
Leo's Hot Take on Socializing: Missing the Point Entirely

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I just don't get it.

One day you write profound posts about god, consciousness, and philosophy that actually resonate with people. The next you're putting out pretentious garbage like this that completely contradicts your spiritual teachings. Maybe stick to what you understand instead of acting like you've transcended basic human connection. And if you really think socializing is such a waste of time and beneath your enlightened state, why are you even here posting on a forum? Shouldn't you be meditating in a cave somewhere, experiencing those supposedly deeper states of consciousness you keep preaching about?

You morally grandstand on this non-issue as if it's important, and even worse, you basically call everyone else an idiot for thinking that socializing is enjoyable. You create this bullshit hierarchy where people who enjoy social connection have "shallower minds" - how is that any different from the ego-driven superiority complex you warn against in your spiritual posts? And that whole thing about financial independence being necessary for "true" solitude? Give me a break. Way to gatekeep spiritual growth behind economic privilege.

You love putting everyone in neat little boxes - introverts do this, extroverts do that, young people need this, mature people want that. The world isn't that simple. Human experience is incredibly diverse and rich, and you're too wrapped up in your own narrow perspective to see it. For someone who claims to be so spiritually advanced, you sure spend a lot of time trying to categorize and judge how other people find meaning.

Ever stop to consider that YOU might be the one wasting your life? All this grandiose philosophizing about spirituality while missing the profound beauty in simple human moments - that's the real waste. You preach about higher consciousness, yet you're blind to one of the most fundamental spiritual truths: there is no such thing as wasted time because all experience has inherent value. Who made you the arbiter of what's meaningful? People finding joy in conversations you deem "pointless" might be experiencing more genuine spiritual connection than someone sitting alone congratulating themselves on their supposed enlightenment. The fact that you can't see the divine in everyday human interaction while claiming to understand consciousness is the greatest irony of all. You dismiss simple moments as "petty drama" while preaching about deeper connection - do you really not see how fundamentally contradictory that is?

And before you come back with some patronizing response like "If all things are relative, then just continue with your petty conversations" - that's exactly my point. If you were truly as enlightened as you claim to be, you wouldn't even feel the need to post something this tone-deaf. You'd recognize the beauty and value in all forms of human connection and realize it doesn't matter how people choose to interact or find meaning. The fact that you felt compelled to write this judgmental manifesto about how others spend their time shows you're still stuck in the exact kind of dualistic thinking you pretend to have transcended.

For someone who posts about consciousness and God, you sure missed the point that deep thinking and rich social connections aren't opposites. They can actually enhance each other, but you're too busy looking down on "shallow" social interaction to notice. Your disclaimer at the end doesn't fix the condescending bs in the rest of the post. Maybe spend less time judging other people's paths to meaning and more time examining why you need to frame your preferences as spiritual superiority.

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I told you it's one perspective.

The shallowness of socializing is a serious issue to consider.

You were given a perspective to consider. With much nuance and qualifications. A perspective which is rarely discussed as people go about wasting years in mindless socialization.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Classic Deflection Doesn't Address the Contradictions

Saying "it's just one perspective" doesn't magically erase the problems with your post, Leo. That's such a weak defense for someone who claims to understand deeper truths. You completely ignored every substantive criticism about how your post contradicts your own spiritual teachings.

"A serious issue to consider"? No - you're creating an issue where none exists by judging and labeling normal human connection as "shallow." What exactly do you want people to talk about all day, Leo? Only topics that you deem spiritually worthy? You just want everyone to be like you, sitting alone contemplating existence while looking down on normal human interaction? And who exactly gets to decide what's shallow and what's meaningful? Maybe the most profound thing about this entire existence is found in those "pointless" conversations you can't seem to enjoy. Who's to say your solitary contemplation is any deeper than two friends laughing over coffee about nothing in particular?

Your response is just doubling down on the exact same superiority complex I called out. If you truly understood the non-dual awareness you preach about, you'd recognize that dividing human experience into "shallow" and "deep" is exactly the kind of dualistic thinking you claim to have transcended.

But hey, maybe I get it now - it must be lonely up there on that spiritual pedestal you've built for yourself. Maybe that's why you need to convince yourself and everyone else that your isolation is somehow more meaningful than genuine human connection. That seems like a serious issue worth considering.

Look, I'm only saying all this because your other posts show you're capable of genuine wisdom and insight. I want you to keep growing too - that's why I can't just let this kind of spiritual superiority slide when I see it.

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A wise man once said “there is no such thing as wasted time because all experience has inherent value” - Shoddburito 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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28 minutes ago, Shodburrito said:

that your isolation is somehow more meaningful than genuine human connection.

