
Is God conscious of all the billions of galaxies?

40 posts in this topic

Hey Guys,

I was just thinking how incredibly big the universe is and that we are never able to understand its vastness.

Here a thought to contemplate on.

We don't lie in the center of the milky way and still if we want to reach the border of the milky way it takes around 73.000 lightyears.

Convert  that into the speed of the Voyager 1 (17km/s) and you will need 1.3 billion years to reach the border of the milky way.

Currently  scientists estimate at least 200 billion galaxies in the universe.

Now imagine how many planets and stars are in each galaxy, it's an amount that we cannot ever imagine.

Now the question, is god seriously conscious  of every single atom in every planet and star in all these galaxies??

Or is god only conscious when somebody of its creation or itself when necessary gets to observe (or imagine) it according to the quantum physical double slit experiment? 

Like is it already imagining everything or is it only doing that when  necessary, I hope that makes sense.

Edited by Schahin

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There is a surface level and a deep level to everything. An analogy would be like the difference between looking at waves on the ocean and diving deep into the ocean. When it comes to galaxies we can only ever look at the surface features, basically light, we can't actually go there and dive into the details of gas, rock and plasma.  Every single deep feature of astronomy has to be guessed.

If god is responsible, then it may choose to just project surface features at us. Maybe we see an ocean of galaxies, but there's nothing deeper going on, i.e. there is no gas, rock and plasma at all, it's just a trick of the light. This is basically the idea behind the simulation hypothesis. God could be the simulator. In which case god only needs a fancy algorithm to generate all those surface phenomena, and a bit of imagination to come up with the algorithm and the hardware.

The upshot is that we can't know the deep level from the surface level for certain. We can build a coherent story about the deep level, that tries to explain the surface level, but that's it.

You should look into the Chinese Room thought experiment: That is another example of surface versus deep level. Essentially, can we know if the person inside the room is a native Chinese speaker or not? Can we tell what's going on at the deep level from the surface level interactions of symbols being passed to and fro?

57% paranoid

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Yes He is.

Otherwise He wouldn't be God.

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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3 hours ago, Schahin said:

Like is it already imagining everything or is it only doing that when  necessary, I hope that makes sense.

Your question makes a lot of relativistic human assumptions, but I understand your point.

The real answer is something like "both" or "there is no difference"

However, "only when necessary" is more accurate to direct experience.

The idea that atoms in stars have always existed independent of observation is a story in your human mind.

It's Love.

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Yes, i know there are plenty of galaxy available ;)

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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There are no billions of galaxies, there is just what's appearing. If someone says there are billions of galaxies, then what is appearing, is just someone saying there are billions of galaxies, that is what is. There is no actual creator or observer since there's no actual separation but only in appearance. There is only nothing appearing as....,.whatever is appearing. Past and future are also nothing appearing as past and future . Memory too....nothing appearing as a memory. There is nothing other than what's appearing. 

Your post is what's appearing, my response is what's appearing and words on a screen is what's appearing. Concepts, ideas and stories about galaxies and God being conscious of them or not is what's appearing. Life is alive and everything is new. Each appearance having nothing to do with the previous. 

So there can be nothing being conscious of anything because that implies more than one and also a knower and something being known which is separation. That's all illusory and not really happening and is utterly magical and mysterious. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia

i understand what you mean but what I basically am curious to find out is.

if reality is the imagination  of God consciousness and that consciousness  is infinite.

Then does God consciousness imagine all the at least 200 billions galaxies with all their atoms right now in this moment?

Probably yes, because consciousness is infinite.

I'd just like to know  what others think about it


Edited by Schahin

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2 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

However, "only when necessary" is more accurate to direct experience.

What do you mean with that?

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2 minutes ago, Schahin said:

if reality is the imagination  of God consciousness

First you have to clear this up. Reality is not the imagination of God consciousness. Reality is whatever is appearing. Whatever energetic thought patterns that arises from the apparent center of your energetic being is what's being imagined.


7 minutes ago, Schahin said:

Then does God consciousness imagine all the at least 200 billions galaxies with all their atoms right now in this moment?

