
How would you convience a psychopath to be moral for the sake of morality?

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That means if he harms others in order to gain something, then he is not going to be punished by his conscience or by other people.

He doesn't have to be psychopath, it just could be any person that doesn't feel the pain of others and doesn't feel inspired by doing any good to others (I think that's called a psychopath though anyway)

So how do you convience this person using logic and/or emotion to be moral, not to cause harm to others for his own gain, to do good... ?


Can it even happen?


this is not a very serious question about changing society or anything, it's just an interesting topic (at least interesting to me , I hope it's intriguing to you too) and I want to hear other people's opinions for fun. I didn't know any other thread to put it.... 


Remember, if the argument is:

1)that he should do good cause he will gain more than if he didn't do good, then this is not being moral for the sake of morality, but it's for more personal gain. 

2)he will feel bad, then that's not the case cause he can't feel bad

3)he is going to be punished by others, hypotheticaly he can't be caught doing something wrong for his gain

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Then there is no way of convincing. You'd have to raise them in a positive manner and engrave a moral codex into their heads. Maybe raise them very religiously from the get go. Take Jon Jones for example, he would be a good example for that in my opinion. He would be much worse if he wasn't raised strictly and religiously

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Psychopathy is a physical brain disorder. They are literally missing the part of the brain necessary to feel empathy.

Logic will not fix that.

You could perhaps convince them, however, to act nice for their own benefit, to stay out of prison. 1/3rd of prison inmates are clinical psychopaths.

Edited by Leo Gura

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Psychopathy is a physical brain disorder. They are literally missing the part of the brain necessary to feel empathy.

It is very likely that pedophilia is also a brain disorder.



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There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Depends on the context, severity.. if they cannot be stopped by your intervention (provided it is safe to proceed), you should seek the help of law enforcement (provided you have a relatively functional legal system..).

If neither of those work, I'd say best to get away from them.

Edited by puporing

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Psychopathy is a physical brain disorder. They are literally missing the part of the brain necessary to feel empathy.

The Limbic system. Would make them an interesting case study for psychedelics and MDMA specifically.

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No one convinced them to be a psychopath so no one can 'unconvince' them. It's a natural occurrence and needs more than convincing. It's a certain type of personality, and I wouldn't call it a disorder because I personally feel all personalities come with some type of disorder. There's no such thing as mental order. If you live from the mind, then you are disordered and when mostly everyone lives this way then it goes unnoticed and seems ordered. The psychopath's behavior stands out because it is of an extreme nature and goes against what society deems as loving and the normal 'disordered' way of being. IOW, unacceptable disorder that gets in the way of others' agendas and biases. They might lack something in the brain that causes this but others may just be feeling lack in general that causes their disordered symptoms; and because this is most of society, it goes unnoticed. So it's all about feeling lack in the end. Not about trying to live in a moral fashion. That just breeds confusion, shame, guilt, fear and separates us even more.


Edited by Princess Arabia

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Problem with psychopath is

1. they don't know they qualify as a psychopath (and don't care) and or 2. they refuse to admit they are a psychopath


1. convince them to prove they are one

2. convince them to wear e.g. a forehead tattoo that says beware etc.

When you know I am a psychopath any harm committed is on you

Edited by gettoefl

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