That's literally the yogi's/monk's position.

I'm shocked that you're shocked by this.

If you won't wanna be a monk, then don't. It's that simple. Some of us like being monks and we don't need your guilt-tripping.

I literally had 2 people today tell it was their favorite post of mine. Then you tell me the opposite. You people are impossible to please. Anything I say pisses someone off. Maybe that's why I like being a monk.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Shodburrito If you have great awareness then being with others doesn't have to be the only program running on the mind. You can be in a great mind space in the presence of others and be yourself while not being dependent on what happens next. I think he was referring to an antidote to people with fearful minds of needing a constant chatter to be calm. Sometimes people being told that being by yourself opens pathways to great experiences can really help people who feel dependent on others to get any valuable experience. 

Edited by Quader

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@Shodburrito acting is hard. It makes socializing really tedious. I have to follow a long list of arbitrary social rules that people have unconsciously collectively constructed to play ego games with.

The dance of the ego is as clear as day when I socialize. So what I would rather do with someone is sit there and design a better rule set for which to socialize. And then play that game with them.

The point you’re making are good, but they don’t apply to everyone. I’m not gonna emotionally enjoy socializing more in the future, but some people they’re awakening enhances their social experience. Everyone is different.. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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@Leo Gura

This has nothing to do with being a monk or not being a monk. You're still completely missing the criticism. The issue isn't your personal choice for solitude - it's your judgmental assertion that people who enjoy socializing have "shallower minds" and are engaging in "petty drama."

Oh, so now you're a monk? That's convenient. Funny how you constantly dunk on spiritual traditions and ideologies in your other posts, but suddenly when it suits your argument, you're all about that monk life. Real monks and yogis don't spend their time writing forum posts about how spiritually superior their lifestyle choices are compared to others. They don't need to convince everyone else that their path is more meaningful. They certainly don't create hierarchies of consciousness based on how much someone enjoys grabbing coffee with friends. You know what they typically do? Accept that different paths exist without judgment. But I guess that's too "shallow" of a concept for your evolved consciousness, huh?

"I'm shocked that you're shocked by this" - Yeah, actually, I am shocked that you're casually shitting on people for enjoying basic human connection. I'm shocked that someone who claims to understand non-duality feels so comfortable ranking human consciousness based on how much someone enjoys spending time with others. I'm shocked that you don't see the irony in preaching about higher consciousness while simultaneously looking down your nose at how others find meaning and joy. And I'm especially shocked that you think this superiority complex aligns with being a monk or yogi.

No one's "guilt-tripping" you about choosing solitude. I'm calling you out for:

  • Contradicting your own spiritual teachings about non-dualism while creating artificial hierarchies (super monk-like behavior, by the way)
  • Claiming enlightenment while displaying classic spiritual ego
  • Dismissing other people's paths to meaning as inferior to yours
  • Hiding behind "it's just one perspective" when challenged
  • Conveniently adopting the 'monk' label while regularly criticizing traditional spiritual paths

If you want to be a monk, be a monk. But maybe try embodying some actual monk-like qualities - like humility, acceptance of others' paths, and recognition that divine consciousness expresses itself through all forms of human experience, even the ones you personally find shallow. Or is that too much "petty drama" for your elevated state of being?

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4 minutes ago, Shodburrito said:

it's your judgmental assertion that people who enjoy socializing have "shallower minds" and are engaging in "petty drama."

That's not a judgment. That is generally the case. Which is why teenagers socialize like crazy and old people do not. Because a teenager doesn't understand anything deeper. A typical teenager has the mind of a rat. To a rat going to a party to get drunk is the point of life.

This has everything to do with why monks become monks.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I agree deeply with Leo’s post. In fact I’ve been contemplating this a lot lately. 

Similar to Leo, I’ve been fortunate enough to gain full autonomy and financial independence in my life. I stopped needing to work at age 28, I’m 31 now and can literally do whatever I want with my time. I’m completely free. I’m not a billionaire, but I also don’t have to work, because I’ve greatly simplified my life and live abroad. But I’m not like a broke hippie, I live very well, right now I’m in a private house on a ranch in nature by the beach. 

Anyways, I live in this village and it’s a highly social place, I’ve been doing about 5-6 months of deep spiritual work (a training) and upon finishing decided to go out and give the old ego some fun. I did pick up, went to dinners, talked to people on the street. 

Yeah on the one hand, it’s all God and there is beauty in relating and connecting. 

But also, it’s not nearly as satisfying as being alone and basking in the bliss of God Realization that I’ve cultivated over the last decade. 

