
Leo's latest blog post: the wisdom in not caring about truth

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I would argue that humans do not care about truth for a very good reason, mainly because they're barely able to survive. Why should i care about truth, when i can barely make money and have sex. In our world, what an individual needs isn't truth, but basic satisfying for material cravings, like money and sex. Most people are so desperate for money and sex, they don't have the luxury of caring about truth. What is truth gonna do to me, make me realize that i am God, and that everything is one, and that consciousness is infinite imagination. That's all nice and cool, but what's more important from the human point of view is to feed myself and satisfy my sexual needs, as well as living a decent comfortable life. If you're lacking in those basic things you cannot afford to spend thousands of hours seeking truth for truth's sake, through reading books, contemplation, meditation, psychedelic trips, travel... First you need money and sex, then when you're well off you can choose to pursue truth. Money and sex is what people crave not truth.

Edited by Majed

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Of course.

But notice further than even once those people get money and sex, they still don't care about truth, they continue endlessly chasing more money and sex.

Do any of the richest and most powerful people lack access to basic needs? No. Yet they are still lost in chasing success and survival.

And I cared about truth before I had money or sex.

Caring about truth transcends your material situation. Which is why getting a billion dollars will not suddenly make you care about truth.

And also notice, if you really cared about truth you would work really hard to handle your base material needs so that you can focus on truth without being distracted by survival.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura To be fair, most people are clueless about consciousness work and truth seeking. And to be honest not everyone has the type of mind required for philosophical investigations and inquiries. Most minds are not philosophical minds, they have strengths in other areas, maybe art or sports, or maths... Most people do not care about philosophy, it just doesn't stimulate their brains the same way it does for philosophically inclined people. There is a genetic component in caring about truth and philosophy, which explains why most people don't care about it. 

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@Leo Gura so most of us are beneath the sex and the money making… We’re just existing? Can we shoot for truth before getting laid like a rockstar with millions in the bank? Or does it have to work the other way round for most of us?

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Survival happens and will continue until death. Survival is life.

These are two different pursuits, as you implied. But consider: individuals throughout history have had much worse conditions than yours, and they didn't wait for the right circumstances before they started their search. Some of them even gave up luxurious lives in order to seek out what's true. Circumstances are secondary. It's true that either way, most people do not care at all.

Why impose artificial requisites on the act of questioning? Nothing is preventing you from looking into your own experience as it is now.


After ecstasy, the laundry.


Edited by UnbornTao

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The spiritual stuff all these gurus talk about sound SO good. And here we are, the idiots at the bottom, barely able to make ends meet and barely able to get laid like popstars. 
Where do we even begin…?

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Truth is infinitely powerful because the truth can set you free. It is the pearl of great price, much more powerful than status, wealth and sex. The thing is that we humans have a survival brain. If we were undercompensated in our past, it is very hard not to overcompensate. Even spiritual leaders who should know this stuff can barely transcend their animalistic nature. So we should be more forgiving on non spiritual people.

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4 hours ago, Majed said:

I would argue that humans do not care about truth for a very good reason, mainly because they're barely able to survive. Why should i care about truth, when i can barely make money and have sex. In our world, what an individual needs isn't truth, but basic satisfying for material cravings, like money and sex. Most people are so desperate for money and sex, they don't have the luxury of caring about truth. What is truth gonna do to me, make me realize that i am God, and that everything is one, and that consciousness is infinite imagination. That's all nice and cool, but what's more important from the human point of view is to feed myself and satisfy my sexual needs, as well as living a decent comfortable life. If you're lacking in those basic things you cannot afford to spend thousands of hours seeking truth for truth's sake, through reading books, contemplation, meditation, psychedelic trips, travel... First you need money and sex, then when you're well off you can choose to pursue truth. Money and sex is what people crave not truth.

I'm both poor and for most of the time sexless and I've never cared about anything but Truth All I ever cared is about Truth. Im at a point in my life that I only work for the minimum amount of money so that I don't starve, and I don't go homeless. Truth is the only thing that is satisfying and the only thing worth pursuing. I never understood why people love money and sex so much. I mean you don't have multiple stomachs to need so much fking money to eat, and you don't have multiple legs or arms or bodies to need a ton of the most fashion clothes, or you don't have 10 dicks to need so much sex. I am happy as long as I have one GF, and If I have enough money for basic food and bills, anything over this is just not needed from my POV. 

