
Stomach bloating - Carnivore diet?

16 posts in this topic

I love food and I love a variety of food but that might need to change

Last few weeks I have developed an intolerance to what seems to be a lot of food. I do have IBS and have had issues in the past but these recent flare ups are causing a lot of pain. Stomach cramps and bloating. Not good

The one thing to premise is that the one thing that definitely is okay on the gut is meat. I’m not keen on just eating meat but I’m not sure what choice I have certainly for the short term which is to stay on a carnivore diet and then after a month start to reintroduce certain foods  

I have a hunch it might mean that I have to stick to low FODMAP foods due to the bloating

Also I did get a stool test and everything is fine so I do not know what is up. Is it an autoimmune issue? Anyone have any similar symptoms? @Leo Gura I know you’ve had auto immune issues any thoughts on this


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Book a meeting with @Michael569 (link in his bio) for a closer assessment. 
He is one of the few people who is able to help you on this forum. 


MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
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Most likely dsybiosis and/or SIBO -- imbalance in gut bacteria. Many things could cause it, very hard to track down the sole cause. Could be autoimmune, could be bad bacteria you picked up somewhere.

Yes, low FODMAP will give the bad bacteria less fuel. Plant matter and plant sugars are the biggest culprits.

A basic stool test is not accurate enough to detect SIBO. That requires specialized breath tests. Stool tests are generally quite poor in what they can tell you.

Find a doctor who specializes in Functional Medicine and SIBO and gut/auto-immune conditions. Normal doctors are not worth going to.

If you got SIBO, just eating meat will relieve symptoms but it will not cure you. Cure usually requires nuking your gut with antibiotics but this is risky and troublesome with no guarantees it will work and then your gut microbiome will be ruined for years and need to be built from scratch.

Elimination diet is a very important tool for finding which foods cause you problems. Research how to do elimination diet.

Research SIBO.

Age is also a factor. As you get older your gut will function worse and you won't be able to eat as sloppily as you did in your youth.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Chadders Try homemade kefir made on kefir grains and raw milk as well as bone broth—these are the most powerful ways to heal your gut.


And no, don’t take antibiotics.

Edited by freddyteisen

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2 hours ago, freddyteisen said:

@Chadders Try homemade kefir made on kefir grains and raw milk as well as bone broth—these are the most powerful ways to heal your gut.


And no, don’t take antibiotics.

I second water kefir, it helped my digestion for years after I stopped taking it. Bone broth is full of heavy metals though as lead mimics calcium and is stored in the bones, not many people are aware of this though

Edited by mmKay

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15 hours ago, Chadders said:

Last few weeks I have developed an intolerance to what seems to be a lot of food. I do have IBS and have had issues in the past but these recent flare ups are causing a lot of pain. Stomach cramps and bloating. Not good

It can be hard to tell what you're up against without further testing. Sometimes temporary flare-up gets better on its own. With digestive health, especially things like IBS/SIBO, it is usually a very slow progress over time rather than a rapid flare up the way you would see in IBD for example. 

So it could mean that you ate something you potentially have a very high intolerance to, even allergy. Is there any possibility you might have lactose intolerance or even Coeliac? Did you anything unusual this time? New restaurant/ ingredient? 

How long have you had IBS? Was it diagnosed or self-diagnosed? What's the pattern? (diarrhoea IBA or constipation IBS) Do you find yourself being more sensitive to only certain foods vs other? 

SIBO has been suggested above. it could be part of the answer. Proliferation of bacteria in the proximal duodenum is quite common in IBS According to the American Journal of Gastroenterology, the first line of diagnosis is a breath testing for presence of methane and hydrogen. Your gastroenterologist could do this for you. The tests starts with you drinking a pure solution of lactulose then waiting a bit and then you take series of breath measurements where levels of both gases are being measured. If they ar enegative, you know you can rule SIBO out. 


"the premise of breath tests is that human cells are incapable of producing hydrogen and methane gases (24). Consequently, if these gases can be detected in breath samples, it must signify another source such as the fermentation of carbohydrates by microbes in the gut, their subsequent absorption into the blood stream, and their expiration through the lungs"

TLDNR - for a start consider speaking to gastroenterologist and try to get a diagnosis of the problem. Then once you have that, there are options available and then you cna retest again to measure the effectiveness of the protocol (whatever that becomes). Short term elimination diet is sometimes necessary but best to know what it is before you start treating it. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@mmKay I'm curious to learn more about heavy metals in the bone broth. Due to severe allergies, my diet consists only of meat and green vegetables, and broth is a key part of my nutrition. To eliminate heavy metals I bought IKEA pan (base with one layer of aluminium between two layers of stainless steel). Any insights would be greatly appreciated! :) 

Edited by Shogi

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Most likely dsybiosis and/or SIBO -- imbalance in gut bacteria. Many things could cause it, very hard to track down the sole cause. Could be autoimmune, could be bad bacteria you picked up somewhere.