Leos post is correct, if you truly raise your consciousness enough, there’s little that another human can say that really hits you as deeply, it becomes kinda…time wasting I guess. 

And it’s not a bitterness thing, I genuinely just don’t feel this loneliness or need to connect socially because I’m connected to God at all times, as consciousness and as others. I can sit at a restaurant and eat alone and from the outside I’m a guy eating alone but in truth I’m the whole restaurant and everyone in it. 

Call me full of shit but that’s the exact experience I had tonight. 

Pick up, parties, I’ll still do, I’m actually in a phase right now where I’m really going deep into parties to “burn through the karma” or at least see experimentally what’s actually there with my new level of consciousness 


so far what Leo’s said checks out


love the post 

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I also see this will social media and all these platforms. It’s so silly. I owe them none of my time or attention when I can take a beach walk and dissolve into pure consciousness. 

Although, it’s all God. I can look, smile, and appreciate the play. But still socializing does require my focus and energy and I’m becoming more and more wise with where that goes



I will add, having a bae is different. If you can find a chill Goddess who understands you like that. You can have sex and meditate with her and it’s a great way to connect to God. But the day to day socializing and dinner parties are so lame. 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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@Leo Gura

"That's not a judgment" - says the guy literally judging and infantilizing everyone who enjoys social connection. Do you even hear yourself? Now you're not just creating hierarchies of consciousness, you're straight up declaring that enjoying human connection means someone "doesn't understand anything deeper."

The teenager comparison is especially rich. You really think elderly people socialize less because they're somehow more spiritually evolved? Not because of, you know, physical limitations, reduced mobility, loss of social circles, or any of the actual documented reasons? And have you ever actually spent time with elderly people in community? Many of them value and seek out social connection more deeply precisely because they understand its true worth.

Your responses keep proving exactly what we're criticizing - you take your personal preferences and limitations, dress them up in spiritual language, and then use them to make sweeping judgments about others' level of consciousness. And the best part? You can't even recognize these statements as judgments!

"That is generally the case" - according to what? Your personal theory about human consciousness? Your sample size of one? Or wait, let me guess - your deep understanding that somehow transcends the need for evidence or self-reflection?

Each response just showcases more of that spiritual ego we called out in the first place. But please, tell us more about how non-judgmental you are while explaining why everyone who disagrees with you just isn't evolved enough to understand.

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3 minutes ago, Shodburrito said:

"That's not a judgment" - says the guy literally judging and infantilizing everyone who enjoys social connection.

Extroverts literally have shallower minds. That's why they enjoy socializing. That's why the deepest philosophers and scientists are introverted. If you had Isaac Newton's or Tesla's mind you would not care about socializing.

As I said in the post, if you're an extrovert my lifestyle does not apply to you. And that's fine. But there are many introverts who are confused about needing to socialize when it isn't right for them.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If socializing feels like "acting" and following a "long list of arbitrary rules," that's not a sign of spiritual awakening - it's more likely a sign of difficulty with authentic human connection. Reducing all social interaction to "ego games" and "arbitrary rules" is an incredibly reductionistic view that misses the vast spectrum of genuine human interactions that happen every day. Real conversations between close friends, intimate moments with family, spontaneous connections with strangers - these aren't performances, they're authentic expressions of our shared humanity.

Seeing every social interaction as a performance you have to "design a better ruleset" for suggests something deeper might be going on. When someone perceives all social interaction as artificial or performative, that's often a sign of social anxiety, attachment issues, or other challenges with emotional connection - not some elevated state of consciousness. Real authenticity isn't about deconstructing every social interaction into some mechanical game. It's about being present and genuine with others, something that happens naturally when we're comfortable with ourselves and our connections.

Maybe if socializing always feels like acting, the issue isn't with socializing - it's with your relationship to it. Instead of trying to create new "rulesets" for human interaction, it might be worth exploring why genuine connection feels so unnatural in the first place.

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@Leo Gura

Wow. You went from "that's not a judgment" to "extroverts literally have shallower minds" in the span of two sentences. That's impressive even for you, Leo. The lack of self-awareness is actually stunning. You're now just openly declaring that a fundamental personality trait makes someone's mind "shallower" - while still somehow believing you're not being judgmental?

This isn't about introversion vs extroversion. Plenty of introverts enjoy meaningful social connections while still needing alone time to recharge. Plenty of extroverts are capable of profound depth and insight while energized by human connection. You're not "helping confused introverts"  you're promoting a toxic mindset that confuses social anxiety and inability to connect with spiritual depth.

The irony is that this kind of black-and-white thinking - "extroverts shallow, introverts deep" - is about as shallow as reasoning gets. It's the kind of superficial categorization that someone who truly understood human consciousness would see right through. But I guess nuance is too "extroverted" of a concept?

