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After the coffee with my mate yesterday afternoon, reducing the signal to noise life ratio. 


Systematically: 100 countries. 100 women. 100 children. 

Any increases from here occur organically, and all women will be vetted for a minimum of 'high levels of empathy' relative to my own theoretical advancements regarding. 


I am not interested in:

1. Debates.

2. Critiques.

3. Sharing all my theories in the way I did in the past.


I am only interested in:

Law 1. Creation

Law 2. Communication

Law 3. Having fun.

Law 4. Mastery of 1, 2, 4 and 4.


Philosophy is dead.

Religion is dead.

Spirituality is dead.

Physics is dead.

Culture is dead.


Ethics concerning past shares, I will as best as I am able to remain open to speaking about, sharing and maintaining the status of prior creations (i.e. GPT's). If there is anything that doesn't work or misunderstandings anywhere concerning, just let me know.





What is alive.

I believe in engineering.

I believe in fun.

And I believe in purposeful living.




For everything else, my children will be evolved enough to work it all out together and create, destroy, evolve whatever needs to be created, destroyed or evolved.










Edited by Letho

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Place maturity first and foremost above all other needs, your inability to do so is to the level you hinder your own development as a sovereign sentient being that in return, will be able to be respected by other sovereign sentient women with the empathy to see through any bs that is contrary to this.

As per:

Yes men, women do indeed manipulate more on average, however aren't you the man and isn't it your responsibility to understand the context of your own evolutionary ancestry accordingly as opposed to say, trying to act like a woman? Cordially expressed.

I feel the need to briefly extend answer to this formally here, as a contextual measure, thus to finally add here is an interaction that I am presently having in real time. Zero manipulation, very casual inwardly very non-serious, just myself off the cuff. My own message will evolve overtime, she is a psychologist by the way:








.Best Light. 





Lastly, let's leave you with a reminder of your own journey and what you're attempting to accomplish.

Imagine you're in the Amazon Rainforest, what present beliefs do you have about yourself, reality, relationships and the world at large which would not help you survive the night in the beauty of the Amazon? Let them go, step into the light of... the next step of your growth. 






The Love of Your Life.

Keep it strong.


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Repost - Cleaning up journal: that signal to noise ratio right. Heh.

Now weekly thought experiments instead of daily > Deeper emotional investment equals deeper existential change. 

I'm glad I chose the weekly route, next weeks going to be a real f'ing doozy. Have got it already, now all that's left to do is to be an architect on an already hit song to take the thought experiment to the next level.

My goal in the creation of these thought experiments isn't to make them difficult more than it is to get a reader including myself to imagine dimensions in ways that lead to the readers own self-realisations to personal change; thus, I'm sharing my own journey of transformation through them while encouraging the readers down this novel route.

On that note, I've decided I will not be releasing my own answers to the thought experiments or creating daunting puzzles that may make others a bit too nervous. Instead I just want to now refine the art of creating these virtual reality goggles that lead, however momentarily, to an almost instantaneous life adaptation that strengthens in automatic assimilation the more the reader engages in the alternate realities implications on an 'as if' basis. Instead of becoming this rigid map of answers a reader awaits, instead the thought experiment becomes the users own personal tool they get to advance, stretch, redefine and learn in the creation of their own, in their own ways. Maximum preservation of sovereignty while stretching the lines of creative liberty right. Heh. 


Genre: Turning Readership into Empathy Masterminds.

This Weeks Thought Experiment.

Stranded on a Deserted Island – The Magician’s Game


  • You find yourself stranded on a deserted island with 10 individuals. You have no history with them, no past knowledge, and no memories to bias your judgment. However, certain absolute truths govern this situation:
    • There are five tricksters and five friends among you.
      • Among them is one mole who seeks to deceive you.
      • Among them is one best friend who will ultimately guide you to safety.
      • The magician acts as a source of both truth and deception, sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly.
      • If you misjudge the situation, someone will die.


  • Your goal is to determine the mole and the best friend before an irreversible choice is made.

Rules of the Experiment

  • The Nature of Truth:
    • The magician will provide you with insights, but you cannot know which are true, which are lies, and which are half-truths. The island itself is an extension of this paradox, realities shift based on perception.
  • Self-Knowledge Determines Perception:
    • The only way to correctly identify your best friend is if you, yourself, are a best friend.
    • The only way to determine who the mole is is if you are radically self-honest.
  • Fluid Morality:
    • The behaviors of the best friend and the mole may be indistinguishable. What is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ is not immediately apparent and shifts with your perspective.
  • Shifting Reality:
    • Each decision you make subtly alters the nature of the game. The more you judge, the more uncertain things become.