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@Majed The trap is also in how you get SUCKED into certain environments without noticing their corruption.

I now recognize the same principle in Leo's rant against the pickup community. And I see it in marketing, politics, etc.

There's a pattern:

  1. You start by despising certain manipulating behaviors, as all of society does. Predatory marketing, manipulation and lying in your relationships, etc. You can't see how anybody that's not morally underdeveloped could ever say such things.
  2. But on the other hand you have such a strong need for money, or sex, or love, etc.
  3. So you take one of two paths:
    1. You never satisfy that need and somehow settle (most people)
    2. You go on a journey to solve that need once and for all, but you promise it will be the "ethical way".
  4. If you go and solve that need (path #2), what happens is that it's typically very, very hard to learn that kind of stuff. So what does hard mean? That a multi-month or even multi-year journey is required. All that time, diving deep into that bubble that is marketing, pick up, politics, sales, wall street, etc. in order to succeed.
  5. Time is a key component. It takes so long that it's enough time to forget, literally, about the way you viewed the field before you started. You're now totally immersed in it, manipulation slowly becomes the new normal.
  6. By the end of that journey, to succeed you had to learn so much, to change your behavior and worldview so much... You literally became a different person during that journey. It's hard to naturally view that world from the outside, because it becomes the new you. ESPECIALLY IF YOU GET GOOD AT IT.

If you don't have a strong, conscious, intentional value system grounded outside of these activities, it's incredibly deceiving. Incredibly. Hard to describe to someone that's not been in it. My theory is that you literally forget about your old values in regards.

It's as if your whole, complete system of reference shifts without you noticing. So it becomes super hard to even question the ethics of your actions, because when you're in there, the metric of judgment is not the same as before. It's now one that's highly corrupted. There's no uncorrupted system of reference left, unless you consciously look for it and maintain it. This shift in your actual system of reference makes the deception 2x as hard to spot!

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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10 hours ago, Majed said:

I would argue that humans do not care about truth for a very good reason, mainly because they're barely able to survive. Why should i care about truth, when i can barely make money and have sex. In our world, what an individual needs isn't truth, but basic satisfying for material cravings, like money and sex. Most people are so desperate for money and sex, they don't have the luxury of caring about truth. What is truth gonna do to me, make me realize that i am God, and that everything is one, and that consciousness is infinite imagination. That's all nice and cool, but what's more important from the human point of view is to feed myself and satisfy my sexual needs, as well as living a decent comfortable life. If you're lacking in those basic things you cannot afford to spend thousands of hours seeking truth for truth's sake, through reading books, contemplation, meditation, psychedelic trips, travel... First you need money and sex, then when you're well off you can choose to pursue truth. Money and sex is what people crave not truth.

I dont have a lot of money and little sex in last years. That didnt stopped me to study as most as I can about this work and doing some trips to try expand what I can of my share of consciousness in this lifetime. Somewhere I read a zen master saying that this work is a question of life and death and for we  not to  squander this opportunity. Another said that if we would apply towards Awakening the same amount of energy applied to chease pussy and have sex, we would reach it "maybe" ,in a lifetime. Of course not with this exact words. What I want to say is that I prefer to realise Infinity Directly in this life than having Elon Musk money or all pussy in the world? I saying this even knowing how scary was the last time I reached a mindfuck state. For the ones who gave a step into the abyss you know, is deliciously scary. And I want to go there again. Is Truth or Nothing. In the end Everyone die anyway, rich  poor, fuckers and unfuckers. 

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4 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

In the end Everyone die anyway, rich  poor, fuckers and unfuckers. 

This is a belief. Notice how you are imagining death while being alive. Why is that?


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What's important to understand is that coming into alignment with unconditional love means accepting, loving, and holding space for all pairs of opposites.

When it comes to Truth... it includes both truth and illusion, which are the Yang and Yin of Truth.

And so, if we reject illusion, it actually takes us further away from Truth because we're being dualistic and rejecting the wholeness of these two sides of the coin. And it keeps us down in the lower expressions of both poles.