Every response you make just further exposes this spiritual superiority complex. First it was "socializing is shallow," then "young people don't understand anything deeper," and now "extroverts literally have shallower minds." Want to go for a full bingo card of spiritual narcissism, or is this enough demonstration of your totally-not-judgmental evolved consciousness for one thread?

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@Shodburrito I'm done reasoning with your density.

Consider me spiritual Satan who will haunt you in your dreams just for fun.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Shodburrito said:

@Leo Gura

Wow. You went from "that's not a judgment" to "extroverts literally have shallower minds" in the span of two sentences. That's impressive even for you, Leo. The lack of self-awareness is actually stunning. You're now just openly declaring that a fundamental personality trait makes someone's mind "shallower" - while still somehow believing you're not being judgmental?


Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 10.14.42 PM.png

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@Leo Gura

Thanks for Proving Every Point About Spiritual Ego

"I'm done reasoning with your density" - and there it is! The final mask-off moment. When backed into a corner with your own contradictions, you resort to the classic spiritual narcissist's escape hatch: "You're just not evolved enough to understand."

Your responses in this thread have been a masterclass in spiritual ego:

"It's just one perspective" -> "Young people don't understand anything deeper" -> "Extroverts literally have shallower minds" -> "I'm done reasoning with your density"

Each response stripped away more of the spiritual pretense until we got to the truth: you're not interested in genuine spiritual growth or understanding - you just want to feel superior to others while pretending you're beyond judgment.

Not a single one of your responses engaged with the actual criticism or offered any genuine insight. Instead of self-reflection or meaningful dialogue, you just kept layering on more judgments while insisting you weren't being judgmental. It's honestly impressive how each reply managed to be even more superficial and condescending than the last.

Thanks for so perfectly demonstrating everything wrong with pseudo-spiritual superiority complexes. Your "density" comment was the perfect cherry on top. 🙏

Namaste 😉

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Did you really just drop in with a random MBTI/IQ chart to defend judging people based on introversion/extroversion? Talk about missing the entire point of this discussion. We're critiquing spiritual elitism and judgmental hierarchies, and your response is to... create another hierarchy? With an unverified MBTI chart? 😂

This is exactly the kind of thinking we're criticizing - trying to prove some people are "better" or "superior" based on arbitrary categories. Not to mention using MBTI (which has been widely criticized for lack of scientific validity) and IQ (a deeply flawed measure of intelligence) to do it.

The irony of jumping into a conversation about the problems with spiritual superiority complexes by trying to prove introverts are smarter is just... chef's kiss perfect. You've accidentally provided a great example of exactly the kind of reductive, hierarchical thinking we're talking about.

But hey, at least you've given us all a good laugh! 😄

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Social extraversion is different from cognitive extraversion. Social extraversion is a misnomer, it should be "outgoingness". You can thank Isabel Myers for that. Cognitive extraversion, I do not believe that Leo is referring to cognitive extraversion in the content that this thread is referencing. I think he is probably a cognitive extravert himself, as am I, as are you, probably. 

**Extroverted Judgment (Je):** Je is a process shared by Te and Fe that evaluates the dynamics of objects such that registered objects are defined by their interactions with other objects. The structure of the Je process allows for the individual to use causal reasoning in which a particular conclusion is expected from the initial premises. This leads to an understanding of the impact of objects on other objects, those objects being mental and abstract or otherwise 

*focus on causality and consequences*


**Introverted Judgment (Ji):** Ji is a process of essence-delineation shared by Ti and Fi which identifies objecthood and registers those objects by means of evaluation based on how the object compares to itself or the individual’s self-alignment. This process allows the individual to ascertain self-contradictions, asymmetries and incongruities with the properties of the object being judged 

*focus on intrinsic properties and monolithic principles*


Extroverted Perception (Pe): Pe is a process shared by Se and Ne that understands objects through their temporal immediacy, approaching them directly and experientially in real-time. An object is not understood within robust frameworks or limited by preconceptions, but by its immediate existence, which is continuously explored for its own sake. This approach leads to an adaptable understanding that is constantly refreshed 

*primacy of the present moment, focus on real-time experience*


Introverted Perception (Pi): Pi is a process shared by Si and Ni that understands objects by their temporal wholeness or totality, including the past and projected future. Prior instances of objects and their broader context are stored within a mental map. When objects are perceived, they trigger a recollection process, associating them with these stored objects. These are then added to the mental map, which contains and preserves the relational coordinates between datasets

*focus on change over time and temporal wholeness*

Is outgoingness superficial? Depends on the context.

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