Layers of the Challenge

  • Phase 1: The Surface Illusion
    • At first, you attempt to categorize the people around you:
      • Two tricksters are good but misled.
      • Two tricksters are bad and have no conscience.
      • Two friends are good but misled.
      • Two friends are bad, one has a conscience, the other does not.
    • The magician gives cryptic advice, guiding you toward or away from the truth. However, every question you ask has a cost: reality slightly bends, erasing or distorting past information.
  • Phase 2: The Test of Perception
    • You begin to notice patterns: who speaks in contradictions, who reveals inconsistencies, and who aligns with your own internal struggles. You realize that moral clarity isn’t about external actions but about internal resonance.
      • If you operate from fear, everyone seems suspicious.
      • If you operate from trust, deception becomes invisible.
      • If you act out of manipulation, the game shifts against you.
      • If you embrace radical honesty, clarity emerges.

At this stage, you begin to question: Is the mole external, or is it a reflection of my own self-deception?

  • Phase 3: Breaking the Simulation
    • This is the final and most profound realization:
      • You cannot ‘find’ the best friend, you must become them. The more you cultivate self-honesty and integrity, the more your best friend reveals themselves.
      • You cannot ‘catch’ the mole, you must remove your own illusions first. The mole is ultimately a reflection of your blind spots. Only by stripping away ego and self-bias can you see clearly.
    • The Magician’s True Role:
      • The magician mirrors reality itself. An ambiguous mix of truth and deception, half-aware of its own paradox.
    • You are left with the final decision:
      • do you trust your perception enough to act?
  • The Final Questions
    • Regardless of whether you correctly identify the mole and the best friend, the real purpose of this thought experiment is to reveal the following truths:
      • The Meaning of Morality: Is it absolute, or does it shift based on perspective? What is the tricky ways in which it does if it does?
      • Good and Evil: Are they intrinsic qualities, or merely constructs? Where are how are they in this answer?
      • Judgment and Integrity: Can you accurately assess others without first assessing yourself? How do you determine naivety from arrogance, someone that is innocently misled to someone with clearly bad intentions?
      • Self-Honesty and Trust: How do you develop discernment in a world of illusions? Where does self-honesty start and trust in another end, vice versa?
      • The Magician’s Game: Is it meant to help you or deceive you, or is it both at once? Can a magician be trusted? Who is the magician?
  • Final Challenge
    • In the real world, ask yourself:
      • Who is the mole in my own life? Is it a person, a belief, or an aspect of myself?
      • How often do I rely on external sources (magicians) for truth, rather than my own discernment?
      • Am I my own best friend, or am I still waiting to find one?
      • What does this game tell me about my perception of reality itself?

The answer to these questions will determine whether you truly escape the island, or remain trapped within its illusions forever.









.Best Surf.





And... Stay strong. Imagine light never existed, now where is the first light you will find?








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Med Specialization: Pediatrician (Obviously).

Locked in med now. Interviews still ahead, but that’s the easy part right, GAMSAT was out of the way early last year, pre-hospital stays. This year is all about consolidation physically, mentally, and setting up the long game.

Pediatrics was always the obvious choice. I mean, let’s be real, if I’m planning on having a whole army of kids, I may as well be the one steering their health from the ground up. Efficient. Strategic. No-brainer. Heh.

Beyond that, my own experience with hospital stays has made it clear how much needs to change in the system. I’ve already done it for myself via my work on bioelectrical agency, curing epilepsy and ADHD when I was told I’d be bound to meds for life, meds that were messing me up even more as I was only taking them for epilepsy and the meds for either exacerbate the symptoms of the other. Now, it’s time to scale that knowledge, refine my craft, and build toward a future that aligns with everything I stand for.

Big year ahead. Let’s get to work.
















Edited by Letho

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God the Witcher is so cringe, it feels weird ha.

And yal know I've never even played the game.

Can't stand it anymore.

Thus, without revealing my identity... I just got the AI to change

one of my photos... Yeah you guessed it.

That pup photo I shared.