You are imagining there is something called God consciousness.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Schahin Don't go down the rabbit hole with Princess, it will lead You to more not knowing, she's not even in the field when it comes to Spiritual Matters, just saying to save You some grief!!

In an instant, Absolute or God (don't think of God/Absolute as an Entity like You and I, its just a Potential and Possibility creating machine, and language fails miserably when trying to describe it, since language is logic based, logic has no place when it comes to these matters..) created Creation, in that instant all Potentials where encased into it, as we came from that moment of Creation, call it Big Bang or whatever to what is here today and Now, all this creation, all the Galaxies and Universes it came from that one instant, so all Potentials are like this.

It is like when You were born, You were so little, no knowledge of anything or experience of anything and now today you are much bigger and more knowledgeable and curious about Life and Creation, its like that but much more complex..

Absolute does not need to be Conscious of all this creation because Absolute in Embodied/Material Form is the fundamental nature of all of it, saying  or asking if it is Conscious of it implies a Separation between it and all Creation, there is no Separation in actuality, but Experientially as a Human most Experience a separation btwn them and most everything around them, that is the whole point of Spirituality, to get rid of this Experience of Separation and make it into what it is, an All Inclusive Creation, all atoms are connected to the other atoms and in communication, your made up of atoms and on and on it goes up the line..

So there is no need for Absolute to be Conscious of it all because it is IT on a fundamental Level!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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My intention was not to separate creation and creator, my curiosity was to find out if seriously consciousness is being all of the billions of galaxies and stars and atoms right now in this moment or is it only imagining  (being) that immensive unimaginable totality of all the universe and galaxies with all their incredible distances that are just to crazy to think of, when it dreams it up when necessary. 

I hope that is somehow understandable.

For example my consciousness is imagining my life and me and everything that revolves around it because it is s dream it wanted to live through, same goes for all other earthly beings and minerals and under the ocean beinga and planets around the eartyb and atoms and cells and mitochondria and so on anso forth.


But for example if there is a far away asteroid in a billions of lightyear away galaxy and that is flying through space, does my consciousness right now imagine itself in that being it and living through ita anorganic minerals with all the elements involved?

Or does it only dream that up or imagine it or live therefore be it when it is "necessary" (I don't know with what else word to describe what I mean).

I hope that is somehow understandable because language cannot describe that thought story behind this idea.

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6 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Don't go down the rabbit hole with Princess, it will lead You to more not knowing,

Precisely, you hit the nail on the head right here with this statement. It is the knowing that created the separation and all the illusions of the world, life and reality and what the seeking energy is trying to get away from. It's world of knowing and knowledge. So it seeks more on how to do that, not knowing that it's chasing it's own tail of forever knowing, never grasping and swimming in it's own sea of knowledge. Princess will lead you to more not knowing which is precisely where truth lies and the illusory self fades away and Ishanga will lead you to more knowledge where the dreamer dreams some more and needs more knowledge to continue dreaming and more experiences to put into it's world of knowing where all it's delusion lies and where it becomes trapped and chases it's own tail.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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19 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

she's not even in the field when it comes to Spiritual Matters,

Thank God. I'm more in the field of directness and the rawness of life where it hits head on without the spiritual stories and ideas and concepts that are just empty and meaningless and means nothing but only to the one that lives in a dream world filled with ideas and concepts about life.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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14 minutes ago, Schahin said:


My intention was not to separate creation and creator, my curiosity was to find out if seriously consciousness is being all of the billions of galaxies and stars and atoms right now in this moment or is it only imagining  (being) that immensive unimaginable totality of all the universe and galaxies with all their incredible distances that are just to crazy to think of, when it dreams it up when necessary. 

I hope that is somehow understandable.

For example my consciousness is imagining my life and me and everything that revolves around it because it is s dream it wanted to live through, same goes for all other earthly beings and minerals and under the ocean beinga and planets around the eartyb and atoms and cells and mitochondria and so on anso forth.


But for example if there is a far away asteroid in a billions of lightyear away galaxy and that is flying through space, does my consciousness right now imagine itself in that being it and living through ita anorganic minerals with all the elements involved?

Or does it only dream that up or imagine it or live therefore be it when it is "necessary" (I don't know with what else word to describe what I mean).

