Rafael Thundercat

Jordan Peterson Open Video to Canadians

6 posts in this topic

Well, I know we all know his position. What I see as value in this videos is to see the sneaky language,and study self deception. Of course also trying to listen with discernment and at same time noticing our own ego trying to be biased in favor or against 

Overall is just Jordan Being Jordan,nothing new here. 

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I haven’t watched it but let me guess.

He said Canada should join the US and bow down to Trump the orange hope?

Probably also said something about lobsters or marxism.

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@PurpleTree yes for the first guess. He feels very furiously happy with all this, since he still keep resentment for all that happened to him in the hands of Canadian Wokes. Poor man will die feeling like a victim of the circunstances.

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I want to add on this thread also a book I am reading from Nigel Biggar. The book is " Colonialism a Moral Reckogning" 

I got the book first thinking it would be about Anti-colonialism, but the book is actually defending Colonial Empires and somehow sugarcoating the consequences of Slavery etc.. 

I will take a look on it as a exercice of perspective taking. And having in mind that perpectives can be valid but not having the same High consciousness level. The author start defending Cecil Rhodes, a colonialism tha had a big impact on África history. The bias is that Cecil was Anglican and Nigel Biggar is also Anglican. Funny.

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14 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@PurpleTree yes for the first guess.

What a traitor to Canada this guy eh. Also probably the benzo addiction and carnivore diet messed his brain up.

Also he is close with Rogan and them so they probably talk about this crap behind closed doors.

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