
How to grow an audience ?

7 posts in this topic

I'm trying to grow my audience on instagram for my brand that i created. I'm posting reels, they''re getting few views and i gained only 7 followers. What should i do?

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Learn to twerk --> Start an OF --> Profit

What is your brand?

Edited by Paradoxed

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Nowadays most social media platforms, even YouTube, show new content to a small "test audience" and if it does well, they'll promote the content themselves through the algorithm. So if you're not getting followers, either your content isn't resonating with the audience the platform is showing it to, or it's showing it to the wrong audience and you need to adjust your tags and keywords a bit better. Either way, my best advice is to stay consistent. If you love what you're doing, there's definitely an audience out there who'll love it too. 

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It takes years to master online marketing so don't feel too bad for finding it difficult. It's a tough market out there whatever you do.

The first question to answer is, are you trying to become an influencer or are you a business selling products or services?

You can aim for both but the marketing strategy differs greatly and if you try to become everything for everyone you'll end up not serving anyone.

Moving away from that

  • Do you know who is your audience? Have you taken time to profile your ideal client, their worries, concerns and worldview ? Do you understand what they are looking for from a content creator? 
  • Do you have a sense of brand and personalisation or are you mostly imitating what others are doing?
  • Do you know where your clients/ listeners are? YouTube/insta/LinkedIn etc. 
  • What's your marketing strategy. Selling books is amazing but if people are to buy it they need to know you exist. 
  • Do you just post what comes to mind or is there a structure and system in place for type of content

Btw all these are hard questions to answer and i struggle greatly with every single one of them and so do 99% of small businesses so it's totally fine to have no answers yet.

There are good books on this and great content online from people like Hormozi, Seth Godin and similar.

All the best with it!

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Do what you’re passionate about, otherwise you won’t be able to maintain it long-term.

I AM reborn

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