I find that people who polarize into truth-seeking and attempting to transcend the human smallness often just repress these parts of themselves... creating a sharp split within themselves.

And their Shadow leads them into lower expressions of the illusion like hedonism, pettiness, smallness, and other negative expressions of the illusion.

So, it's counter-intuitive... but if you want to come into alignment with Truth... embrace the illusion fully.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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This is why I’m a huge proponent of building a society that makes sure everyone’s basic needs are met unconditionally, so that the basic tension between survival vs truth-seeking isn’t there.

Of course, not everyone would immediately go and become devout philosophers if suddenly people weren’t scrambling just to make sure they had shelter and healthcare, but at the same time I do think a lot of people would genuinely pursue more advanced, higher-consciousness states of living if they had the material opportunity. 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and all that. Hard to reach enlightenment when you’re struggling to feed yourself.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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22 hours ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura To be fair, most people are clueless about consciousness work and truth seeking. And to be honest not everyone has the type of mind required for philosophical investigations and inquiries. Most minds are not philosophical minds, they have strengths in other areas, maybe art or sports, or maths... Most people do not care about philosophy, it just doesn't stimulate their brains the same way it does for philosophically inclined people. There is a genetic component in caring about truth and philosophy, which explains why most people don't care about it. 

This is ego speaking. There are higher levels of ego and lesser levels. Every human is the same. We are apologists for ego or for God. Not many are the latter and this is what it means to be a truth seeker. First step is quell ego. Look around you and say I understand absolutely nothing that my eyes show me.

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21 hours ago, RawJudah said:

The spiritual stuff all these gurus talk about sound SO good. And here we are, the idiots at the bottom, barely able to make ends meet and barely able to get laid like popstars. 
Where do we even begin…?

I don't know. I need help. Please help me.

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6 hours ago, Emerald said:

What's important to understand is that coming into alignment with unconditional love means accepting, loving, and holding space for all pairs of opposites.

When it comes to Truth... it includes both truth and illusion, which are the Yang and Yin of Truth.

And so, if we reject illusion, it actually takes us further away from Truth because we're being dualistic and rejecting the wholeness of these two sides of the coin. And it keeps us down in the lower expressions of both poles.

I find that people who polarize into truth-seeking and attempting to transcend the human smallness often just repress these parts of themselves... creating a sharp split within themselves.

And their Shadow leads them into lower expressions of the illusion like hedonism, pettiness, smallness, and other negative expressions of the illusion.

So, it's counter-intuitive... but if you want to come into alignment with Truth... embrace the illusion fully.

And don't just embrace, undo. Don't see the darkness. shine the light. Don't be comfortable with guilt. Proclaim innocence to one and all. Set the prisoners free most importantly oneself.

Edited by gettoefl

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5 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

This is why I’m a huge proponent of building a society that makes sure everyone’s basic needs are met unconditionally, so that the basic tension between survival vs truth-seeking isn’t there.

Of course, not everyone would immediately go and become devout philosophers if suddenly people weren’t scrambling just to make sure they had shelter and healthcare, but at the same time I do think a lot of people would genuinely pursue more advanced, higher-consciousness states of living if they had the material opportunity. 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and all that. Hard to reach enlightenment when you’re struggling to feed yourself.

Conversely pain is the gateway. Nobody wakes up in a cave.

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Anyone who does not have the slightest interest in spirituality is absolutely mentally retarded, like a teenager obsessed with being cool without being able to see beyond it. Let's see, isn't it obvious that within a minute you can die? No, it's not obvious if you are mentally retarded, then you become very obsessed with giant yachts and models with surgeries. and you are very very sad because there is someone with a bigger yacht and a prostitute with bigger fake tits. Ok, you're officially mentally retarded, and you should be in a special school for retarded people, but instead you're the CEO of black rock.

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14 hours ago, Yimpa said:

This is a belief. Notice how you are imagining death while being alive. Why is that?

I knew someone would come with that. Yes, in the absolute no death at all, but in this context I am saying that if this opportunity to be in this body os here present to make whatever you with with it, why not using to Awakening? See, is a choice, a choice inside the dream if you wish. Some dont care about it, some will waste their lifes in swallow stuff, and that is ok in the Absolute. Well, you got the ideia. Absolute and Relative conflation.

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