ideas sound juicy but we must not put the cart before the horse.

Edited by ExploringReality

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12 hours ago, ExploringReality said:

Is this all based on your direct experience? What is this experience that you are having right now? No!!!

Whatever your ideas are, are false. What is this experience that is happening to you right now? Look around you. You don't know what this is. Period. Start from there. What is this awareness? Pay very close attention to what's happening directly in your experience. It's difficult to do this because your mind won't shut the fuck up. You take the voice to be who you are if you get down to it. What are you? Are you your name? Really question what you are, also question what other is and what reality is. All these spiritual ideas sound juicy but we must not put the cart before the horse.

Dude, THIS is not your direct experience. You're just a Leo cultist.

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There is no way to debunk that God doesn't have multiple points of conciousness through which he experiences himself. Solipsism is impossible to prove. It's just a belief in the end. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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God has many eyes (points of conciousness) through which he experiences life. You're just one eye of his, don't be so ego centric to believe you're the only with conciousness. God is far more infinite and glorious than your tiny tiny experience of life. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

God has many eyes (points of conciousness) through which he experiences life. You're just one eye of his, don't be so ego centric to believe you're the only with conciousness. God is far more infinite and glorious than your tiny tiny experience of life. 

Anyone that buys into Solipsism completely, that I am the only one in existence, everything else is a figment of my imagination is completely Narcissistic..This is Anti Spirituality, anti Life... 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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