
Leo, can you share your daily routine with us?

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I follow your blogs and find your lifestyle very interesting and inspiring : from the products you use and recommends to some of the music you share and little facts like you like to drive around with music to comtemplate. I am curious if you could share some of your daily routines. Thank you

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I have no daily routine.

I stopped even having a routine for showering or brushing my teeth.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Kairos said:

Is that for a reason or you just feel lazy ?

Part of my growth process. I got sick of all routines, sick of all human things. Also health problems made it difficult to keep routines.

But the pendulum will swing back around.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura In your Holism video & How to Fall in Love with Life video you talk about Health = Holism = Unity = Life. You also mention that we’re intuitive beings, and health is intuitive.

But, you mention that it’s “Tough” to drink green smoothies & eat veggies. Maybe that’s your Intuitive body signaling you that a lot of veggies and green smoothies aren’t serving you, because they’re filled with anti nutrients & defense chemicals. You mention Sugar, Fat (& Salt) isn’t good.

But maybe it’s because PROCESSED sugar, fat & salt is bad, and not Whole, Natural Organic Fruit, Raw Honey, Butter, Animal Fat, Animal Nutrition & Sea Salt.

What if listening to your intuition and eating Meat, Organs, Wild Fish, Fruit, Honey, Carbs (like rice & potatoes) & less veggies and salads is what will improve your health problems? As well as grounding, walking & sprinting in nature, and swimming in ocean.

Maybe your intuitive bodily signals are right. It’s just about getting the natural nutrition, not the processed.

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2 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

is what will improve your health problems?

I've tried all that.

Eating healthy was my default before my health problems got serious.

Health is complicated and good hippies vibes is not enough when it fails. I tried all the hippie stuff and none of it works.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Hippie stuff: eating green smoothies, vegetables, tofu & lentils because we’re told “Sugar, Fat, Salt & red Meat is Bad”,

Real, true health (not for hippies): 

Red Meat, liver, oysters & wild fish (Meat) 

Fruit, Sweet Potatoes, White Rice, Raw Honey (Sugar) 

Butter, Coco oil, Raw Milk & Animal Fat (Fat)

& Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt (Salt).

These foods are what your system needs.


@Leo Gura Have you tried eating these foods? (Especially drinking Raw Milk, eating Liver, Oysters, Grassfed Red meat & drinking raw milk kefir)?

(To back up I’ve coached/helped roughly 50+ people with some of the same health issues as you, get completely rid of their issues)

Edited by freddyteisen

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1 hour ago, freddyteisen said:

These foods are what your system needs.

You have no idea what a person needs.

Do give people such advice or you will harm them.

All these diets are fantasy. It is self-deception. Be careful what you are doing.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@freddyteisen white rice? Are you serious?

And all depends on your genetics, your general advice is not valid for all people.

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23 minutes ago, OBEler said:

white rice? Are you serious?

White rice has less arsenic and phytic acid relative to brown rice.

23 minutes ago, OBEler said:

And all depends on your genetics, your general advice is not valid for all people.

This is true, but eating as he recommends will have benefits for a lot of people.

Edited by RendHeaven

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1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

This is true, but eating as he recommends will have benefits for a lot of people.

I am sure it will 9_9

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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@Leo Gura I’m not picking any diet. I’m not telling anyone to eat vegan, carnivore, keto, paleo, mediterranean, animalbased, raw or any other diet. I’m not dogmatic or ideological.

But there are certain nutrients essential to every human, and certain foods to avoid.

In my experience of helping 50+ people (athletes, moms, entrepreneurs, teenagers and just regular people) radically transform their health (I’m a D1 Tennisplayer and gymnast myself), I’ve seen certain food groups that have worked.

And these are time and time again:

Quality Animal Nutrition, like Grassfed Red Meat, Liver, Heart, Wild caught fish & codliver.

Quality Animal fat like Raw Milk, Kefir, Butter, Coco oil and Tallow.

As well as high quality carbs like white rice, potatoes, fruit & raw honey and only small amounts of veggies like cucumber, carrot, tomatoes & salads. Not cruciferous veggies.

And certain food groups removed:

Processed, denatured, artificial, packaged and nutritionally hollow foods. As well as Nuts, seeds, legumes, soy, tofu, cruciferous veggies, seed oils etc.

@Leo Gura If I have seen so many people with chronic health issues, skin issues, gut issues, hairloss, weight problems, brain fog & lack of energy Radically improve their health implementing some of the stuff I mentioned here (Not taking any credit for it), 

Then I wouldn’t say I’m harming people with my advice. I’ve yet to see one person worsen their health with these tips—rather the opposite.

