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Full Magix Mushroom

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I am someone whos tried lsd and mushrooms (this was 10+ years ago) but i carried all the information w/ me, as everything for me was just one lesson after another in them proceeding years (that i failed to look back on as a priority, at the time, to press against the face amongst the non priorities) i thus am looking for someone else who had an opposite experiences xthat is where they were enjoying theirselves so much, that they encountered those darker lesson after tripping through a spectrum/tunnel of a sortve "surreal or unreal" shade—that is, one where you would be remissed to find the real & unreal had super imposed itself, as some extremity that now rules over like cthulu—that, and this sense of a darker shade that now must be dissolved in the soup of life (a shade that ostensibly exists at the opposite end i was at) which was more of a direct hell for me, nothin'fancy. Does that sound like anyones exp? Id like to hear about it.

Edited by kavaris

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