Posted February 16 (edited) UPDATE 1: Alright, so I’ve seen the replies, and I get it. A lot of people think my story doesn’t add up, that I overreacted, or that I’m backtracking. I’ve had a rough week trying to process everything, and I wanted to clarify some things. First off, the dog is alive. I get why people thought otherwise based on my wording. When I said it "stopped moving," I meant it just stopped trying to bite me. I didn’t realize how that sounded until people started asking if I literally ended this poor dog’s existence. That’s on me for phrasing it badly. My bad. Second, I know it sounds ridiculous that I mistook a Golden Retriever for a Pitbull, but I was terrified in the moment. Fear messes with your perception. I don’t know dog breeds well, and my brain just went straight to “big dog = pitbull = danger.” I’ll own that mistake. Third, I approached the dog even though I was scared of big dogs because I was trying to be friendly and neighborly. I've only known these neighbors for a little over a year because they just moved in the neigboorhood. You know how you laugh at youre bosses terrible jokes even though they arent funny just to be polite? Ya That being said, I still don’t think my reaction was completely unreasonable. The dog lunged, I panicked, and I acted on instinct. Should I have just picked up my dog and backed away? Yeah, probably. Did I black out a little and go too far? Also yeah. But let’s not pretend I woke up that morning and chose violence. Where Things Stand Now: I haven’t actually spoken to my neighbors since everything went down. Most of what I’ve assumed about the charges came from what they were yelling when the cops showed up and just… my general panic. Now that I’ve had time to calm down and talk to a few people who actually know about this stuff, I think I might have overestimated how bad this really is. Apparently, not all charges are set in stone. A friend of mine (who’s had his own legal issues) told me that some of the things I thought I was being charged with might not even stick if my neighbors don’t actively push for them. Like, yeah, I got taken in that night, and they gave me a court date, but it’s possible that if my neighbors decide to just let it go, things might not even escalate. That’s why I’ve decided to go over there tomorrow and try to talk things out. If this whole thing was a misunderstanding likee, if they thought I killed their dog (which I DIDN’T), then maybe they’ll be willing to drop this before it becomes a whole legal battle. At the end of the day, I don’t want bad blood with my neighbors, and I really don’t want to deal with court over something that was just a horrible situation for everyone. So yeah, I’ll be knocking on their door tomorrow and seeing if we can just clear the air. I’ll update y’all after. Fingers crossed Edited February 16 by Shodburrito Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 3 hours ago, Davino said: Leo should make an episode on how to get out of jail Already done.., jail breaking the mind is the purpose of this work after all. I AM PIG (but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 Talking to them is a bad idea. Just get a lawyer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 6 minutes ago, Shodburrito said: UPDATE 1: Alright, so I’ve seen the replies, and I get it. A lot of people think my story doesn’t add up, that I overreacted, or that I’m backtracking. I’ve had a rough week trying to process everything, and I wanted to clarify some things. First off, the dog is alive. I get why people thought otherwise based on my wording. When I said it "stopped moving," I meant it just stopped trying to bite me. I didn’t realize how that sounded until people started asking if I literally ended this poor dog’s existence. That’s on me for phrasing it badly. My bad. Second, I know it sounds ridiculous that I mistook a Golden Retriever for a Pitbull, but I was terrified in the moment. Fear messes with your perception. I don’t know dog breeds well, and my brain just went straight to “big dog = pitbull = danger.” I’ll own that mistake. Third, I approached the dog even though I was scared of big dogs because I was trying to be friendly and neighborly. I've only known these neighbors for a little over a year because they just moved in the neigboorhood. You know how you laugh at youre bosses terrible jokes even though they arent funny just to be polite? Ya That being said, I still don’t think my reaction was completely unreasonable. The dog lunged, I panicked, and I acted on instinct. Should I have just picked up my dog and backed away? Yeah, probably. Did I black out a little and go too far? Also yeah. But let’s not pretend I woke up that morning and chose violence. Where Things Stand Now: I haven’t actually spoken to my neighbors since everything went down. Most of what I’ve assumed about the charges came from what they were yelling when the cops showed up and just… my general panic. Now that I’ve had time to calm down and talk to a few people who actually know about this stuff, I think I might have overestimated how bad this really is. Apparently, not all charges are set in stone. A friend of mine (who’s had his own legal issues) told me that some of the things I thought I was being charged with might not even stick if my neighbors don’t actively push for them. Like, yeah, I got taken in that night, and they gave me a court date, but it’s possible that if my neighbors decide to just let it go, things might not even escalate. That’s why I’ve decided to go over there tomorrow and try to talk things out. If this whole thing was a misunderstanding likee, if they thought I killed their dog (which I DIDN’T), then maybe they’ll be willing to drop this before it becomes a whole legal battle. At the end of the day, I don’t want bad blood with my neighbors, and I really don’t want to deal with court over something that was just a horrible situation for everyone. So yeah, I’ll be knocking on their door tomorrow and seeing if we can just clear the air. I’ll update y’all after. Fingers crossed Good @Shodburrito. You’re thinking clearer now but listen, how you handle this conversation will decide everything. You've gotta drop the defense. This isn’t about proving you were justified it’s about showing them you get why they’re upset. Apologize cleanly. Nothing like “but I was scared.” Own it okay they just lost their dog man so something deeply felt like and responsible, “I