
Why There Is no Evil

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I can tell you think you're smart. That's great!

You remind me of a fairly educated brainwashed christian!

You use big words, but they actually make you sound silly! 

Btw, how many different accounts do you use to praise yourself hahahaha! 

The thing about non-duality is, it doesn't matter what level of education you've convinced yourself of having...... that socially conditioned education is the biggest obstacle to discovering truth....good luck!

"The biggest barrier to learning and making new discoveries is not a lack of knowledge, but rather the false belief that one already knows enough, preventing them from actively seeking further understanding"

‐ Daniel J. Boorstin. 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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  @VeganAwake Evil is a Lie, a Trick, a Deception. It Lies about its own falshood, convincing you it is True and therefore doesnt exist. But Evil is a true Lie which makes it a Lie and therefore it does Exist. It is not big words, it is logic.

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10 minutes ago, Santiago Ram said:

  @VeganAwake Evil is a Lie, a Trick, a Deception. It Lies about its own falshood, convincing you it is True and therefore doesnt exist. But Evil is a true Lie which makes it a Lie and therefore it does Exist. It is not big words, it is logic.

The claim is that all so-called evil doings could be chalked up as simply someone with serious mental illness or a history of abuse or both!

If that's classified in society as evil......then I guess it's evil according to society! It would sound like ignorance to me!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake You are not contributing anything to the conversation, but just being a Jerk.

Ad Hominem is a fallacy. Why do you attack me and not what I say?

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Serious mental illness for me is a very highly functional psychosis that enables me to have insights, awakenings and heal. But why call that Evil? 

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 @VeganAwake I recognize I am extremely lucky. Not many make it this far. I ve seen people die by suicide because of this. Serious mental illness and substance abuse is not something you can just joke around with. I am lucky because I have been able to help others. But people relapse and die because of such comments. Why not better search for Truth? The Devil is a Liar. God is Honesty, Truth. It is that simple.

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1 hour ago, VeganAwake said:


I can tell you think you're smart. That's great!

You remind me of a fairly educated brainwashed christian!

You use big words, but they actually make you sound silly! 

Btw, how many different accounts do you use to praise yourself hahahaha! 

The thing about non-duality is, it doesn't matter what level of education you've convinced yourself of having...... that socially conditioned education is the biggest obstacle to discovering truth....good luck!

"The biggest barrier to learning and making new discoveries is not a lack of knowledge, but rather the false belief that one already knows enough, preventing them from actively seeking further understanding"

‐ Daniel J. Boorstin. 


@VeganAwake I recognize the pattern here, when confronted with gaps in reasoning, the easiest escape is mockery. That’s fine. I have no interest in convincing you of anything; my responses have always been for those capable of deeper contemplation.

For any reader following, my previous points remain, and I trust in your ability to discern meaningful discussion from avoidance tactics. There are no “big words” here, only big questions, ones that require more than taunts to answer.

If discussion is to degrade into personal jabs, I see no further value in continuing as that is an evil which is beneath me and an evil which only harms future contributions to this discussion and critiques to @ExploringReality and any side therein. I’ll leave the depth of reasoning available for those prepared to engage with it.

Best regards,


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7 hours ago, Letho said:

@VeganAwake I recognize the pattern here, when confronted with gaps in reasoning, the easiest escape is mockery. That’s fine. I have no interest in convincing you of anything; my responses have always been for those capable of deeper contemplation.

For any reader following, my previous points remain, and I trust in your ability to discern meaningful discussion from avoidance tactics. There are no “big words” here, only big questions, ones that require more than taunts to answer.

If discussion is to degrade into personal jabs, I see no further value in continuing as that is an evil which is beneath me and an evil which only harms future contributions to this discussion and critiques to @ExploringReality and any side therein. I’ll leave the depth of reasoning available for those prepared to engage with it.

Best regards,


I've explained things clearly but you can't grasp what's being said or your just not listening.

You keep talking about evil and suffering over and over again and can't see my point.

