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The Divine Simulation

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Reality is a divine simulation. It's a simulation not run by a computer, but by the mind of God, rather. Hence "divine".

That's it, this is it. There is nothing more that can be said about reality beyond this. 

Reality, life, your life, is a simulation. And this reality is solipsistic, and it must be this way. It is this way and can only be this way because it serves a purpose/a function. 

The purpose of life is consciousness. Consciousness and it's expansion (or total realisation) is the purpose of this life, this .. what we call reality. 

And, yes, solipsism is 100% true. There is no other way it can be.

Guys, it's been fun. Thanks Leo, thank you for starting this and seeing it through till now. 

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I'm going to be annoying and play devil's advocate. Why not?

It's a good metaphor, but it isn't actually a simulation, because it's not a copy of something else, it is its own thing and unique. What it's really saying is that reality is not what it seems at first.

Consciousness is a concept, but life and reality isn't. It's easy to get lost in words and mental constructs.

Solipsism is 100% BS. Although, it's definitely true that it seems like you're the only one in. Solipsism needs a separation between observer and observed to work- because it says there's only one observer - but there is no separation between the two in reality.

57% paranoid

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

I'm going to be annoying and play devil's advocate. Why not?

^_^ feel welcome 

1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

It's a good metaphor, but it isn't actually a simulation, because it's not a copy of something else, it is its own thing and unique.

Well, it's not even a metaphor because reality literally functions like and as a simulation. But more importantly, the term simulation doesn't just mean copy or recreation. The creation of a model of something yet to be discovered in the real world is also a simulation. Look up the verb form of the word. 

1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

Consciousness is a concept, but life and reality isn't.

It's really not just a concept. I mean where does life or reality come from? But solipsism is a concept in truth, however an accurate one.

2 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Solipsism needs a separation between observer and observed to work- because it says there's only one observer - but there is no separation between the two in reality.

No, who says that there needs to be a separation? A distinction, yes, but not actual seperation. The distinction is creator and creation, but both are in essence one beingness.

The main point driven by solipsism is one mind ~ this is 100% true.

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Solipsisms seperation is the illusion that you are real and not just a screen that has existed forever. Seperation comes from several mind games the screen plays on itself. Solipsism needs seperation but the seperation is a lie. Without the lie you are just an eternal screen.

Edited by Hojo

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