
Deep voice

4 posts in this topic

Hey guys

How can we develop a deep manly voice?


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By going back in time and doing some additional push ups in the first trimester (there is no way)

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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Your voice is capped in some sense, a tenor will never be a bass (choir analogy).

Instead of focusing on lowering the pitch of your voice (which causes unnecessary strain and limits your projection), focus on relaxing and opening up your belly.

Obviously in a man, a lower voice is preferable to a higher voice, all else being equal, but the effect on results is marginal. The relaxed and open resonance is significantly more results-generating in commanding respect and attraction.

Think of someone like Owen Cook who has the vocal pitch of an imp, but the resonance of an emperor.

Edited by RendHeaven
additional detail

It's Love.

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