I hope that is somehow understandable because language cannot describe that thought story behind this idea.

Umm first Consciousness means the samething as Absolute or God or Life in this context.. So there is no Your Consciousness or my Consciousness, we are all Life, its just that You have a certain sized Bubble of it, I have a certain sized bubble of it and so forth for everyone else.  Think of Yourself as a Bubble of Air, most of the bubble is made up of Air, but most ppl think of themselves as the Bubble lining, so that is the mis Conception or Experience.. 

There is no dream or imaginary life or situations in life, this sort of terminology I am against since it implies that it is not real, what is happening in Your life and others is Real. Its just how You Respond or React to it that is illusionary...Since most ppl are coming from the data collected by their 5 senses over a period of time from Birth until Now, they are thinking this is what Life is, but Life is completely within You, You've never Experienced Life outside of Yourself, so what one has to do is be in Complete Connection with what it is that they are, they are not the Body or Mind, what it is has to be Experienced, any explanation will fall short and not give You a clear understanding of what it is.. So if You know Yourself Completely, then you will Know the Universe Completely, since You Fundamentally are Absolute in Embodied Form, You can be intouch with Absolute (this is what Enlightenment is) as a Human, no other Life form on this planet is capable of this, so once that is set usually a Human drops the Body/Mind Complex, loses all Individuality and merges with Absolute, like a Bubble of Air getting burst!

Inanimate objects like rocks, dead planets, asteroids have no ability to be Aware like we can, there very very limited in that nature, they are a part of the Life Force or Consciousness but no ability to be Aware...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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I'd say yes but not all at once. If its aware of all of the at once they turn into something else. Like it could look at one universe in your arms or be aware of all the trillions of universes in your arm and it would see them as your arm. Since everything is s holon you can just keep zooming out and seeing more.

Edited by Hojo

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23 minutes ago, Ishanga said:

Absolute does not need to be Conscious of all this creation because Absolute in Embodied/Material Form is the fundamental nature of all of it, saying  or asking if it is Conscious of it implies a Separation between it and all Creation, there is no Separation in actuality, but Experientially as a Human most Experience a separation btwn them and most everything around them, that is the whole point of Spirituality, to get rid of this Experience of Separation and make it into what it is,

There is nothing that needs to be gotten rid of because the experience of separation isn't really happening and is also the Absolute appearing as the experience of separation. You said the Absolute is the embodiment of creation but creation implies there's a thing that created something else so how can that thing be an embodiment of a creation. How can a human that thinks it's separate NOT have the experience that everything else is separate. How can the human, WHICH IS THE SEPARATION ITSELF, get rid of itself to make what is, is. You see, all your knowledge and information received us also being apparently misguided and turning you into an information machine of more knowing of nonsense.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, Princess Arabia said:

There is nothing that needs to be gotten rid of because the experience of separation isn't really happening and is also the Absolute appearing as the experience of separation. You said the Absolute is the embodiment of creation but creation implies there's a thing that created something else so how can that thing be an embodiment of a creation. How can a human that thinks it's separate NOT have the experience that everything else is separate. How can the human, WHICH IS THE SEPARATION ITSELF, get rid of itself to make what is, is. You see, all your knowledge and information received us also being apparently misguided and turning you into an information machine of more knowing of nonsense.


Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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2 minutes ago, Ishanga said:


Precisely, it's all nonsense. Everything is just what is, even the nonsense is what is. Can't escape what is.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Precisely, it's all nonsense. Everything is just what is, even the nonsense is what is. Can't escape what is.

Yes the Existence in its fundamental nature is Non Sense or Not Logical, but what You write here about Spiritual matters, which is what we are discussing here on this forum is nonsense...Nothing is Happening, No One is Here, this sort of language and understanding of Spirituality is dangerous actually!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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I think you guys have not actually understood the topic and derailed from it. 

If I could I should change the topic name to:

Is consciousness (God, Love, Life, me, the absolute, whatever you like to name it) being and imagining through being it all of the billions of galaxies right now in this moment including all of the elements and atoms and whatever else there is.

I don't want to be rude, but the question is actually very simple :) I didn't expect very complex answers

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