
I love manipulating other people

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I absolutely love manipulating other people. The more I conduct myself in business and learn about the world, the more I enjoy manipulating my surroundings and other people in it. This is the definition of the creation process. 

Leo has said that karma isn't real, and I will continue to enjoy this fact. 

Moreover, please note that, even though my spiritual ego would make it seem as if I think people are equal, I believe and act in a way of being superior. I believe I am superior to other people. Even when I admit my own weaknesses, I think just the act of doing so makes me superior and more advanced than other people. 

I will lie when I think I can get away with it and it doesn't make me feel bad. For that reason, I don't think I lie too often. When I lie and manipulate consciously, I thoroughly enjoy it. 

I believe I am allowed to lie to the extend I see fit. For example, if I market a supplement and I promise it is fantastic and will make you fitter, even though I know it won't, I will not feel bad. In fact, I believe I deserve the money and will spend it more wisely than the next guy. Other marketers are average whereas I am a self actualizing one, so the money goes to me. Sure you can poke holes in this, I understand all that, but I will continue to think and act in a way that favors my survival over others. 

Just to be clear: I do not enjoy hurting people, that has nothing to do with it. I enjoy asserting myself into the world, sculpting the world to the image I see. 

Edited by Butters

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39 minutes ago, Butters said:

I absolutely love manipulating other people. The more I conduct myself in business and learn about the world, the more I enjoy manipulating my surroundings and other people in it. This is the definition of the creation process. 

Leo has said that karma isn't real, and I will continue to enjoy this fact. 

Moreover, please note that, even though my spiritual ego would make it seem as if I think people are equal, I believe and act in a way of being superior. I believe I am superior to other people. Even when I admit my own weaknesses, I think just the act of doing so makes me superior and more advanced than other people. 

I will lie when I think I can get away with it and it doesn't make me feel bad. For that reason, I don't think I lie too often. When I lie and manipulate consciously, I thoroughly enjoy it. 

I believe I am allowed to lie to the extend I see fit. For example, if I market a supplement and I promise it is fantastic and will make you fitter, even though I know it won't, I will not feel bad. In fact, I believe I deserve the money and will spend it more wisely than the next guy. Other marketers are average whereas I am a self actualizing one, so the money goes to me. Sure you can poke holes in this, I understand all that, but I will continue to think and act in a way that favors my survival over others. 

Just to be clear: I do not enjoy hurting people, that has nothing to do with it. I enjoy asserting myself into the world, sculpting the world to the image I see. 

Your strategy is deeply flawed - even by your own low standards. You can’t manipulate your way to real success, and sooner or later, this approach is going to bite you in ways you don’t see coming.

Take your plan to market a low-quality supplement. The kind of people who fall for that are bottom-tier customers and business partners - the type who create more problems than they’re worth. Any short-term win will be drowned out by the long-term mess you’ll have to clean up.

I know this game well. Yes, persuasion and salesmanship are powerful tools, but exaggeration and false promises aren’t a strategy - they’re a ticking time bomb. You can’t build anything sustainable on deception. The real move is figuring out what your supplement actually does well, who it genuinely benefits, and marketing to them in a way that’s both persuasive and honest. That’s how you build something that lasts.

This is how people with real power operate - not by scamming their way into a temporary high. Right now, you’re not some smooth, sophisticated operator - you’re just King of the Losers, ruling over the gullible and the desperate. If that’s the legacy you want, go for it. But if you actually want to build something meaningful, it’s time to level up.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Manipulating for self gain is how you go to hell. Good luck. Satan is enjoying it. You get none of the benefits.

Edited by Hojo

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@Butters Don't invoke my name or teachings in your devilry.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Butters said:

I enjoy asserting myself into the world, sculpting the world to the image I see. 

You would do well with the Mossad.

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Burn through that karma, baby 

I AM reborn

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3 hours ago, Butters said:

Sure you can poke holes in this, I understand all that, but I will continue to think and act in a way that favors my survival over others. 

This makes you delusional.

'You can present your reasons and I will understand them but I choose to live in another reality'

So, here, you just choose to disregard logic.

You need to learn that this behavior is, in fact, injuring others.

You are not the one to decide who deserves what.

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The only viable way to be is total honesty and consideration of others as brothers on your same level. Anything else isolates you, isolation is isolation from the truth, that is, from yourself, and they call that hell. It's not a nice place. When you are in the hospital bed with cancer, you will think that this attitude was not a good idea, but maybe it will be too late.

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7 hours ago, Nilsi said:

King of the Losers

Perfectly put. 

I had a friend with this mindset. He once set me an email about how much he loved to manipulate people and how good he was at it. 

It was the most psycho thing I’ve ever read. 

He ended up addicted to heroine and in jail with no friends left. 

Also, don’t be so sure about Karma. You really think God/The Universe wouldn’t input any kind of system for getting back what you put out? 

Leo doesn’t know everything and it’s unwise to just assume you can get away with fucking people over. Karma is real and it’s not a joke. 

Some people have such bad karma they end up living lives as schizophrenic homeless drug addicts who live in a literal hell everyday with no escape. They simply have to move through all that karma and suffer it. Suicide is not an escape and many traditions say just adds to your karma. 

Dont fuck with your Spiritual Karma. That’s no joke. 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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12 hours ago, Butters said:

Leo has said that karma isn't real, and I will continue to enjoy this fact. 

You're fooling yourself. Karma literally means action. There's no rulekeeper of the universe who would punish you, true. But your actions have consequences and those will be very real.

