
Dreams are awesome

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Lately each of my nightly dream sessions is a psychedelic trip unto itself. When falling asleep, I get a moderately intense ringing in my ears, and a feeling of sinking into the bed, or more accurately my mind. 

This began after about a year of daily use of Zolpidem for making the dreams more vivid. At some point I decided to quit, and after a difficult period of re-learning to fall asleep on my own, a new dimension opened up. Chemical-enhanced dreams don't hold a candle to the ones I get now. 

Whether it's slipping into total delirium, exploring the fluidity of consciousness, using Leo's voice to narrate insights to myself, previewing small snippets of the future, or tapping into bottomless creativity to generate and watch entire YouTube channels filled to the brim with impeccably edited multi-hour essays on topics of interest, there's never a dull time. This last point about creativity is particularly valuable, currently I have little conscious control or understanding of how I'm doing any of this, but if I can get some grasp of the mechanics, great things can come from it. 

Tonight in my dream I took ketamine, tripped for a bit, woke up, and continued tripping despite being completely sober. That's some freaky stuff, feels beyond lucid dreaming, like the line between several very different states of consciousness is dissolved, creating a unique blend. 

You spend 1/3 of your day sleeping, so use that time productively ;)

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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My dreams are a kindve, re-interpretation of sense making, and what each sense is, almost like a consciousness puzzle, and how you might feel isnt based on experiences with the rational object—person relationship, not per say, but its really like a breakdown of everything, turned up to 12. So, lets say i dream that im... iuno, in a room, at first...

Thats just what i feel. I feel like, a presence (myself?) in an enclosure. Then i feel like im suddenly sliding down a tube, or what feels like im pooping, myself as the poop, but my feelings entact, in regards to what the idea of pooping once was like. As i slide down my own anus, i feel this pressure, like my own intestine, within my intestine. i know i have to relax, to get the poop out, which is myself. I relax, and then it starts coming (or rather, i start coming) Meanwhile, i start thinking about such questions as "what am i? am i a person?" Then i think about the word "consciousness" by accident, and as i travel down that series of thoughts, i wake up. Thats not the best example, but i couldnt think of any others atm that could explain the finite self as a very fine grain aspect, simultaneously feeling a higher level amalgam. And the fact that i was feeling both ends was just a bonus, as its often isolated, either as a higher or lower aspect. often, i play the character of a new self, who is leaving behind any notion of a higher self, or i am a higher self lost within a very abstract, shoots and ladders world, through all types of busy bus stations and whatever. I try to not get lost, but its like, if things arent going in the right, unidirectional, DC current sortve way, then its like, i just gota let it all go, cause itll spit me back out into some awkward scenario betwen people and stuff, and they are so annoying.

Edited by kavaris

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Absolutely. The most effective method for me to induce crazy states of mind through dreaming is the Wake Back To Bed method (WBTB).

In a nutshell you wake up after 5-6 hours of sleep, stay awake for 30+ minutes (no bright lights). Then you go lay down in bed without moving your body. The craziest, most surreal dream experiences have happened when doing this. With this method the mind shifts straight to REM dream sleep from wakefulness, and the liminal state between these states is quite fascinating.

Totally surreal visuals and experiences, often accompanied with a deep sense of bliss in the body and a sharp sense of awareness about what is happening. There are some challenges with this though, such as slipping into unconscious dreaming or getting the urge to move your body during the liminal state. It's also best not to do it every night since it can disturb the replenishing/restorative effect of sleep. But overall I find it very effective, it's also the only method that has worked for me for having full on lucid dreams where I am aware I am dreaming and can mold all aspects of the environment. This is quite a bit more difficult for me however, and also I find the liminal dream states even more fascinating. 

Edited by TheAlchemist

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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