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Do you feel more connection to your ancestors or previous local inhabitants.

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For those of you who live somewhere other than your ancestral region, do you feel more connection to your ancestral cultures or to the cultures that previously inhabited the area you call home? For those who live in their ancestral area, do you feel much connection to your ancestral cultures?

Everyone's ancestors moved around a little bit, but some a lot more than others. I've lived in my region my entire life and I spend a lot of time enjoying nature and learning about how people lived with nature here, I feel connection with previous inhabitants of my home and despite having an extensive genealogical record I do not feel much connection with my ancestral cultures. This appears odd to me on some level but makes perfect sense when I think of living in the same location as others that have lived so intimately with nature here. I suppose we're all ultimately from the same original ancestors anyway, but do you have a stronger attachment to your location's history than your genealogy?

Edited by Elliott

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Most around me hate the natives and are racist. I feel more of a connection with them than white people so the latter. This is purely because of psychedelics. I have never been racist or hated native people but I never felt a connection with them nor my own heritage. When I ate shroom I saw mayan symbols in my visual field and I said holy shit this stuff is real. I never felt any connection with my family heritage and I dont care about it. But since have studied native religions.

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