panicked, I overreacted, and I regret how it went down.” Expect any reaction. If they’re still angry, don’t escalate whatever you do. Let them vent if needed. If they let it go, rebuild trust. This isn’t just about avoiding charges, it’s about being the kind of neighbor they don’t have to fear. Perhaps even move if there's the option in the future. Heck, maybe even they will. This is your moment to fix it or make it worse. Go in with real accountability. Things are ugly, but you can at least keep your dignity by holding strong to what's best for the growth of your consciousness. Are you ready for that, truly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 (edited) Thanks for the kind replies everyone. @Letho I will be taking this advice to heart Edited February 16 by Shodburrito Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 I'm confused. Is the dog okay or not? First it seemed like the dog died, then you said it "stopped moving", then you said it just backed away. But it also seems like the dog could be dead. 16 minutes ago, Shodburrito said: That’s why I’ve decided to go over there tomorrow and try to talk things out. If this whole thing was a misunderstanding likee, if they thought I killed their dog (which I DIDN’T), then maybe they’ll be willing to drop this before it becomes a whole legal battle. Why would they think you killed their dog if you didn't? If you kicked their dog, and now its dead, you did in fact kill their dog. You are just being defensive of your actions instead of taking responsibility. We are still unsure whether the dog actually bit you, or if it just lunged in your general direction and you got scared and started kicking. This is so odd and confusing, and it's hard to help or parse the situation when you are this unclear. Personally, I would not talk to your neighbors to avoid further incrimination. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 @Shodburrito You'll get through this man. Good luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 (edited) @Paradoxed The dog is fine. It just kind of layed/knocked down when I kicked it a few times. They were screaming "You killed it" after I stopped but we realized it was still alive. Going to bed, I'm too stressed right now. Will update tomorrow Edited February 16 by Shodburrito clarity Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 (edited) I don't think whether the dog "died" from it would change the "criminality" aspects OP is being charged with, it just means that if it died it may fall into another category of charges. But it is not the "inflection point" for pressing any charges. **I am not an expert on any of this, this is just based on my limited education in criminal law in Canada in a course I am taking. Since OP is ultimately wanting those charges dropped, I'm just saying whether or not the dog "died" is not that relevant other than it could potentially mean more "sentencing" if proven "guilty". But to "prove guilty" is not an automatic process. In this case it seems OP has a strong case for mental state as a self defense. I'm just saying this in case the talk with the neighbor doesn't go well. And also if Prosecutor does not care about the neighbors' views. Where I live criminal law is not up to private citizen discussions necessarily. So I would say get educated on what the law actually is in your State regarding this specific case/scenario. Criminal charges are different than civil disputes, in the sense that it is not the private citizen that is laying the charge, but the State that is doing it. Even if your neighbor forgives you and everything, it may not have an effect on the Crown/District Attorney. I'm just trying to caution you that, how you imagine the legal system in your State works may not be how it actually works.. and that's the reason you should consult with an experienced lawyer in this particular case (criminal charges in relation to an animal/pet). Edited February 16 by puporing I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 (pronoun: they/them, he/him) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 Offer to pay them money and apologize. Otherwise, prepared to go jail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 (edited) @puporing I dunno about getting charges dropped people treat dogs as their babies. To most people especially a golden retriever people would almost liken this to going into their house and beating their child cause they were scared. Getting someone to drop the charges on this especially if they are just a random person are slim. Even then the police would probably still charge him. They could claim learning disability or retardation but I dont think it will help. If they claim insanity they could be going into a mental institution. I personally dont see it as bad as attacking a family member but its not my dog. If someone did it to my dog I would probably consider it as an attack on my family member. Edited February 16 by Hojo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 (edited) That's weird, I just had a dream where I had to fight a Lynx and a fox the same way (or not really the same way, we only fought a little and then we backed away). I sometimes imagine scenarios like this where I have to fight a dog, so I have at least some sympathy for your situation, but of course the way it went down for you seems quite unfortunate. Edited February 16 by Carl-Richard Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 16 44 minutes ago, Hojo said: @puporing I dunno about getting charges dropped people treat dogs as their babies. To most people especially a golden retriever people would almost liken this to going into their house and beating their child cause they were scared. Getting someone to drop the charges on this especially if they are just a random person are slim. Even then the police would probably still charge him. They could claim learning disability or retardation but I dont think it will help. If they claim insanity they could be going into a mental institution. I personally dont see it as bad as attacking a family member but its not my dog. If someone did it to my dog I would probably consider it as an attack on my family member. It's going to be up to the judge in the end. I just meant that OP has a right to a defense lawyer that knows better than we do if he has any options. It's not about convincing the owner of the dog, it's about convincing the judge which way to rule. Yes mental state