How can you demonize my advice, if you have yet to try it out? How can you demonize someone taking psychedelics if you haven’t tried taking psychedelics yourself?

Have you tried drinking Raw Milk, Raw Kefir, eaten pasture raised eggs cooked in butter, & eaten grass fed grass finished steak with sea salt and some carbs on the side?

And yes. I’m very careful what I’m doing, I’ve researched, experimented, delved deep into health for 6+ years and I’ve gotten a pretty good understanding. I’ve yet to ‘harm’ anyone from my advice.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I have no daily routine.

I stopped even having a routine for showering or brushing my teeth.


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38 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

How can you demonize my advice, if you have yet to try it out? How can you demonize someone taking psychedelics if you haven’t tried taking psychedelics yourself?

I have no idea how Leo the patience to constantly deal with the same ignorant, overconfident comments, claiming to know the solution to his health.

How do you know if he has tried it or not? What do you know about Leo's issues, at all? Do you know what they are? Do have any experience with them? Have you at least watched his videos talking about it?

Do you think he is just dumb or something? That here it is: a simple solution to all his issues, just stick a butter stick in your mouth. How did he not come up with that after a decade of trying 100s of different things out? 

You people just have no sense of boundaries or respect.

38 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

And yes. I’m very careful what I’m doing, I’ve researched, experimented, delved deep into health for 6+ years and I’ve gotten a pretty good understanding. I’ve yet to ‘harm’ anyone from my advice.

How do you know what effect will your advise have on them in 20 years? Maybe you've just doomed them to die of a heart attack in their 50s, you have no idea.

You can live on pringles and feel great when you are young and have good genetics.

Edited by Something Funny

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

@Leo Gura I’m not picking any diet. I’m not telling anyone to eat vegan, carnivore, keto, paleo, mediterranean, animalbased, raw or any other diet. I’m not dogmatic or ideological

You do lean animal based. But your plant and carb recommendations make it more nuanced and well rounded.

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

In my experience of helping 50+ people (athletes, moms, entrepreneurs, teenagers and just regular people) radically transform their health (I’m a D1 Tennisplayer and gymnast myself), I’ve seen certain food groups that have worked.

Such appeals don't mean much to Leo (or advanced minds in general)

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

Quality Animal Nutrition, like Grassfed Red Meat, Liver, Heart, Wild caught fish & codliver.

Quality Animal fat like Raw Milk, Kefir, Butter, Coco oil and Tallow.

As well as high quality carbs like white rice, potatoes, fruit & raw honey and only small amounts of veggies like cucumber, carrot, tomatoes & salads. Not cruciferous veggies.

And certain food groups removed:

Processed, denatured, artificial, packaged and nutritionally hollow foods. As well as Nuts, seeds, legumes, soy, tofu, cruciferous veggies, seed oils etc.

I agree with a lot of your recommendations.

But how can we be sure we are not self-deceived on a subtle level?

We read some books, saw some good results... and that's it? We've found the ultimate answer? Seems a little too convenient.

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

@Leo Gura If I have seen so many people with chronic health issues, skin issues, gut issues, hairloss, weight problems, brain fog & lack of energy Radically improve their health implementing some of the stuff I mentioned here (Not taking any credit for it), 

Vegan shills make similar claims despite having mutually exclusive opposite advice from you.

So figuring out optimal nutrition is not as simple as gathering a bunch of testimonials.

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

Then I wouldn’t say I’m harming people with my advice. I’ve yet to see one person worsen their health with these tips—rather the opposite.

Just cause you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it can't happen.

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

How can you demonize my advice, if you have yet to try it out? How can you demonize someone taking psychedelics if you haven’t tried taking psychedelics yourself?

5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I've tried all that.

He just said he has tried your recommendations already.

It's not that he's demonizing, it's that he's rightfully calling you out for assuming your rhetoric is universal.

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

Have you tried drinking Raw Milk, Raw Kefir, eaten pasture raised eggs cooked in butter, & eaten grass fed grass finished steak with sea salt and some carbs on the side?

I shouldn't speak too much on his behalf, but I'm pretty sure he's still mostly carnivore.

41 minutes ago, freddyteisen said:

And yes. I’m very careful what I’m doing, I’ve researched, experimented, delved deep into health for 6+ years and I’ve gotten a pretty good understanding. I’ve yet to ‘harm’ anyone from my advice.

