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Self Decode ~300usd (very useful for health advice)

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Genetics test company by a biohacker Joe Cohen. 

I've been following this guy's blog since 2019 due to a lot of personal health issues.

In 2021, he launched this company (Self Decode), and I lowkey impulse-purchased. It was early days, and I didn't find any of the reports very useful.

With the recent update that's happened in the last year or so it's become incredibly useful.


What it is:

You spit in a vial and mail it to them. They then compare your genetics to current available genetic data pools for various health conditions and uses AI to provide estimates on health concerns. There's also a score for how strong the evidence is 0-5/5.

From this, I've gotten a lot of clarity on health issues and been able to fast-track dealing with health problems & become aware of the medical terms of problems I didn't have the vocab to accurately identify.


2 examples:

Prostate cancer - 95 percentile risk, 5/5 strength of evidence. (this was part of an additional $100 purchase fyi)

Seasonal affective disorder - High DNA risk (forget the %)

Overall, there were about 30ish reports that have been incredibly useful for guiding my diet and supplementation, and even how I exercise now (due to musculoskeletal risks).


I recommend it. 



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