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How the most unpopular US president got reelected

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Joe Biden left office with the second-lowest presidential approval rating on record, per Gallup. The only president less popular is the one Kamala Harris lost to a few months ago — the same one who was sworn back into office this week.

How Harris managed to lose to this convicted felon is the subject of an ongoing and let’s-call-it-spirited public debate. This debate isn't going away. It has evolved from just being about Harris’s loss to what Harris’s loss says about the Democratic Party.

From this debate, a particularly toxic narrative has emerged from the Democratic establishment: Harris didn’t fail the voters — voters failed Harris. While many appear to genuinely believe this claim, the top Democrats pushing it know it’s far from the truth.

How Kamala Harris lost to the most unpopular president on record

Winning wasn’t Harris’s primary concern; winning without the left and anti-war movement was. At first glance, this might not seem like a big deal — the left’s numbers aren’t overwhelming, and the anti-war movement’s numbers are depressingly underwhelming. However, this overlooks the widespread appeal of their core ideas, particularly among working-class voters.

And it’s no wonder: working-class well-being is acutely compromised when an administration prioritizes warfare over promoting the general welfare. In contrast, those in the top income brackets are far more insulated from such trade-offs. If your goal is to win as many votes as possible, compromising on policy with leftists and peace activists is essential, even if you find them annoying.

If there was ever a time for a Democratic candidate to invite those groups to the table, it was 2024. But Harris shut them out, ignoring an abundance of polling and well-being data practically begging her not to. Her choice ultimately led millions of would-be Democratic voters to stay home on Election Day, sealing her fate and, by extension, the rest of ours.


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The author of that article doesn't know for certain if Harris would've won if she had campaigned the way he suggests.

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