Having blind confidence in your words and building an aura of authority is good for getting clients on instagram, but that whole game is anti-accuracy.

A more accurate framing would be to acknowledge what has worked for you and other people you know, don't assume you know anything objective, recognize idiosyncratic variance, be capable of steelmanning the opposition, and overall have a more curious/exploratory stance with soft recommendations rather than "I know how to fix you, do as I say"

Edited by RendHeaven

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10 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

You can live on pringles and feel great when you are young and have good genetics.

This is a totally insincere strawman.

When you reduce his argument to this, it allows you to overlook everything he's saying without any real mental engagement.

Your tone overall is sarcastic and hostile. If I recall, you identify vegan, yes?

Try to see if you're able to psychologically, intellectually, and emotionally hold space for the fact that many people genuinely improve their health after emphasizing meat consumption. I know it feels better to ignore or deny this reality and to assume that meat eaters are stupid devils. But if you tread that path uncritically, you will have handicapped sensemaking and you will be at war with yourself & others which is not a fun place to be.

It's Love.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I got sick of all routines, sick of all human things.

How do you now feel about being human?

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5 hours ago, freddyteisen said:

@Leo Gura

Hippie stuff: eating green smoothies, vegetables, tofu & lentils because we’re told “Sugar, Fat, Salt & red Meat is Bad”,

Real, true health (not for hippies): 

Red Meat, liver, oysters & wild fish (Meat) 

Fruit, Sweet Potatoes, White Rice, Raw Honey (Sugar) 

Butter, Coco oil, Raw Milk & Animal Fat (Fat)

& Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt (Salt).

These foods are what your system needs.


@Leo Gura Have you tried eating these foods? (Especially drinking Raw Milk, eating Liver, Oysters, Grassfed Red meat & drinking raw milk kefir)?

(To back up I’ve coached/helped roughly 50+ people with some of the same health issues as you, get completely rid of their issues)

lol Kid, relax. Welcome to the forum.

Edited by Alexop

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You have no idea what a person needs.

Do give people such advice or you will harm them.

All these diets are fantasy. It is self-deception. Be careful what you are doing.

I am actually intrested in your insights on this . Please share , some thoughts on this , Just something to make think more about it . How is it all a fantasy ?

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@RendHeaven Very well put together answer. I deeply appreciate your critical feedback.

Health, Nutrition & Wellbeing is a subject matter I’m deeply passionate about, and I have experienced myself as well as seen others benefit from implementing most of the nutritional & lifestyle changes I share here.

But I always value nuance & not black-and-white thinking. Hence why I don’t identify with any ‘diet’, but rather go by principles and your ancestral roots (Wether you’re Asian, South American, American, Indian, European, Scandinavian, African etc) you have different nutritional needs.

For instance; me being a Dane I need more Fish, because we have less sun here, so I eat lot of codliver & Zinzino fish oil. I always try tailoring my approach, but some principles seem to universally apply.

thank you🙏🏼

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17 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

This is a totally insincere strawman.


No, it totally proves the point, which is that he has no idea of the long term effects of his diet and is talking out of his ass. 

19 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

Your tone overall is sarcastic and hostile. If I recall, you identify vegan, yes?

Try to see if you're able to psychologically, intellectually, and emotionally hold space for the fact that many people genuinely improve their health after emphasizing meat consumption. I know it feels better to ignore or deny this reality and to assume that meat eaters are stupid devils. But if you tread that path uncritically, you will have handicapped sensemaking and you will be at war with yourself & others which is not a fun place to be.

Nice gaslighting, lol. Show me where I am calling anyone a devil. Please find a single comment, out of my 3000 posts where I am trying to force veganism onto anyone or criticize them for eating meat

I am not even fully vegan myself.

Leo is on a carnivore diet, do I criticize him for it or try to change his mind and convert him to veganism? 

Do I write stupid comments, nagging him to drop evil meat and drink more smoothies?

5 hours ago, freddyteisen said:

Hippie stuff: eating green smoothies, vegetables, tofu & lentils because we’re told “Sugar, Fat, Salt & red Meat is Bad”,

Real, true health (not for hippies): 

Do you see me writing a vegan version of this to anyone? 

25 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

Your tone overall is sarcastic and hostile.

Yes, cause he doesn't even know that Leo is already eating mostly meat based diet, he seems to have zero knowledge of Leo's situation in general, but feels qualified to give his unsolicited advise, even after being told "no, thank you" multiple times.

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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