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Therapy techniques are stepping stones

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As you are ascending into higher states of consciousness, you are also ascending the emotional scale to align with your true nature of source as Joy and Love.

Certain therapy such as finding out the root cause of “why” you have negative tendencies stemming from childhood can be of great help. They can move you up the emotional scale from consistent states of despair/depression/anxieties more towards that of hope. However, this sort of technique should be seen as a stepping stone and not the be-all and end-all.

Speaking from a gradual discovery and integration process (not so much from psychedelics exploration). You will also come across further techniques that bring you closer to your true nature. You will soon realise how these childhood stories were completely fabricated and how you were creating more layers of stories to cope in therapy. 

The releasing of such stories may seem hard as fuck because we are addicted to stories of suffering. BUT the freedom, ease and empowerment that comes from unravelling these is worth the shedding of your old life babyy

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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