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Amazing breathwork experience

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Hi guys, just wanted to share my latest experience doing breathwork with an instructor at a school.

So after like 30 minutes of breathwork (strong inhale, weaker exhale, repeating fast) I reached an almost psychedelic state. In the background there was some music playing and I just heard the word “ancestors” in the lyrics, which made me think of my grandpa who passed a few years ago. Then I immediately felt his presence, it was super real, and an intense love was emanating from this presence. Despite all my flaws and negative aspects, I felt an unconditional love emanating from him that was so intense that my heart couldn’t handle it. So I just started crying and couldn’t stop for 20 minutes or so. It was the most beautiful crying since it was coming from love and from knowing that his loving presence will always be with me no matter how hard life will get. I think this experience will have a very positive impact on my life and how I’ll be able to deal with emotions, be more compassionate and loving.

Bottom line: the power of breathwork is amazing, just try different types with different instructors until you find what works for you. I did wim hof in the past for a few years without much results.

Edited by cistanche_enjoyer

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Great report. Similar to what I experience with yamanic breathwork. Kudos.

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