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Science vs. Religion

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If you read any holy book like the bible or upanishad or quran etc you will surely find ridiculous myths which reflect the primitive scientific understanding at the time of these books being written (thousands of years ago). Like that the earth is flat or that human beings came from Adam and Eve or that the earth is the center of the universe and the sun and other planets orbit around the earth instead of the other way around etc.

Now we know by now scientifically that this is not the case. And any religious person can read about the contradictions between modern science and their religion. Yet still the majority of people all around the globe do subscribe to various religions like Christianity..Islam..Buddhism..Sikhism etc

Now don’t get me wrong..I still think that science should be challenged.. that’s what science is all about..challenging theories with other concrete ideas to form another theory or possibly a fact. But if religion has no place what so ever in challenging scientific theories and ideas..then why does religion exist today ? And why do we need religion?  Why we can't rely on science to answer the big existential questions? I recently been into islam a lot and i find semblance of peace whenever i practice Islamic practices.

If religion was created because humans are inherently afraid of the We didn’t know where the sun came from and what the stars were so we came up with the most convenient answer: God. God created the sun and stars...along with humans. This answered all of our questions..but now we have science and technology that can answer these questions and when it comes to answering questions.. religion should be our very very last resort..because we now know definitively that religious cosmology and biology is wrong. I still believe that religion can be used as a moral backbone for people or as a meaning to life . I read that religious people are more happy than secular atheistic people. 

2 questions:

1-can we live without religion? Can we find existential comfort without ideas like afterlife ..heaven ..God is keeping a close eyes on us and will help us ?

2-can science and religion coexist for centuries to come or will science completely kill religion and its only a matter of time before all religions die out ?

Thanks !.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Most people in the world need religion or some kind of ideology because they are premodern/even illiterate so science is no option for them, in order to be able to use science as guide in life you need to be trained into rationality. Most people are not trained into rationality, we even see postmodern leftists who jump over rationality directly to postrationality, ending up in serious trouble. 

SO... if sceince does not function for them, they use religion or an ideology that does not require you to be rational or literate. Religion is very important, it unites people, makes them behave better and gives a purpose. This is why they are happier than atheists. Atheists lack menaing in life, especially postmodern dummies.

Edited by Alexop

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Well, you need both.

Science as rationality and religion as a way of living a meaningful life to overcome suffering and move towards unity and Oneness.

Any way of rational thinking is called science, and any way of meaningful living is called religion.

They better complete each other rather than being in war with each other.

Religion is science and science is religion.

They should be in service of each other.

And they both need to reject fanaticism.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Science dosent take in account anything metaphysical. It says there are tiny robots that make everything up, and deny that 'you' as an identity actually exists.Science says that we are essentially projectors screens the body has that project reality somehow in the mind and that you dont exist but somehow are witnessing the projector screen. They dont act or feel like this when they teach their science cause they are completely ignorant of anything that is happening.

Religions are based around books that tell us that and people that say, hey I dont think I am a robot I can feel and  we are not tiny robots and we actually have a thing in us that is running our body and it tells us how to use our body, and thats me the soul.

Science cant tell you how to use your body or navigate your relationships the stories in the holy books we read have dictated that.


On 2025-01-27 at 5:04 PM, Someone here said:

2 questions:

1-can we live without religion? Can we find existential comfort without ideas like afterlife ..heaven ..God is keeping a close eyes on us and will help us ?

2-can science and religion coexist for centuries to come or will science completely kill religion and its only a matter of time before all religions die out ?

Thanks !.

1 - I dont think so. No because all existential crisis is God knocking on your door.

2 - The best possible outcome is them go existing. For science to be working for God and the entirement of humanity with 0 greed would be the best possible thing to happen. They can exist together because science is studying reality and God is the creator. They just want to fight because science cant prove God and they deny anything they cant prove. But they themselves can see God, it can happen and even when they see it they wont be able to prove it but they will have to admit they saw something. Sciences assumptions start out that God dosent exist they dont have to science could easily say God exists and this is all our science studying God.

Edited by Hojo

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