The concept of good & evil is man made. It was created from a lack of understanding. It's a lazy way of dealing with misunderstood behaviors and actions....period!

There is absolutely no universal good and evil standards in reality because there isn't a higher dictating source..........that makes your theories nothing more than a biased conditioned belief system that you grasp tightly to because your afraid!

Sorry bud!

Nothing more than scared human creations!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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But if @Letho says its evil, its evil lol.....get out of here with that dude!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake Evil uses many tactics to persuade it doesn't exist and keep it's lies alive. One of the most effective is Narcissism which makes worldly authority seem solid and not as a simple projection of consciousness. One of the ways Narcissists operate is by mockery as it is effective in invalidating logic and lazy in itself. I've seen the workings of mockery lead to depression of many clinic patients who later relapsed and one killed himself because of constant mockery, bullying maltreatment from the Sponsor. Such mockery is not accidental, it is a skillful tool of Evil and a proof of its existence.

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@VeganAwake Evil lies about everything. What makes you surprised it could lie about it's own existence?

Edited by Santiago Ram

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2 hours ago, Santiago Ram said:

@VeganAwake Evil uses many tactics to persuade it doesn't exist and keep it's lies alive.

So-called evil doesn’t use anything because its a made up story stemming from a socially conditioned human mind! It's not a real thing! These concepts are learned at a young age and very difficult to see past!

One of the most effective is Narcissism which makes worldly authority seem solid and not as a simple projection of consciousness.

So-called worldly authority was just created to control the population....it also stems from human fear! 

One of the ways Narcissists operate is by mockery as it is effective in invalidating logic and lazy in itself.

Lol, thats because your using conditioned logic within the parameters of conditioned society. Thats like trying to validate something using your own made up validation criteria haha!

Of course it would sound illogical within your made up parameters of logic!

I've seen the workings of mockery lead to depression of many clinic patients who later relapsed and one killed himself because of constant mockery, bullying maltreatment from the Sponsor.

Im not trying to mock anyone, I just sense frustration in the discussion because someone doesn't like coming to terms with realizing they may not actually know what they are talking about!

Such mockery is not accidental, it is a skillful tool of Evil and a proof of its existence.

In no way whatsoever is that proof of evil’s existence. Proof doesn't get proven by just saying so lol.

Nobody is evil and neither are there actions and or outcomes.

Those are just mentally disturbed folks that get a kick out of creating ripples in society often for attention.....it has nothing to do with so-called Evil which is a made-up concept stemming from ignorance and fear.......nothing more!

Sorry to burst your belief system!



Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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26 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

Those are just mentally disturbed folks that get a kick out of creating ripples in society often for attention.....it has nothing to do with so-called Evil which is a made-up concept stemming from ignorance and fear.......nothing more!

Of course evil stems from ignorance and fear. I'm not claiming you or even the sponsor to be Evil, but their ignorance does create self-deception which is evil.

28 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

Those are just mentally disturbed folks that get a kick out of creating ripples in society often for attention.

Have you worked with these mentally disturbed folks? For how long? How many of them do you know? How do you know they do what they do for "attention"? Do you struggle with mental illness or addiction yourself?

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15 minutes ago, Santiago Ram said:

Of course evil stems from ignorance and fear. I'm not claiming you or even the sponsor to be Evil, but their ignorance does create self-deception which is evil.

Have you worked with these mentally disturbed folks? For how long? How many of them do you know? How do you know they do what they do for "attention"? Do you struggle with mental illness or addiction yourself?

I definitely understand what you mean! 

For me:

Conditioned Society = Matrix or Dream Story.....& within this dream story or matrix, there are things like:  Value, Meaning, Purpose, Good & Bad, Right & Wrong, Evil & Godly, Heaven & Hell, God & Satan  etc...etc...

I'm usually always talking in reference to biggest picture understanding outside of conditioned society, which can be very confusing!

I totally get how it can sound like deflection, avoidance, spiritual bypassing, escapism, going down the wrong path  etc etc...