In the end, you can do whatever you want and nobody's gonna stop you.

But at least be conscious of how your actions affect others that in turn will affect you. Remember: We're all in the same boat.

We're all in this alone together. What you do to the least of your fellow beings you do to yourself. Contemplate that.

If you keep ignoring that you're just being unintelligent..

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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The thing is bro, 

You can use your gifts of influence for good.

Instead of playing a win-lose game where you take advantage of others.

You can play the game in a way the benefits both parties.

The problem with playing the style you’re doing currently, is that you will end up lonely and with shallow relationships… 

That will be hellish. And you created it.

By creating games that foster good will between yourself and others, 

Others will gravitate towards you and appreciate you genuinely.

You will have support from other people.

You will contribute to the world in a positive way that adds to it.

More and better opportunities will come your way.

With your current approach, you will run into a walls eventually. It’s not sustainable.

@JosephKnecht 🤣

Edited by PenguinPablo

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6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

Leo doesn’t know everything and it’s unwise to just assume you can get away with fucking people over. Karma is real and it’s not a joke. 

Some people have such bad karma they end up living lives as schizophrenic homeless drug addicts who live in a literal hell everyday with no escape. They simply have to move through all that karma and suffer it. Suicide is not an escape and many traditions say just adds to your karma. 

Dont fuck with your Spiritual Karma. That’s no joke. 

Good advice. Anyone who is minimally awake is aware of the karmic movements, the cause and effect, the infinite butterfly effects that each minimal action or minimal gesture generates. Be careful with nonsense, are not free of consequences.

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Everyone here is too triggered.

I coined what op talks about as femipulating.

Only give others what they are ready for.

If you let me down, you are dead to me.

I will look after me and will happily turn off your life support the moment I need to.

Everyone should contemplate the darker side a bit more instead of fairies and rainbows.

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For me personally, talking about ‘karma’ has always been weak, because if you’re in the mindset where you can manipulate to get what you want then your mind is too short sighted to really care about any consequences. When I’m in those scenarios stuff like that doesn’t register, I just don’t care. Using fear based motivation of bad consequences is fine for small stuff, but when it comes to your biggest life goals like money, business, sex I find it’s just too weak to stop me from actually manipulating my way to get what I want.

I’m still in a similar position to you but I’m still working through it.  In my experience there were a couple things that helped me along the way.

First is just keep going until life hits you with something hard and you suffer bad. Idk what it might be, financial, relationships, health. Quickly teaches you that you ain’t as special as you thought you were. All those thoughts about being better were just grandiose fantasies in your head. You will succeed, but no-one in life succeeds in all areas forever. At some point reality hits and that suffering will teach you how limited you really are.

Second thing (related to first) is to take some competitive field to the max (maybe business for you?) but realize there is always someone ahead of you and no matter how much you work you’ll never catch up or be as great as them. You realize you were always working within your limits. That your individual talent, although perhaps ‘better’ than majority of others was never really the result of ‘you’. It was given to you in your genetics and if you were in someone else’s shoes with their cognitive abilities, you would be in the exact same position as them. The people you’re manipulating - that’s literally you in another form, doing the best they can. They don’t really deserve that. sometimes it helps you see it more clearly when you feel you’ve been manipulated yourself and you think ‘oh, that’s what I’ve been doing to others’. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth. 

Third thing is to realize the beauty and strength in showing others love over manipulation, even when your personal gain will be lessened. My normal mind could not relate to this, it was a perspective I only gained through psychedelics. But I got a taste of the emotional shift where it was actually more rewarding to show love and lift others up than manipulating for my own gain - even when I ‘lost out’ materially. This is not an easy thing to do, my normal mind could not relate or even be able to fathom this. But for me it was the most powerful. I will spend the rest of my life working on it.

this is not something you can overcome quickly with some lecture on ethics or self-help workshop. You already realize it’s there which is a good step. Life will keep showing you a way as long as you keep working on yourself in this area. Change will come slowly over time, but it has to happen inside you, not from some keyboard warriors on the internet telling you that you’re bad. That transformation can’t be forced, it happens slowly over decades if you keep leaning against it. 

hopefully some of those points can help.




Edited by woohoo123

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4 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:



I wonder why they are seriously responding to op, it's just a very fleeting manic delusion of someone who's probably just bored.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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There is some honesty here that I respect. Other people do this without admitting it to themselves, and especially not to others. That being said, it seems like you do this to a higher degree with no remorse and seems to enjoy it. You probably have a personality disorder and should be removed from society.

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well, at least your admitting it. its hard because i think manipulation is kind of like how leo now talks about selfishness, a degree of it is required. Think of it this way, if a male gave a female altered or exaggerated information to increase attraction this could in some ways be seen as manipulative...however think about what females do, they wear makeup. Is this not altered or exaggerated information? Also why would you go to an interview overdressed? Because you enjoyed spending the money on the suit? probably not. its because you want to control the interviewers mind and opinion of you. You want to influence them with appearances that will likely be at least slightly exaggerated. That could be classified as manipulation. Also, how did you get to the interview? Did you manipulate your car to get there? Or manipulate your body to walk there? If you cant control/manipulate all aspects of your reality in an appropriate way and to an appropriate degree (for example not making threatening undertones to an employer lol, or abusive social pressures to a girl). Then its just about distinguishing between what an appropriate amount of healthy selfish manipulation is. Btw for pragmatism's sake you might want to use words like "influence" or "guide" rather than manipulate. The word manipulate carries extreme, abusive connotations.

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