
How To React When Say Bad About You And Think Bad About You??

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I dont know this, This is always in my mind that how to react when People say/think bad about you. I mean i always try not to put my nose in anyone's Business even if she/ he is  my close friend. But i dont know why they do this, commenting on me for the things what i do. how to tackle these kind of situation cuz i dont wanna be angry or make my mood off for these silly things? 

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Kill them with Kindness :)

Think of these things as tests the universe sends you to see if you pass or fail, if you always remind yourself this, you will pass with flying colors :)

The more attention you put into it the more you will attract it. Hence the legendary term: What you focus on grows!

Eventually they wont happen anymore if you learned how to deal with them this way, they slowly fade away.

Welcome to the universe.


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Thank you friend :) But tell me onething , will this process take time?

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On 5/10/2017 at 4:11 AM, Ritu said:

Thank you friend :) But tell me onething , will this process take time?

Indeed :) There is no shortcut to success.


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Always good to remember.
Hard to do.

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