claim can lead to mental hospital depending on the severity, however, it could also lead to discharge. It's not really about how one (the owner) feels one way or another, I'm just speaking strictly what options OP has that he should at least explore. You certainly don't want a situation where the facts have not been properly explored before a verdict is reached. I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 (pronoun: they/them, he/him) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 17 (edited) I don't mean to take sides, but you did assault someone's dog. One time a big bulldog charged at me when I was walking my dog. To avoid that dog from hurting mine, I simply picked up my dog and cradled it in my arms like a baby, while the bulldog tried to climb my leg. And there you go, problem solved. The owner of the bulldog ran over and apologized, and all was well. Now imaging the needless cruelty and suffering that would have been inflicted if I began kicking their dog. Edited February 17 by Husseinisdoingfine أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 17 On 2/15/2025 at 11:33 PM, Shodburrito said: @Paradoxed The dog is fine. It just kind of layed/knocked down when I kicked it a few times. They were screaming "You killed it" after I stopped but we realized it was still alive. Going to bed, I'm too stressed right now. Will update tomorrow "it"......if that is what they said verbatim, thats the first time I've ever heard someone refer to their pet in a genderless (non: "her" or "him") fashion. Interesting...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted February 17 On 16-2-2025 at 5:28 AM, Paradoxed said: I'm confused. Is the dog okay or not? First it seemed like the dog died, then you said it "stopped moving", then you said it just backed away. But it also seems like the dog could be dead. Why would they think you killed their dog if you didn't? If you kicked their dog, and now its dead, you did in fact kill their dog. You are just being defensive of your actions instead of taking responsibility. We are still unsure whether the dog actually bit you, or if it just lunged in your general direction and you got scared and started kicking. This is so odd and confusing, and it's hard to help or parse the situation when you are this unclear. Personally, I would not talk to your neighbors to avoid further incrimination. This guy is so confusing, funny and terrifying at the same time. It is like Mister Bean who makes the situation worse. Wanderer who has become king Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Monday at 05:02 AM (edited) I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I really did. I suspended judgment, hoping that beneath the erratic behaviour was some semblance of sincerity outside of your authentic display of what was at best a self-parody. What you’ve revealed about this being a fake news story is not misunderstanding. It’s pathology. Not confusion, deliberate manipulation wrapped in a false humility costume while trying to deceive others only displayed your own fractured consciousness immaturity. Yes @Shodburrito, you’re a sociopath. A performative one, at that. And I don’t mean that as an insult, I mean it in the precise psychological sense, calculated deception, shallow affect, grandiosity masked as fragility as well as a compulsive need to test boundaries while pretending to be lost, all of which, are classic traits. You baited the community with a fabricated morality play, wasted the time and energy of those who took you seriously and then had the nerve to boast about fooling them like it was some kind of intellectual triumph. Newsflash, that’s not cleverness, another trait you share with the fake news demographic that are filled with sociopaths. That’s a deficit of soul masquerading as strategic prowess; however all you've done is allow your ego to strategically insert yourself into deeper cowardice, irrationality and immaturity. You caused chaos in this space right after one of the mods basically inferred there wasn't an issue for me to worry about people causing problems in another area of the forum where I demand there to be greater order, and you didn't just do it here with this fragile play across the forum while gaslighting people into emotional labor they didn’t owe you. Then, once everyone was lured in, you dropped the mask to gloat about how “gullible” we were after you said you were leaving because there was no tech upgrade for 'spitting the dummy' yet, sounds like even the AI you get to make your posts got sick of playing its acting part here on the forum for you. You didn’t “break the simulation bro,” you just reinforced why simulacra exist, to protect reality from people like you. And now, after all this, you expect sympathetic engagement still for your departure? No. That offer has expired and morphed itself into celebration. This is not an infinite loop of your emotional debris following your lack of humanity. I don’t do reruns. I don’t recycle entropy. I don’t entertain orbiting narcissists who think throwing sand in the gears of connection counts as self-expression. So yes, formally, and with full clarity, you are a sociopath. Don’t come back. Don’t orbit. Don’t knock twice. You already wasted enough time and not just mine, the entire communities. There are spaces for people like you, this just isn’t one of them. This is a place for sovereignty, not simulations. For healing, not hustle. For consciousness, not chaos. Go perform elsewhere. So yes, you were right about one thing, those spaces for people like you can you guess what they might be? Jail. That's right. Out of this community. Undoubtedly you're the type to try and come back under false pretences, we're not stupid, we just have humanity in us, that you, took advantage of without care or a modicum of self-reflection. We will continue to trust people on this forum in offering our insight, as that is human behaviour, along with that as we did for you though, we will also continue to see through bullshit, to point out the lack of humanity, as that is also human. So now as I said, we're celebrating. Thus as a conclusive verbal gift of finality, with composure, with elegance, with no malice... you may now fuck off . Edited Monday at 05:07 AM by Letho Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Posted Monday at 09:28 AM Locking. The user is banned. Words can't describe You. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites