
Why are there so many religions and why ar their scriptures contradictory ?

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Why are there so many religious scriptures and I don't understand that  if they try to preach the same truth why are do they completely contradict each other ? Even scriptures which are said by the same person of the same religion contradicts his/her previous teaching or saying. Why so much contradiction and confusion and complexity  in spirituality ?

Edited by Seeker123

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very different, for example the Aztecs believed that the sun god would devour the world if he was not appeased by ripping out the hearts of thousands of victims, the Greeks thought that Zeus was fucking every woman who turned him on and playing practical jokes on some heroes just for fun, the Nordics believed that the gods loved war, the Christians believed that God loved peace, which is why they were the most warlike culture in history, and the Buddhists believed that the human being could achieve Buddhahood in this life and stop a supposed cycle of reincarnation. Native Americans believed that the great spirit permeated everything and everything was a manifestation of manitou, Africans believed in totems and fetishes, and black magic that could kill you from a distance, and Muslims believe that you should wipe your ass three times, always using your left hand.

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Your understanding religion is limited by your level of consciousness. I woke up and now Jesus makes perfect sense. Had I stayed a Jesus follower I would have been trapped forever. The prerequisite for religion to make sense to you is to know who is this you to whom you want it to make sense. Until then nothing will help you. It is not only religions that will make zero sense. Everything will. Learn how to use your eyes properly first.

Easy to criticise the world and religions and people. You are finding problems where they don't exist. You yourself created this universe you live in. Quit being lazy, humble yourself and enter within concerning which no person on earth can speak.

Edited by gettoefl

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People wouldn't need to follow you if it made sense, the confusion part is what allows you to control people.

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......because it's all made up. Simple.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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also logic contradicts itself inevitably. Look where it contradicts in the teaching its there on purpose. The contradiction is pointing you to the location of study. If you dont know where to start start with these contradictions you notice and ask yourself how and why its doing it. Your mind is pointing them out to you you dont notice all of them just the ones that mean something to you.

Religions are based around God they make stories up about God, Leo is talking about the real God and how it makes up these stories. Leos teaching deny religion because its not the truth its God with many stories on it, restricting the idea of what God is and you yourself, they are made to teach people how they want you to act. There are no rules for God but there are rules for your identity.Like if you know and feel that murder is bad and you go and murder someone you will feel very bad and you will not be able to forgive yourself, God does immediately but you wont. Religion tries to teach people these rules but they often go over blown and can be seen by the contradictions of ego. When you notice the contradictions in other people you can self reflect and notice that your brain specifically was pointing out to you your own contradictions or that something special lie there if introspected.

Edited by Hojo

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They all point to the same Truth.

Only they differ in some of their commandments and rules and that's because of the difference in the era and the age and the place and the culture they emerged in.

Which always changes and should change as the world is always changing so should the commandments and the rules change according to the time and be renovated.

If you pay attention you'll see that all the new prophets renovated the old rules and commandments of the previous ones.

Because people were becoming fanatic about them and have started misusing them so they tried to change the previous religion's commandments.

This is a repeating pattern in history.

That is why.

But The Unchanging and Eternal Truth they all agreed on was God.

That is the same in all of them.

That there is One Unchanging and Eternal Truth in reality.

They only differ in methods and rules as they should because these are in accordance to the time and place and culture of their emergence.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Religions just like any other belief system that exists are all expressions of the infinite. Whichever taken to be fact will be expressed in your reality as true 👀

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" -Rumi

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"just as the rainbow's colors arise from one pure light, the religions of the world are expressions of one divine source" 

In one way or the other every religion ends up in infinity. Each contradiction could have a different explanation, you'd have to be more specific. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Moon said:

Religions just like any other belief system that exists are all expressions of the infinite. Whichever taken to be fact will be expressed in your reality as true 👀

So, you can make one up where everyone owes you money?

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@Elliott I heard you can make your own God and worship it and make it real and it will help you. You just base them around specific aspects of consciousness and worship them. You just make a character up and say this represents the void or the light. Use it to look at and imagine the thing is the thing you want and you talk to it as if its that thing and that thing is there.

So make an idol say this represents the void and talk to it like it owes you money. Should work. Or maybe act like you owe it money.

Edited by Hojo

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With all these religions helping us, why isn't everyone enlightened?

It appears that only the creators of the religions are the only ever enlightened ones, and they became enlightened without the religion in their life, being they're the ones that create it.


To escape suffering, Venmo me $5 and take a tablespoon of salt in the name of God, you're welcome.


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3 hours ago, Elliott said:

So, you can make one up where everyone owes you money?

No you can't because the Catholic church already did it and has patented it

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Five blindfolded people approached an elephant, each from a different side.

One grabbed the trunk. “It’s a snake,” he said.

Another touched a leg. “No, it’s a tree.”

A third felt the broad side. “You’re both wrong—it’s a wall.”

The fourth grasped the tail. “Clearly, it’s a rope.”

The last one touched an ear. “It’s a fan.”

They argued, each convinced of their truth. Then a voice said, “You have all touched only part of the same thing. It’s an elephant.”

They removed their blindfolds, realizing their mistake—truth is bigger than any single perspective.

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22 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

No you can't because the Catholic church already did it and has patented it

I'm waiting for someone to start one that would end global poverty instead of building palaces, do they take suggestions?

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