Yes, low FODMAP will give the bad bacteria less fuel. Plant matter and plant sugars are the biggest culprits.

A basic stool test is not accurate enough to detect SIBO. That requires specialized breath tests. Stool tests are generally quite poor in what they can tell you.

Find a doctor who specializes in Functional Medicine and SIBO and gut/auto-immune conditions. Normal doctors are not worth going to.

If you got SIBO, just eating meat will relieve symptoms but it will not cure you. Cure usually requires nuking your gut with antibiotics but this is risky and troublesome with no guarantees it will work and then your gut microbiome will be ruined for years and need to be built from scratch.

Elimination diet is a very important tool for finding which foods cause you problems. Research how to do elimination diet.

Research SIBO.

Age is also a factor. As you get older your gut will function worse and you won't be able to eat as sloppily as you did in your youth.

I would add that there is hope for the FODMAP diet. I used it to heal whateverthefuck i had going on in my stomach at the time and found out it was fructose causing bloating and pain. After about 2 years of almost strict diet it healed all by itself. now I eat whatever I like without symptoms. 

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I healed, here's what I did: 


"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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@Leo Gura Thanks. I’m hoping that it’s not SIBO  and it’s just an autoimmune reaction of some kind but seems pretty bad. I’ll get it checked

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@Michael569 I may have developed a sudden lactose intolerance but it’s not just that where it triggers

I’ve self diagnosed for IBS. Not sure if there is a way to diagnosis it formally. I’ve had gut issues going back a long time but they’ve got way worse in the last 5 or so years

I don’t get constipated and rarely get diarrhoea it’s more bloating that is the main issue and then with that comes the stomach pain. This is why I think it might be high FODMAP that triggers it 

Yes there definitely certain foods that I’m more sensitive to such as Greek yoghurt, broccoli. I had some coleslaw recently that seemed to trigger it. It’s early days though so I’m not so sure

aside from meat blueberries, banana, carrots seem okay

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@NoN-RaTiOnAL I hope that works for me. I’m going to be very strict with food. I don’t have a choice. It’s starting to affect my life 

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This is a rough meal plan I’m thinking about. It’s not pure carnivore as I’m concerned about the nutritional value of meat only 






Boiled eggs x4-5


Cooked chicken

















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@Chadders found this guy on YouTube. he also sells protocols for different problems. he has some views that are maybe controversial and he is quite convinced of himself. but it seems he has a lot of experience and has made a lot of effort to study papers.


Edited by Petals

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On 11/02/2025 at 4:34 PM, Chadders said:

I’ve self diagnosed for IBS. Not sure if there is a way to diagnosis it formally. I’ve had gut issues going back a long time but they’ve got way worse in the last 5 or so years

There are ways, mainly based on symptomology rather than specific tests. The Rome IV method is usually applied. But what you describe does sound like it. 

On 11/02/2025 at 4:34 PM, Chadders said:

This is why I think it might be high FODMAP that triggers it

There is an easy way to test it by designing a few low FODMAP meals for 3 days and seeing if i gets any better. This is actually much easier than it seems. You don't wanna go straight to elimination diet (e.g. carnivore) but first want to see if you can spot a pattern in the types of carbohydrates that cause you the trouble. 

If you do 3-day low FODMAP diet and your symptoms get better, it is a very likely indication that fermentable carbohydrates are the problem. From there ideally you would find a doctor who would be willing to run hydrogen/methane breath test with you. A good gastroenterologist who is up to speed with the evidence should be able to do that. 

If you run positive on both tests and high FODMAPs, then you know where to begin. 

Along the low FODMAP diet, it helps to introduce a gut support protocol which is usually divided into multiple phases aimed at (but not limited to) 

  • reducing harmful microbes ( Rifaximin has the highest evidence for success, in the herbal kingdom things like Goldenseal, Oregano Oil, Berberine, Astragalus etc and other are often used - you'd have to work with a specialist to get the dosing right tho 
  • rebalancing flora 
  • supporting gut motility and MMC function
  • supporting the integrity of the luminal walls and tight junctions
  • reintroducing healthy eating habits like mindful eating, avoidance of snacking, having regular meal times, building up hunger before eating, not snacking at night, hydration etc etc. 
  • I like to take advantage of various herbal teas and tinctures along the way if people are open to that sort of thing 

Afterwards if you are on low FODMAP, after about 6-12 weeks you want to start reintroducing FODMAPS one at a time, allowing up to 72 hours to see if symptoms have improved or some foods still trigger. Gradual introduction is the guy as the gut may not be prepared to take a rapid onslaught of high FODMAP foods. 

If you are successful you should see improvements within 2-3 months. Sometimes the cycle needs to be repeated couple times. 

Hope this helps. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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