
Leo's latest blog post: the wisdom in not caring about truth

32 posts in this topic

The guy in the video literally worked at a BANK

It's like that Chris Rock skit where he makes fun of Megan Markle finally realizing that the British royal family is racist

Like duhh

Any organization will have its own consciousness to it. If the leader and the people helping him run it are enlightened and the followers are dedicated to enlightenment they can gain as much wealth and power as they choose but the power is inner power that leads to external but it's not power over others free will

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Leo say:

So who cares about truth then?, you might ask. Basically, no one. But there are degrees of selling your soul to the devil and you should distinguish between them.

I was contemplating on it and if we would take the notion that everyone use some ideology and instead of caring about Truth they attach to the ideology as a life saving boat I would say their internal unconscious dialoge is something like this:

Well,Nationalism serves me? Yes, so Fuck the truth!!

Well, Sexism,Racism serves me, yes  so fuck Truth. 

You get the ideia.of course is more complex than this but I got myself in this sort of trading many times in my life. 

Sometimes I new the Truth, for example,once there was a girl friend and we enganged in the same day she left her boy friend . The guy was even in the event while we started dating. She sleept with me in my tent and in the group dancing another day he was there. I was dancing with her in front of him and kissing her.. yes  very unconsiderated from my part. But do someone think I was caring about the Truth that that was super cringe? No, fuck the Truth, I had the girl with me. So to be Truth, truth even in the smaller scale dont serve to much to obtain money,sex,etc... So in the Existential Aspect Truth is even more Undermining to Survival. 

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I mean, it's studying Maslow's hierarchy of needs and then acting surprised that people actually need to build their pyramids from the ground up and aren't just enlightened and altruistic by their nature. We are animals.    Then you call them retarded because they aren't interested in spirituality.  People's behavior is totally expected, and "just is" given their level of genetic, biological, and social development.  Maybe these people are atheists and believe in evolution?  Maybe they are lonely or had a bad childhood? Maybe they live in a third world or autocratic shithole or an otherwise spiral dynamics stage orange or lower culture?  Most people honestly don't stumble into spiritual self help unless there's something about their lives they don't like.  Otherwise people are programmed with whatever their society or culture or genetics programs them with.  They are drawn towards things their brain chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin draw them into doing through stimulus response. Hedonism can be fun in moderation. People incarnate here to enjoy the "pleasures of the flesh."


Edited by sholomar

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Not everything fits into a model or a mould. You can be a poor virgin and still care about what is true if your mind is geared that way. What makes a mind like that?

Some minds just need truth. Why? Is it just naturally higher consciousness or is it unbearable suffering forces one to find higher meaning? Is it both? 

I think if a mind is like that, it will be like that even in poverty and without sex. Poverty and circumstance might be a detriment to the development of such a mind, but sooner or later, a mind that needs truth will prioritize it or perish. It's like a force or a need, similar to money and sex.

The thing is though, after you discover so many insights and truths, truth-seeking and understanding even starts to lose appeal. It's like Alan Watts said. You start with wanting candy bars, then you grow up and want booze and then you say "no, that's not it either", and you move on to art and music until that's not it either. You just keep going up and up until after a while of noticing the games you've been playing with yourself, it does something to you. It's all seen to be futile, which makes you stop taking life so seriously. Life starts to seems more like an observation than a serious endeavor. 

Edited by Joshe

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It’s like we behave like animals until we realise that there’s more to behaving like an animal, and then we look for other stuff

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Body cares about survival and pleasure

Mind cares about understanding

Heart cares about love and union with God. 

Everyone has all these desires.  It's just that in some, body is so dominant that it overpowers their highers desires. But to say those higher desires are not there is just not true. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Can you link the blog post related to the op

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It's a general truth, that truth is antithetical to power, but not a total or absolute truth. Truth is antithetical to the unethical gain and use of power - which few people are able to do. Truth seekers become trapped in a kind of moral paralysis when they either reject power altogether, retreating into self-righteous purity, or they fall into confusion, unsure how to wield truth and power together without corrupting themselves in the process.

Power isn't anti-truth, in fact the truth is empowering. It's usually the case that the ones we view as having power actually don't have it - power has them!  Truth simply collapses the options on the playing field of power and wealth. Instead of having a buffet of good and bad ways to obtain them, you are only left with the good. 

Power isn't inherently bad, just like the hands aren't. The hands just grab and accumulate - in this case power and wealth. It's the vision of the man, the clarity to see what is the right and wrong way to go about using his hands that makes the difference. Why should having better vision paralyze the use of the hands? This becomes a cynical view of power that dis-engages those from power and is a disservice to the world if anything. Because it leaves those who are blind to pursue and wield power with no counter to their corrupting effects.


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