Maybe if kids aren't the go to plan because Armageddon is too likely I'll just get a city apartment close to a great cafe for coffee

morning bacon, eggs and avacado, and an Italian pizza joint where both must allow

pets inside for my little hero here aye! heh.

It's aight for now, maybe it'll catch on but yal know Witcher is not me.

SS is my life destiny? Heh, its funny how this bioelectrical agency thing has ended up.

Progress Update on that note: Today I reliable taught my body to warm and cool itself at will. 








It's got my beard wrong but.

And my biceps/arms, they're really that small? no way.

I also think I have a better jawline if yal remember my jawline videos when I was running for president aha.



.Fun times.

.Puppy power out.






Edited by Letho

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1 hour ago, Letho said:



God the Witcher is so cringe, it feels weird ha.

And yal know I've never even played the game.

Can't stand it anymore.

Thus, without revealing my identity... I just got the AI to change

one of my photos... Yeah you guessed it.

That pup photo I shared.

Maybe if kids aren't the go to plan because Armageddon is too likely I'll just get a city apartment close to a great cafe for coffee

morning bacon, eggs and avacado, and an Italian pizza joint where both must allow

pets inside for my little hero here aye! heh.

It's aight for now, maybe it'll catch on but yal know Witcher is not me.

SS is my life destiny? Heh, its funny how this bioelectrical agency thing has ended up.

Progress Update on that note: Today I reliable taught my body to warm and cool itself at will. 








It's got my beard wrong but.

And my biceps/arms, they're really that small? no way.

I also think I have a better jawline if yal remember my jawline videos when I was running for president aha.



.Fun times.

.Puppy power out.








Don't worry.

I will never (publicly, or even that?) admit defeat. Concerning the prv comment I just forgot to buy pup a superhero outfit, hence the described doubts are a possibility.

But of course, only for a brief time... He can go several sayins higher than me, he's just trying to make me look good.

Totally it.


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transcendence sexies!!!! has it come? would I reveal if itdid?


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New abstract developments: Pre-sensory cognition.






So many hidden gems in that direction already. 


Without my work on bioelectrical agency, initially inspired via the interconnection of

both the work of geniuses neuroscientist

 Vilayanur Subramanian Ramachandran and 

Michael Levin, an American theoretical solid-state physicist:

likely a forever...






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46 minutes ago, Letho said:









New abstract developments: Pre-sensory cognition.






So many hidden gems in that direction already. 


Without my work on bioelectrical agency, initially inspired via the interconnection of

both the work of geniuses neuroscientist

 Vilayanur Subramanian Ramachandran and 

Michael Levin, an American theoretical solid-state physicist:

likely a forever...









& of course gotta pay respects to heartmath, looks like they've done a bit of an upgrade since I visited the site over a year ago now even though I've prv linked it:

Rockstar lineup:

Doc Childre, Dr. Rollin McCraty and Howard Martin






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Timestamp: Breaking into the industry of AI film making and music making.

First release here in my jourbal in December aye. Solid ;).



I may as well.

It's an intelligent niche, and 'niche' is thumbprint these days in creative art not 'global'.

Village music has become 'demographic music or 'village global' rather than the 'global village'; too saturated.

Right now, its all 'pro-bono' and it'll likely stay that way for me.

Seeking money for either in today's age seems so. Yeah.

I'll watch the skeletons seeking a $ and archaic status wash up on the waters surface floating by me as I make my own waves

in the actual areas of society where you can still have an impact rather than through the deluded vacuum of 'talent shows', which

I've never been on by the way. My dad was kinda annoyed that I always bagged them tho haha, even though I did appreciate

some brilliant talents there, but also those same talents r, no where to be seen; which is how it always was and will be for the most part

and that is a xylophone that will entrench its tone even more strongly of course in the next decade of people ignoring

the impact of AI on the arts and the status circles surrounding it


My own voice, etc. as well for music. Just not going to be technologically 'left behind'.

Plus from one approach, it enables me to focus more on creative imprint for small communities rather 

than appeasing a whole demographic where the balance of favour is more towards the audience and the economic interests




I don't really seek recog really, so for me its all pseudonym for now.

For me 'artistic resonance' is really all that matters.

I'll have some releases in December.

I'll have to spend time designing my approach with AI,

yes some of my work is in AI outside of film and music.





