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How To Not Be Undecisive About Your Passions.

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I want to share some simple thoughts on skill development, career election and how to avoid being stagnant. Some thoughts for those undecisive and unable to find good sources. Read this to get inspired, and please share your top passions. I would like to discover what you people love and would be a nice brainstorming excercise.

First of all, I am not even at the 10% of my career path, but I am picking up speed and finally feeling an increase in hope. I am not too worry anymore about how will I acquire the abilities I need, I used to stress out unnecesarily. I like a lot of things, and like many people I felt undesicive about what path to take. My top passions are: molecular biology, electronics (domotics, analog and digital), music and visual art. And world politics and world problematics in the back of my mind too.

What really helped me to clarify what action to take is a lot of visualization and dreaming. This is key and the motor that will impact the actions years in advance. Literally and directly. If you sit today for a couple of hours creating a pausible plan, you will see that it generates a seemingly automatic response in the future. This is considering you do it following your dreams and without worrying nor stressing about anything (money, how to’s, current situation). No wonder why it is enphasized in this community a lot, and I am really thankful for that.

Second step after developing your visions is the learning process, this is where most quit and get really frustrated. I am not a candidate of just picking one thing and going all in, although I see why it’s prioritized by people. Even then, it is almost impossible to be developing two separate careers at the same time, so it depends on the scope of your objectives.

What I have chosen to do is to tackle all of my passions to some degree. Its hard for me to completely forget any of my favourite hobbies while working on the others. That’s why I invest in all of them.

What I like to do is to advance in my projects in monthly stages, mostly. I tend to naturally follow what I am attracted to in those periods and I do the grind. This helps me to stay refreshed.

You might choose to go all in in another unrelated skill and that is completely fine. In fact it is 100% necesary, as it is aligned with the requisite variety principle, especially when you’re not sure about your exact purpose. Your mind will be stretched in different ways as you move into different domains and will naturally learn to interconnect them in ways that cannot be anticipated. This is the magic of not limiting yourself with just one task.

I'll wrap up here to keep it readable for most.

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