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Post Your Conflicting Default Positions

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In doing personal development I experienced 2 mindblows caused by inquiry into two default positions at the same time and realizing that they can't be the case at the same time. The default positions (or models of reality) that I talk about here are what you feel deep inside is reality, not what you believe logically. The mindblow is supposed to weaken them a little by showing their conflict in your intuition.
Here's how I got them and how you might too, if you follow the instructions ;):
(the bold text is what you need to do, the other text is explaining)

Think about this: There is my reality, which I’m now seeing. If at the same time there is someone else’s reality, then where is it?
(literally where in the 3D universe is it right now?)

What you should arrive at: If you think of the world as the big 3D place and at the same time believe in others' reality existing, then focusing on others' reality should suddenly bring out the question: where is it.

In 3D reality you can imagine an object at any place.
In eyesight reality (what you see with your eyes) you can 'point' at location of any object that you see.
But once that object is out of your field of view, not only do you not see it, but you can't even 'point' at its location, because where you should see it, because there is nothingness.
Hold your finger in front of you. You can locate it in 3D and 'point' at it in eyesight. Now move that finger behind your head. Now you can locate it in 3D but, besides not being able to see it, can you 'point' at it's 'direction' with eyesight?
(there's a drawing illustrating this exercise at the bottom)
(the subtle point is in 'pointing' with your eyes, which is definitely not moving your eyes nor creating an imaginary vector; it's more like tapping it with focus)

What you should arrive at: When your finger goes outside field of view, you realise that eyesight model directly exterminates possibility of 3D reality, because it's not there.

Did you experience a mindblow at all?

If you have simillar 'mindblows', please post them here.

PS: if I'm just reinventing the wheel somehow, then please tell me :ph34r: :)

Edited by Meretagh

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@Meretagh Personally when I go "hardcore mode" then I would go with eyesight model if I understand correctly what you mean by it. I do not really believe that there is anything like 3D in the present moment because the only way how we "know" that there is depth is by looking on shadows and by knowing that things in the distance are smaller, but those are based on memories.. even your retina is just 2D and can not take depth into account.

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@Dragallur The point is that all the models I mentioned are ones that we intuitively assume are true (not necesarilly theoreticly - that's irrelevant here) and so they are how we view world by default. So the whole point is that you do the thought process that I wrote and there should happen an unresolvable conflict. At least that's what happened to me. I mean I assume that since I have a very strong 3D model of reality by default that others do too. :D

Edit: the 3D model of reality is simillar to Leo's naive model of reality (or maybe the same, idk)

Edited by Meretagh

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