
Dying is the most beautiful experience

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I've noticed an interesting pattern. Almost every one of the best experiences of my life has been some form of death. There's good reason for that, death is nothing other than dissolution into Love and Unity. A true state of Being.

I compiled a list of examples:

1. Dying as Mozart while writing the last bars of Lacrimosa. Hauntingly beautiful.

2. Having an actual NDE from harmala poisoning after taking a large DMT dose. In my estimation I was pretty close to kicking the bucket, pain and sweating so immense I blacked out several times. After some time of that I experienced an hour of intense bliss, joy, and marvel, rolling around on the floor laughing.

3. Reaching out to my teacup amidst a hard trip and feeling a deep connection, Love. Fusing our essences that have been temporarily separated by the illusion or forms. We're made of the same substance, that realization got me incredibly emotional.

4. Suffering a psychotic break where my identity was completely deconstructed, and then living as several distinct identities, those of people I know or fictional characters, it did not matter. Their thoughts, memories, experiences, beliefs became my own. The idea of my old self was not present at all.

5. Lying on the bathroom floor, turning over to my back, accepting the real possibility I could choke to death on vomit, and choosing to experience merging with the floor, the sewage system, the surface of the planet, the space around, the sun, all of it.

6. Being in such Stillness that all sensory perceptions and thoughts cease, it wouldn't be inaccurate to say I was dead in that moment.

Now, if I were to die a violent death, I probably wouldn't like it very much in the moment. Then again, it depends on the state of consciousness and perception. Another related example is inducing a delirious state to overcome my deep childhood fear of being eaten alive by giant snakes, surrendering completely to that and ultimately becoming the snake; although there's no 'physical' danger, it's indistinguishable from reality. That went well and the fear is no more. 

It's a recurring theme that Love is concealed behind a thick wall of fear. What you fear is yourself, the magnitude of it is terrifying. Surrender, surrender, surrender! Remove the reverse gear and move forward with a smile, excited at what lies ahead.

[Not medical advice, don't put yourself in unnecessary danger and so on. Use intelligence.]

It doesn't need to be so drastic either, there's hundreds of micro-deaths one can experience every day. While quitting a bad habit, each time you say no to it, that part of your identity slowly dies by starving to death. Letting go of needing to be right, facing embarrassment, changing your mind, saying goodbye, leaning into discomfort, apologizing, staying humble, living in the present moment; it's all the same. 

Edited by LambdaDelta

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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@LambdaDelta beautiful.  Yes..death is indeed Love.  Fear of death is the ego.   The ego fears the Absolute because it has no existence there.   

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Life and death is a construction.

God and I worked things out

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Imagine that they made a clone exactly like you, down to the smallest thought, another you. At one point, you are both together in a room, a guy arrives with a gun and kills one of you. Who did he kill, you or the clone? Who lives, you or the clone? where is the difference? What does it mean to be dead if the clone lives? is there any difference? Has anyone died?

Death does not exist because life exists.

But maybe the thing is different and there is a continuity after death as an individual with memory, I'd say that it's very possible 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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