But for that to be valid, there first has to be an initial belief in right or wrong to start with.....that first initial belief is the culprit of misunderstandings.

Example: For someone to be labeled as bypassing, avoiding the "truth" or deflecting, there first has to be a belief that there really is a higher "truth" or a right or wrong path one could accidentally stumble down.

Logically speaking, someone can't go down the wrong path if there isn't a real right path to begin with......get my point!

These discussions points coming from me, would probably not help someone dealing with mental health issues and trying to find solid life morals to live by.

I really only come and chat on this forum because Leo's content was helpful in providing numerous outside the box thinking strategies and or contemplation techniques and really great videos at a time when nobody else was really diving into the really meaty topics of spirituality and non-duality.

Maybe the time has come for the old vegan to move along 🥲


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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11 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

But if @Letho says its evil, its evil lol.....get out of here with that dude!


@VeganAwake Deflection isn’t an argument. If evil were meaningless, you wouldn’t react. Dismissing it with laughter only proves the point, you evade because engagement would demand accountability. Anyone reading can see the difference between avoidance and actual discourse.


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9 hours ago, Letho said:

@VeganAwake Deflection isn’t an argument. If evil were meaningless, you wouldn’t react. Dismissing it with laughter only proves the point, you evade because engagement would demand accountability. Anyone reading can see the difference between avoidance and actual discourse.


I haven't been avoiding anything though. I've already mentioned that the human bodies natural survival instincts are to avoid pain and suffering.....but that doesn't mean that things that cause it, are evil or bad!

Basically, humans in the past couldn't find any real answers or meaning to anything, so they just made up their own. 

When one stops carrying around all these conditioned beliefs, they no longer hold weight in ones experience. It actually opens up room for additional discoveries.

The words and concepts become meaningless and it's finally recognized that these beliefs were actually creating or shaping the dream story in which one lives in!

See, even without these beliefs the rain still falls, the sun still shines and the wind still blows. They simply aren't needed.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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13 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

I haven't been avoiding anything though. I've already mentioned that the human bodies natural survival instincts are to avoid pain and suffering.....but that doesn't mean that things that cause it, are evil or bad!

Basically, humans in the past couldn't find any real answers or meaning to anything, so they just made up their own. 

When one stops carrying around all these conditioned beliefs, they no longer hold weight in ones experience. It actually opens up room for additional discoveries.

The words and concepts become meaningless and it's finally recognized that these beliefs were actually creating or shaping the dream story in which one lives in!

See, even without these beliefs the rain still falls, the sun still shines and the wind still blows. They simply aren't needed.


@VeganAwake Avoidance of pain arises as an adaptive function, yet the negation of moral categories does not nullify causality. If suffering is dismissed as an illusion, the impulse to evade it still operates within the same deterministic framework. Beliefs, even in their rejection of structure, reinforce alternative structures; discarding morality as arbitrary merely installs a different conditioning. The absence of intrinsic labels does not equate to the absence of effects, actions ripple through interconnected systems, shaping outcomes regardless of assigned meaning. Responsibility is not dependent on terminology but on the undeniable feedback loop of cause and consequence. You act as though you exist independent of me, but you exist because of me in this instantiated temporal framework, you're just not able to see the recursion that makes it so, thus you merely treat me as an observation as opposed to the co-maker of our next thoughts, thus your sense of responsibility only bares its weight enough to continually fracture the virtue of this discussion.

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Bro seriously, you're making it way too complex..... what's being discussed doesn't take numerous philosophy and or language/writing classes. This is a perfect example of why so-called knowledge can actually hinder discovery! The mind is so full of concepts, it can't even grasp basic understanding anymore!

It's not negating when it's just obvious that there are no universal morals. Those morals and belief systems are created by conditioned and biased scared human beings....nothing more!

One experience can cause one individual pain and suffering while the next person simply chuckles or shrugges it off and drives on with life!

You can call it avoidance or negating all you want, but you don't know what's being experienced here in any way at all...... Your conditioning is basically painting a picture for you of what is happening here....that's all!

Sorry bud!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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