I hope this encourages creative intellectuals to do a

similar thing for their creative directions.

You'll never have to worry about competition if you just remember

and you can focus on small-world appreciation relative to your stage of growth in development and minds alike.

I just think 'global recog' is a bit of an outdated concept these days, like who remembers the last 5 winners of the 

golden globes right? don't know any, films rn't the greatest enough for us to even care right. There's cultural reasons we know for that.



'Village Global'

Allows you to craft a new image for how to approach artistic appreciations and contributions,

including across both demographics and industries.

It's the new way.








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Career/Life Passion

Passion is fire. Intentionality fuels it. Once the feedback loop is established, adherence is essential for sustainability. Aligning with your intentions creates a learning loop: refining awareness, nurturing emotional responses, and generating creative momentum. The physics of passion demand constant attention to subtle emotional triggers, those to reinforce and those to overcome. Purpose and meaning provide oxygen, expanding the fire. Without this disciplined adhesion to the cycle, the fire burns out. True mastery lies in the intentional, cyclical nurturing of passion through a well-thought out consciously modelled learning loop, where each moment’s response feeds the next phase of creative growth, expanding the experiential wisdom of the learning loop on career/life passion every single day because of this disciplined adherence.

Study passion. Imagine its physics and analogy to fire. See how the weather and natural regression vs progression alters the 

patterns of the fire, and in return, career/life motivation. 




Fire < > Passion, it's a literal connection not figurative.

The differences are artificial and the abstract similarities teach you precisely how to become incredibly motivated in the subsequent engineering of mind to nervous system. 


Learning Review Questions:

  1. How can you map the principles of fire’s physics (fuel, oxygen, heat, sustainability) directly onto the mechanics of career/life passion?
  2. In your career/life passion, how can intentionality evolve into the energy that keeps your fire burning, and what specifically shifts when you align or misalign with it?
  3. What feedback mechanisms exist within your emotional landscape that either feed or starve the fire of your passion? How do you identify which to amplify or transcend?
  4. Purpose and meaning are compared to oxygen for passion’s fire: what subtle interplay exists between intrinsic motivation and external validation, and how do they influence the sustainability of your drive?
  5. How can you consciously cultivate a learning loop that evolves beyond automatic responses to intentional, crafted moments of insight and action?
  6. What feedback patterns emerge during moments of regression in your passion, and how do you engineer those moments for creative regeneration rather than burnout?
  7. Fire’s nature: destructive yet transformative. How do you harness passion’s destructive nature as a catalyst for positive change in your career/life?
  8. How does your internal “weather” (mindset, mood) alter the course of your passion’s fire? In what ways can you engineer your environment to protect, expand, or stoke it?
  9. What’s the boundary between your inherent survival instincts and conscious, designed growth in the context of career/life passion? How does one evolve into the other?
  10. In what way does adherence to your career/life passion cycle demand not just attention, but a radical discipline in learning, refining, and evolving your emotional and mental structure?


Weekly thought experiments are only released on the weekends.

You are a learning loop of passion, passion rises and falls according to the wisdom you have learned in your life regarding its functionality and the degree to which the structure of your knowledge maps over it to inspire and nurture greater action sustained overtime.


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Be Good.

It's your universal alignment, in accuracy.











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2 hours ago, Letho said:











Be Good.

It's your universal alignment, in accuracy.




















Well timed in light of the post just above, vice versa... I guess.

And I guess a part of me to remind others of the vocabulary behind 'goodness'. It's as simple as the Star Wars analogy I've brought up before, but its also... Just as difficult in truly being self honest about, much less, achieving. 








How do I become a better practitioner? 

How do I become a better teacher?

How do I become a better learner?

How do I become a greater master?









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For those 'externally indoctrinated' by my Tempress

As per discussion below!







a cool variant I've been having a lot of fun with while in a cafe this morning in a new area of the country I'm lovin is as follows that my most astute students will put two and two together on:

I've called it "Blitz".

And it really is a lotta fun, wish I knew it as a kid to love math a whole lotta more ahhh

1. minute intervals.

- have stop watch. Continue for at least 20 min.

2. each minute you're trying to invent a new equation for a fundamental q'n that you're generating on the stimuli generated

3. every new stimulus for every new breath is a creative well you draw on to fuel inventive insight on the eq'n


no more explanation



stay a learner, rock out fockers





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