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School isn't going to teach you the things you really need to know about life

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No school, high school, or college has ever taught me the truths of life; I have had to learn them all on my own. The reality is that if the educational system were to teach the truth about life, it wouldn't necessarily make people feel good, and it might be quite dark to hear. 

Nonetheless, all the insights I have gained independently are still valid truths about life, no matter how bad they may be. I feel that I possess a sense of wisdom from learning these truths that are rarely discussed in school or mentioned in everyday conversations.

Edited by NightHawkBuzz

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education system is designed to make you a worker so you can be hired by factories (corporate ) . Education system is dumped down so that you dont get the critical the critical thinking skills to question authorities

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Honestly, education system is working how it's supposed to be working. They teach you some basic knowledge and objective truths about reality and then it's up to you whether you want to gain higher education and specialize a little bit for XY role in society. Of course that's not so effective anymore but that's not so much a fault of an education system. As it is a "fault" of... something else. Now, is it possible to make it more engaging, fun and less factory-like and less prussian-like - yeah, sure, but this basic model I feel, is solid.

The so called realities of life cannot be really taught in this way because their nature is very relative and apply from person to person in varrying degrees. What you see as dark someone else might not see that way or maybe they're naturally more priviliged than you in many ways. Best to just keep it to platforms such as these

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It depends on what classes you sign up for in college too.

Some of my Philosophy and Science classes had mind blowing discussions.

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Schools there as a mask to create a voice in your head that you don't know how to control then shit on you and make the voice turn into a curse. Its a slavery device. What they teach is garbage and completely useless.

Then they make up words like potential and make you think you are not using your body properly and to make you feel like you suck.

Edited by Hojo

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College isn’t meant to teach you the truths of life, it’s meant to give you the tools to think for yourself. 

Edited by gambler

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  On 1/28/2025 at 10:47 AM, Brittany said:

It depends on what classes you sign up for in college too.

Some of my Philosophy and Science classes had mind blowing discussions.

@Hojo Yeah I was thinking other than Philosophy classes which actually discuss life meaning and existence no other classes really teach you about the truths of life. Science is also interesting if you have taken classes that do that to. 

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  On 1/28/2025 at 0:54 PM, gambler said:

College isn’t meant to teach you the truths of life, it’s meant to give you the tools to think for yourself. 

@gambler Yeah but I mean real valuable wisdom things that actually matter school never teaches you that I had to learn that all on my own. 

Like real truths of life that is how reality and existence actually work I never learned any of that from school it has all been on my own. 

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  On 1/28/2025 at 5:09 AM, Ramanujan said:

education system is designed to make you a worker so you can be hired by factories (corporate ) . Education system is dumped down so that you dont get the critical the critical thinking skills to question authorities

@Ramanujan Yeah that and also the fact that it doesn't talk about reality or existence in a way that makes you really understand what is going on in life.

I've learned more about how life actually works and how existence really is than any class has ever taught me. 

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