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Anyone Have Experience In Teaching Spirituality to Others?

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The difficult thing about spiritual matters is that everyone’s on a different path, so the answers you’ve found won’t necessarily be what someone else needs in a given moment.  For the past several years, I’ve been mostly focused on my own development, but I feel like I’m being called now to make some sort of contribution to others.


Like many of us, I feel like my life purpose is related to spirituality or philosophy in some form, although perhaps there are indirect forms of this that I haven’t yet considered.  I’ve had a perspective shift recently where life purpose isn’t necessarily about manipulating outcomes but rather about finding my proper place in the unfolding of things.

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If you are being called then answer the phone…

There is a reason why you are being guided towards a certain path, and there will always be people who benefit from your unique journey, stance and personality on spirituality and philosophy.  

Some may benefit from one of your teachings, others may follow for a short phase, whilst others for a long time.  As long as this is an expression of a good-feeling authentic desire to help others, go for it :)


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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Yeah, you'll need to learn the art of meeting people where they are at.

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Show don't tell. All I need to know is what happened after you got up this morning. Speak about today, forget everything else. Parroting does the world a disservice, you included. This is because to teach is to learn. Any teacher can confirm.

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To be of service is a natural destination of every human being. It's not something you have to worry about. Simply concentrate on following your life purpose(highest passion) and your destiny will take you where you belong and where you will be of most good to others. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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